viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Corruption in America

A peaceful revolution of honesty is required
Corruption in America
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 23, 2014
AMLO affirms that the “government returns us to the past to take off the future"
México. -   The Mexican régime “is rotten” and to rescue to the country of the 30 year-old consequences of neoliberalism, a very similar régime to the former president Porfirio Diaz régime -call porfiriato age-, the peaceful revolution that is required is that of the honesty", summarized Andrés M. Lopez Obrador (AMLO) in the Universidad Columbia, at New York. In a forum AMLO underlined that, “anything has damaged Mexico more that the political corruption; to that it is owed the social and economic inequality monstrous, the poverty and the violence that it burdens us". That corruption, pointed out, it is integral to the application of the neoliberalism that is robbing them wealth of the town and of the nation for benefit only of some. "The dishonesty in the current period neoliberal doesn't have precedent", he argued, adding that “it has been implanted as modus vivendi the robbery of the goods of the town and of the wealth of the nation."  
It returns us to the past of the New Spain 
It accused: "the corruption has become the main function of the State (…) a small group has conquered all the powers and it maintains kidnapped the public institutions” for its own interests, that which has taken to the “biggest looting in the history of the country". “In Mexico there is not democracy… it is a feigned dictatorship", one that rotates around the “same lie that during the porfiriato", where the natural resources of the country were auctioned, including the petroleum, the cultivation lands, and the railroads were sold and more to the foreign companies, he affirmed. “The call neoliberalism is neoporfirismo (modernized)… they return us to the past to take off the future". Presented for John Coatsworth, vice-rector of the University of Columbia and historian specialized in Mexico, and for the director of the Center of Mexican Studies. Claudio Lomnitz (collaborator of La Jornada), AMLO broke in this forum, the image so careful and exactly projected in this country by the dome political and managerial Mexican and American, offering a critic of the call “new paradigm", when indicating that it is only more than the same thing.  

He affirmed that EPN is the continuation of the neoliberal project implemented for three decades in the country. "The mafia of the power” imposed it, he affirmed and it accused that EPN is only other “subordinate of the oligarchy” that is fulfilling the priorities from that small group when impelling the calls “structural reformations” with “a high cost to the sovereignty". The reformation of the energy sector, sustained, it is the “biggest robbery in the history” and it described “him as betrayal of the homeland", when looking for to distribute to the big foreign oil companies the wealth of the town and the nation". He affirmed that for it the Movement National Regeneration (Morena), it is promoting a referendum in the next elections to force to that the “town is consulted” on this "reformation ". As example of the quick spoil, it pointed out that in five years the mining outsiders more gold and silver of Mexico have been taken that the Spaniards during 200 years of the Colony.  
Looting miner 
He affirmed that the régime is sustained by two things: the big means and the “purchase of the vote", and that without that they would collapse, he added that the current president is a phenomenon "scene-graphic ". He Indicated, with a smile that while here in New York they “reward to Peña Nieto with something called world statesman or something like that, in Mexico is reproved", in the opinion public Mexican. In fact this perception is enlarging to almost all the governors and it indicates a potential political change in Mexico. It expressed the consternation before the events in it Equals, it indicated that this is not an isolated incident and that “we already take a lot of time of mourning” in Mexico. He argued that the violence is been of the current system and that, for the time being, the government's strategy has worsened the situation, because it looks “for to face the violence with the violence… to use fire against fire". He underlined that first it has to understand each other that the “peace is fruit of the justice". For that reason, “while there is not a bottom change, Mexico it will continue collapsing."  
He concluded that “one has to overthrow to the régime of the PRI-PAN (…) but without violence”. That necessary change, explained, it comes from “a return to Francisco I. Madero principles: the honesty and the justice”. When extending in their chat, AMLO underlined that the best antidote to the corruption is to maintain “the principles and ideals” and he remembered that in effort of Morena “it is not easy to create a party in an antidemocrat atmosphere". He declared that Mexico has a great reservation of values" that is in its towns, mainly in the natives. "The corruption is something that comes of up… That cleans like they clean the stairways, of up down". He remembered that this peaceful fight for a transformation to bottom is constant and that before the frauds, the control mediatic and the purchase of the vote - something that hurts, leaves of the soul" -, the “best way to face it is fighting every day". He noticed against the "depression" of some, even many intellectuals that get tired or they believe that there is no longer more than one can make, and that before questions of “if we can arrive, or how long time but, the answer is: it continues walking, it continues walking", but you wet yourself. 
Andres M. Lopez Obrador demanded president EPN's renouncements so “to be responsible for the situation of insecurity that Mexico suffers", of procurator Jesus Murillo Karam, because it represents the PRI and the mafia of the power, not to the town", and of Guerrero's governor, Angel Aguirre, due that lost authority to administer to that entity". In press conference, AMLO gave to know six positioning around the murder and disappearance of teenagers students of Ayotzinapa. First, it considered lamentable that the death of the students is “a problem originated by the prevalence of a mafia in the power that it heads EPN". The second position, said, it “is that Aguirre gives up because, have responsibility or not, it lost authority and you cannot govern to a low state the circumstances in that it is Guerrero". Third that Murillo Karam gives up,” because he is not representative of the society neither of the nation". Fourth point, regretted the crime (of hurt humanity) against the Rural School’s student, to the one which qualified of “act of barbarism that hurts that it has pain". Fifth, requested punishment “without considerations" (to drain until the last blood to find them although it is died), to the culprits. And sixth point, wanted the 43 missing persons to appear with life. 
AMLO rejected to know the municipal president from Iguala, Guerrero, Jose Luis Abarca, and it didn't discard that they relate it with him who “they believe that all are same and they seek to affect Morena". He added that EPN doesn't have capacity and among more time it lasts in the worst presidency it will leave to the Mexicans". My perception in these days of tour, we believe that it is lamentable that it is not assisted in Michoacan State, like in the rest of the country that the development is not impelling. It is serious that it seeks to only be solved the problem of the insecurity with coercive measures, with the use of the force. On the other hand Cuauhtemoc Cardenas noticed that it is in Guerrrero's governor's “conscience”, to give up or not to the position. "He knows the situation of the state and it is his decision to determine if it remains or he leaves", he insisted.  As for the situation that prevails in the National PRD, he said to ignore if Guerrero's governor's exit “helps or not” to calm the state of things; he pointed out not to know if an action of this nature would remove him pressure in the sun Aztec: "the important thing that it is the young students", he closed the interview. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-10, October 20, 2014).

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