viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

A State trafficker of drugs

The commission pursuit legislative to that case, declared in permanent session
A State trafficker of drugs
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 13, 2014
For the town it is insufficient and ' hypocrite' to ask for forgiveness: senators of the PRD
Mexico. -   The Chamber of Deputies will mention this Thursday to the executives of the Secretary of the National Defense (Sedena), general Salvador Cienfuegos, and of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam, so that they appear before the Bicameral Commission of National Security with object of approaching the homicides and the disappearances of teenagers students from Ayotzinapa happened in Iguala, Guerrero. The vice-coordinator of the PRI, Manuel Anorve Banos, affirmed that the Meeting of Coordination Political gathered yesterday, it determined to also mention the president of the CNDH, Raul Plascencia Villanueva. They will demand to the ombudsman to explain to the commissions of human rights and of Justice the deficiencies in their performance and the omissions for serious violations to those individual guarantees. The Chamber has agreed in two occasions Plascencia Villanueva's appearance, but this has refused to be presented before the commissions in San Lorenzo building. On the citation to Cienfuegos and Murillo, the vice-coordinator of the PT, Lilia Aguilar Gil, regretted the decision that it made an appointment to the secretary and the procurator before this commission, because in her senators and deputies of the three main forces politics only participate in the Congress.  
Before, when being integrated the special commission of pursuit to the investigations on the facts happened in Iguala, the president of this work group, Jorge Anaya (PAN), it presented a project that it was rejected for “inefficient and bureaucratic". The reaction contrary to the proposal of the president of the commission get worse when this suggested the deputies “not to only fall once in stridencies” and to seasonal once a month. Lilia Aguilar, in representation of the PT; Lizbeth Rosas, of the Aztec sun, Ruth Zavala, of legislator’s group of the PVEM, and Ricardo Mejia Berdeja, of Civic Movement was constituted in a block that reproached the president's scarce seriousness before “a case of extreme graveness that deserves efficiency and answers attached to the truth". Jorge Anaya's participation like president of the commission was defined last Monday, when the legislator’s group of the PVEM sought Ruth Zavaleta to head the works. Nevertheless, their past of the PRD and the differences that he has had with governor Angel Aguirre generated doubts among the members of the Meeting of Political Coordination (integrated by the parliamentary coordinators of each one of the political forces) who pointed out such a possibility like no-way, because the commission would rot to avoid to make political the matter and being used to demand the renouncement of the leader of Guerrero's state. 

With that antecedent, yesterday the members of the work group met. Anaya surprised its partners when presenting a project of work of four sheets, of which three were copied entirely of the agreement approved by the Chamber’s full to create the work group. The legislator only contributed sheet of proposals he mediates without bottom content. To such an uncertainty in the document the pretense was added that the group of work sessions once a month in the Legislative of San Lazaro building, suggestion that filled the patience of four deputed already mentioned. Immediately Lilia Aguilar and Lizbeth Rosas, supported by Ricardo Mejia, noticed that the commission would not be right some if to make session once a month in the Chamber of Deputies, reason why it was declared in permanent session.  

The legislators demand to explain the support to mayor Abarca 
Senators Dolores Padierna and Armando Rios Píter of the PRD noticed that it is not enough with which the new president of its party Carlos Navarrete, ask for forgiveness to the citizens of Guerrero State for the fugitive mayor's responsibility from Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez (JAV), in the murders and disappearances of professor’s students from Ayotzinapa. He should explain why they nominated JAV, and why their wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa is state consultant of the PRD, position to the one that was proposed by New Left in passed September, they pointed. Padierna sustained that she informed the previous leader of the PRD personally, Jesus Zambrano that was Abarca the one that murdered Arturo Hernandez Cardona, but anything made and in the last internal elections of September, New Left postulated as consultant in Guerrero to Maria de los Angeles Pineda.  
In conference of press Ríos Piter it coincided in that is required more than a public excuse of the leadership of the PRD, and it was delimited of any personal relationship or politics with Abarca Velázquez. He added that the pictures that were published in the media, where he is done with the mentioned mayor, they were taken in public acts, to those that he had to attend as senator. It exposed that it played him to carry out campaign in 2012, but in “any moment we had to do with the account of decisions it has more than enough candidacies". Ríos Píter sustained that Carlos Navarrete, the now president of the PRD, and like part of New Left, it should clarify who they determined that that character with antecedents so dark was the candidate of the PRD to head the third bigger municipality of Guerrero.  Both legislators also coincided in that the PGR has responsibility for not having acted on time, still with the accusations of the illicit facts for Abarca Velazquez. A group of militant of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM, for theirs initials in Spanish) it took yesterday during one hour Guerrero's government's representation in the Federal District, in protest for the forced disappearance and the extrajudicial execution of the adolescent students of the rural School from Ayotzinapa, as well as for other repressive acts made by Guerrero’s governor's administration.  
Policemen transfer from Iguala to Tlaxcala 
Hundred ninety four policemen of Iguala they were transferred today to the sixth military region, with headquarters in Tlaxcala, where they will be made to exams of trust and they will receive training courses, Juan Carlos Diaz Garcia informed, taken charge interim personal of the security of Guerrero's town.  The corporation had 480 elements until Friday 26 of September, when a group of uniformed attacked students of the Rural Normal School from Ayotzinapa, with balance of three corps, several wounded and 43 missing persons. Twenty-two policemen are detained for this criminal fact. On Tuesday the first 14 agents of the corporation were transferred, with which add 308 the correspondents to Tlaxcala so that the army certifies if they are capable to give security. Of the 15 remaining agents, Diaz Garcia said to trust in that go more to be correspondents to Tlaxcala in next hours.  

The state should assume its commitment and to give them priority because it is innocent students", and in second because it is in game the credibility of the Mexican State in the international context. The national leader of the PRI, Cesar Camacho Quiroz, we call “to avoid making political the matter” of the investigations of the crime in group. The Movement of National Regeneration (Morena) manifested its support to the social mobilizations of the relatives of the murdered adolescents and missing, it also demanded exemplary punishment with perpetual condemnation to the material authors and intellectuals of this bloody homicide. Of visit in Oaxaca, the apostolic nuncio in Mexico, Christopher Pierre, also requested that it is punished with the whole weight from the law to the responsible ones, be municipal, state or federal authorities. Ricardo Anaya expressed that the PAN won't request Guerrero's governor's renouncement, to which supported then that its candidate, Marcos Efren Gomez, declined in its aspirations. Among the reasons for not requesting the resignation is in that the process already began. Electoral to renovate the gubernator in next June. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 6-8, 9 de octubre, 2014).

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