viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

The federal government's pantomime

The responsibility is of the state, non matter of the organized crime:
The federal government's pantomime
By: Carlos Damian                                        October 13, 2014
The Mexican town condemns the murders vigorously in Ayotzinapa
Mexico. -   The National executive committee (CEN) of the PRD it is divided around the support to governor Angel Aguirre, with who the leadership closed lines before the demands that it gives up the position, after the crimes made against the professor’s students from Ayotzinapa Rural School Manuel Isidro Burgos (MIB) -. Carlos Navarrete, national president of the Aztec sun, discarded declaration shortly in the headquarters of the party to accept the resignation of Aguirre in exchange for that of Egidio Torre Cantu and Eruviel Avila, leaders fromTamaulipas and Mexico State, respectively, like it has been mentioned. It indicated that the topic “has not played it in those terms, in any sense", after leaving premature way of the meeting of the CEN that yesterday had place, (10/8/14).  

On the other hand Carlos Sotelo member of the secretariat considered that Aguirre should give up the position and the PRD to make a serious critic “for action and omission of the state’s governor'". The spokeswoman of the PRD, deputy Amalia Garcia, informed that yesterday the CEN agreed the creation of a special commission to give pursuit to the situation in Guerrero. They will invite experts it -transcended that among them Edgardo Buscaglia - to elaborate a combat proposal to the situation of violence. In the same way, for second day, in the secretary of Government any information was not diffused about Guerrero, even when versions of the presumed knowledge of the mayor's criminal activities circulated of Iguala with license, Jose Luis Abarca. Although it has transcended that the main officials of the dependence prepare in way intensive reports around the situation in Guerrero, with the purpose of feeding the federal strategy for that entity.  
This organization reiterates the energetic condemnation of the disappearances and murders of the teenager professor’s students from Ayotzinapa that we will see making from the past 28 of September. We demand punishment without consideration to the responsible materials and intellectual, be who is. The facts are terribly serious. It should not have impunity and concealment of any type. The municipal, state and federal authorities that are responsible for action or omission should surrender facts in the face of the justice. It should also be protected to the families of the victims and to present to the missing persons with life. The case of Iguala isn’t only. In the whole country there are very serious cases of violence, repression, insecurity, violation to human rights, abuses of authority and criminalization of the social protest. We make responsible Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderon’s governments, and of having generated the climate of violence and impunity that it deprives in Mexico, and of using the intelligence instruments to pursue opponents instead of preventing the delinquency and the organized crime. 

The federal government's voice 
The federal government has sowed and made worse the violence with his neoliberal reformations. There is not government; there is not attention to people's problems and of the country. You don’t see combat the corruption. The economy doesn't grow and it is always to levels first floor. We support the peaceful mobilizations of the relatives of the murdered teenagers and missing; let us also add it to people's indignation in the whole country and diverse parts of the world. We call to the town of Mexico to continue fighting peacefully for the abolition of this inhuman and cruel system.  
The federal government's efforts to consolidate the conditions of peace that the Mexicans demand, in particular the clarification of the disappearance of 43 students in Iguala, “they will be reported journalistically and in a transparent way so that inside of and outside of the country one can give part that this lamentable episode will be resolved according to right and it will continue, in terms of the big numbers, this tendency that was observed positive as regards security", the executive of the Secretary of External Relationships, Jose A. Meade affirmed. When being interrogated on the form in that ambassadors and consuls from Mexico credited abroad should defend the politics of the government's security, although instances like the Organization for the Education and Economic Development (OEED) they locate to the country in the last place in that matter. Meade sustained that the general strategy has been positive, as they show it the reflected results of public facts and to those that periodic pursuit can be given and reveal with all width in the month to month."  
Hurt humanity's crime, they affirm: UNAM, UPN, and the Colmex 
The murder of three students of the MIB Rural School, from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, and the forced disappearance of 43 adolescents, are elements that “constitute hurt humanity's crime according to precise definition of United Nations", outstanding academics of three institutions of superior education assured, among them seven emeritus.  They added that before these facts, the municipal president from Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez, and Guerrero's governor, Angel Aguirre Rivero, they cannot avoid his responsibility. Professors and investigators of the Universities: Autonomous National university of Mexico (UNAM, for theirs initials in Spanish), National Pedagogic University (UPN, for theirs initials in Spanish), as well as the School of Mexico (Colmex, for theirs initials in Spanish), they signed a document in which they point out that this crime “has been executed by the police from the Iguala City, Guerrero, and for the public force of the state", together with the national army when being present and for omission in the complicity found in the place in facts.  

The text is subscribed by 64 investigators of the three houses of studies. The past 26 of September, in the Rural School from Ayotzinapa municipal policemen they attacked to shots to the vulnerable teenagers, professor’ students, leaving a balance of six dead people (three students of that school), more than 20 wounded and 43 missing persons. It has transcended that the disappeared could be given to members of the organized crime. Joined them, the weekend authorities of the state found secret graves with several remains of roasted bodies, for what has been demanded that necessary inquests are made to determine in diverse sectors if it is the missing poor students. In the one mentioned document it is underlines: "The collusion and collaboration among the public force, their patrol cars and weapons, and the bands participant the facts of the criminals in hurt humanity's crime are proven and recognized by all the investigations”.  
They emphasize that the adolescents of the rural schools of the country “are part of the teaching of our nation, so urged of education, health, revenues, social rights, freedom, equality, democracy and peace. They are our students' part and they are also our colleagues. Them and their families are counted today between the poorest and unprotection, and for decades they have been and they continue being object of systematic aggressions, discriminative, and racist denigrations. Guerrero's governors cannot avoid their responsibility and participation in these criminal facts. It is requested to the town of Mexico solidarity´s facts with the relatives, with their school and with the town of Mexico that demands the total clarification of hurt humanity's criminal facts. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-8, October 9, 2014).

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