viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

The "urgent" contracts with benefit to private companies

Infested for practical corrupt
The "urgent" contracts with benefit to private companies
By: Carlos Damián January 9, 2011
The corruption of Mexican officials
México. - To all the Mexicans it doesn't like the proposal of lowering the price of the gasoline, what the right-side parties in electoral time believe pertinent that continues staying, more is other people that the proposal is real to lower the price of the gasoline, the diesel, the gas and the electric light, among other reasons because it goes against the " business" that means the purchase of the fuels outside of Mexico. Some spokesmen of these people that are making the business of their life say them that it is absurd what the candidate of the progressive line proposes, because it is cheaper to buy the gasoline abroad that to produce it in the country, when certainly that proposal doesn't have neither feet neither head.

It has to defend and to give value to the matter it prevails, nothing else is thing of having what The States that has 144 refineries is making visible; countries like Japan that it doesn't have petroleum, almost 50, and we have six refineries, and for 30 years a new refinery is not built. Everything because it is betters the business of the purchase of gasoline abroad. It indicated that this sandal 51 percent of the fuel that wastes away in Mexico, what represents an expense around 26 thousand million dollars. Only the one freights of 50 thousand barrels daily we find difficult to reason of two penny for liter", that is to say, 5 thousand 333.33 million dollars a year, resources that reach, to build a bigger refinery that the previous ones.

The crisis in Pemex for practical corrupt
The most excellent case in corruption and impunity is that of Rocio Cardenas Zubieta (RCZ), old director of International Trade of P.M.I., RCZ is the person she worked with Bernardo de la Garza; who today it is investigated by the Ministry of the Public Function by presumed graft of funds. In accordance with the inquest, Cardenas (RCZ) it would be implied in the irregular recruiting of a study used in the defense of their former subordinate Karen Miyasaki, accused of a fraud for 13 million dollars, for what was disabled to occupy positions in the public service and it faces a penal process.

Such an analysis had a cost, according to the investigation of 21 thousand 500 dollars and it was awarded to the company PRIRA Energy in direct form with the purpose of justifying presumed irregular purchases of fuels, for what the Ministry of the Public Function also investigates the assignment of contracts “urgent” model implanted to benefit to the private companies in damage of Pemex (company property of the Mexican State). as the corruption increases and the impunity continues descending the production for absurd measures that don't have logical and appropriate reasoning, what means that it the economy of the Mexican goes bottom. A unconscious punishment to the pockets of the Mexican citizens, on the contrary of the Mexican bureaucracy of high level they becomes even richer every time that six years of federal administration spend.

The refineries working with low productivity
The total stopping of Cadereyta, New Leon happened among the 10 and 28 of May, but up to June 16 it stayed partially in partial stopping because they went impossible to set in motion the combined plants I and II. The deficit of the Cadereyta’ refinery is of 85 thousand daily barrels. If it was possible to sum up the production outlined at the beginning of June, the measures would continue overturning the National System of Refinement (SNR, in Spanish), because among other things it was foreseen that before the productive increase of the Cadereyta’ Refinery of it relieved the poliduct that connects it with that of the Madero’s Refinery that is saturated at the moment. On the other hand the Madero’s Refinery that would have to support the supply in ‘el Bajio’, where the inventories of fuel lowered for the stoppage of Cadereyta.

The irregular stoppage of the refineries have not had the supervision of any internal organ of control, for what there is not any open process against the responsible ones, although it doesn't only impact in the finances but in the total operation of the SNR. The only measure adopted by Pref went to remove the boss of Unit of Production of Cadereyta, Guillermo Trujillo Rendon, and to designate in the position to Roberto Mendoza Diaz so that he takes charge of the recovery of the operations.

The crisis in the refinery of Pemex in Cadereyta Jimenez, has effects in other ones
On May with the total stopping of Cadereyta, as well as the partial stopping of Salamanca, Madero and Tula, Pref had foreseen to recover the production in June. However also the Miguel Hidalgo’s Refinery in Tula, prolonged a maintenance corrective up to 8 in that month of June. But 12 days after having recovered the productive capacity of the refinery in Tula, June 20, there was a catastrophe that gave the rule for another partial stoppage and the pretext to increase the imports. In accordance with the official information of Pemex, a flight and a fire in the sector 1 of the refinery loosened the night of the 20 of June, it was not controlled but until near six in the morning of the following day.

About the facts the information is concise, the real damages are ignored to the facilities and the causes of the catastrophe. Nevertheless, in the internal reports he settled that the supposed accident was for a “flaw in the changer of heat and heater” of the primary plants I, hydro sector II and catalytic plant, for what this facilities stopped to operate. The documents also establish that the problem could arise for the fracture of a tube. Although Miguel Garcia Conde, director of civil protection of Hidalgo declared that for negligence the facts happened in the Miguel Hidalgo’s Refinery, what could put in risk to the population, Pemex didn't make comments anything.

According to the above-mentioned there is not any appropriate and coherent reasoning for not making refineries in the country that how Mexico sells petroleum to be producing to the world. According to the leadership of the progressive line of the presidential candidate, to build the five refineries that he intends, would mean to create employments and to save us a lot of money; to remove many subsidies that don't go to the consumer, but to those in charge of the purchase of the gasoline and diesel. Who are the thieves?, it is a secret very well kept, because one of the big business that are made from the government's highest is. All these big business are without putting any particular investment because they are making with the petroleum of the Mexican’s town. Although when reducing the price of these energy ones it would be to support the consumer and to sustain economically to the small and medium company. (Proceso No. 1810, el expediente del crimen, p.p. 39 - 41, July 10, 2011).

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