viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

The Mexican holocaust

The bloody crop
The Mexican holocaust
By: Carlos Damián February 1, 2012
HRW: The unsuccessful president's strategy after six years
México. - ”The government of Mr. President has adopted measures the organized delinquency that they have caused a strong increment in the number of murders, tortures and other abuses on the part of the members of the forces of security, to combat and they only contribute to increase the chaos and fear climate that it prevails in many regions", Highlights Human Rights Watch (HRW) in the chapter Mexico of its World report 2012, presented in Cairo, Egypt. The document underlines that in the last years an alarming increment of the quantity of homicides has taken place that have largely been consequence of violent conflicts among powerful criminal organizations that compete for the control of the drug traffic and other lucrative activities."

The director of communication of HRW, Emma Daly, denounced that the forces of security in Mexico have made violations of human rights and that the military ones enjoy impunity in those cases. "We have data that demonstrate that the violence has increased hideously in Mexico in the last years and there is not a system able to judge to the military ones so that there is justice". In the director's opinion, “absolute impunity exists for the military ones" who, with the system of military justice one is never judged, what foments that “the abuses continue because there is not way some of stopping them". Among the crimes made by the armed forces they are mentioned: murders, it tortures and forced disappearances.

A country submerge in the holocaust
In agreement contrast with the referred organization, the Mexican state has lacked capacity to protect journalists, migrants, illegal aliens, activists of human rights and other vulnerable groups caught among the violence of the criminal groups and had practiced by the own forces of security. The commented observations confirm, in form excessively devastating, the warnings had rushed more than for five years by different sectors of the organized society, the political class and the academy: the combat to the delinquency by means of the physical violence and the militarization of the public life doesn't only guarantee the success, but it encourages the configuration of nightmare circumstances dangerously like those that today, unfortunately the country lives.

However tie the growing evidence that the politics of security is, in its current configuration a failure, the official speech is shown more and more unaware to the reality and but misled in its own labyrinths: some days ago the president called “to put in perspective” the violence that is developed in the country and he asked to contrast them with the rates of homicides of nations of Centre and South America, as if the deaths could decrease to mere statistical indicators. The one in charge of the Ministry House, Alejandro Poire, insisting in that Mexico “is not in war has come", because “none of the suppositions is configured that international rights settle down to consider an armed conflict", maybe without remembering that the first one in using that concept to refer to the confrontation between the authorities and the cartels of the drug was in fact, the Federal Executive.

Sure Mexico
To these heights of the game, it is sterile to enter in the discussion of yes, it is what there is in the country is or don't unite war, and if the levels of violence in Mexico are bigger or smaller to those of other nations. What nobody seems to question, outside of those responsible for the political conduction of the country, is that the strategy of Calderon of public security and it combats to the drug traffic it has not been able to come closer to their objectives as regards reduction to the consumption of drugs, neither to the dismantlement of the cartels of the drug traffic, but on the other hand, it has multiplied the violence and the violations to the human rights on the part of the police corporations of all the levels and of the armed forces, and it has placed to those institutions that supposedly should guarantee the validity of the right State; as main factors of breaking the legality.

On the other hand in the six pages of the chapter Mexico of the World Report of HRW 2012 it points that journalists, defenders of human rights and migrants are attacked deliberately by criminal organizations and members of the forces of security. "However, Mexico has not offered protection to these vulnerable groups neither it has investigated the crimes appropriately of which have been victims". In the topic freedom of speech, the document of HRW points out that numerous journalists that have carried out investigations linked with the drug traffic have assumed a critical attitude or they have assumed an auto-censure attitude in front of the forces of security, the authorities and the drug dealers. Between 2000 and September of 2011, 74 communicators were murdered, at least eight during 2011.

It tortures and violations to human rights in the whole nation
It points that although many of the attacks against the members of the press happened last year are attributed to the organized delinquency, in some cases evidence that they point out the possible participation of public officials exists. "A progressive tendency was also observed to intimidate and to attack people that participate in social nets", it adds the organism. The authorities have not been able to investigate neither to judge crimes appropriately against the press, neither have they protected journalists that are exposed to serious risk, that which has propitiated a climate of impunity and auto - censure, HRW adds. It is sustained that the penal system doesn't offer justice to victims of crimes and violations of human rights. This deficiency responds to causes as corruption, training and enough resources, as well as to practical abusive (and corrupt) of the police.

With the previous opinion elements it is arduous to sustain that in the current government the “seed of a sure Mexico is sowing", when the lack of a politics of sensible public security and no fulfilment of the most fundamental responsibilities in the State has been translated, would rather, in a tragic crop and in the configuration of one of the most uncertain, greys stages and awaiting of the national history. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 5-6, January 23, 2011).

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