viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

The legislators’ commissions

More than 2 thousand initiatives in the freezer
The legislators’ commissions
By: Carlos Damián January 7, 2011
The legislators in favor of the “big gas”
México. - In spite of their low productivity that has in the freezer more than 2 thousand initiatives, the ordinary commissions in the Camera of Deputies took a month of vacations, since it finished the period of sessions. The first one in mentioning to meeting, for January 10, is the commission of social security that has only approved 20 of the 106 initiatives that have been alternated it in two and a half years of the current legislature.

Even when the presidents of the commissions have an additional budget of 2 thousand 333.33 dollars a month, as well as a car with chauffeur and right to two advisers, is who they have not summoned to a single work session and they have not voted an initiative in two and a half years of work. Among these they stand out the cases of Luis Felipe Eguia (LFE) of the PRD, and Octavio Pedroza (OP) and Kenia Lopez, both of the PAN. LFE is who he presides over the commission of Cooperative Development, and in the ordinary period it only attended seven sessions, and that in contrast with the inactivity of the organ legislative to its position, it has presented 31 initiatives.

Two commissions, that of House and that of Treasury is directed by PAN and that of work those more stragglers
Pedroza (OP) who left from a manufacturing company of sweets to the lines of the PAN, the one resides from invigoration to the Federalism, which has not ruled any of the six initiatives that has received. And the culture Commission, of which is president Kenia Lopez continues without ruling 13 of the received projects. However the Commission of Treasury is the one that more fall behind has, directed for, Mario Alberto Becerra Pocoroba (MAPB) of the PAN, in which they still wait to be ruled 549 initiatives. These commissions have only voted 31 and waste six.

In accordance with the new regulation of the Camera of Deputies, the initiatives that are not ruled in a maximum term of 45 days extensions by a same lapse will be correspondents to the full one so that this determines if it rejects them or it approves them. Daily in the ‘parliamentary gazette’ exhorts is published directed to APB so that in turn it mentions to the Commission and relieve the slopes, but the former rector of the School Free of Right and fiscal’s lawyer but he doesn't assist them.

The legislators in favor of the “big gas”
The authorities have sustained that the increase of the gasoline (big gas) it doesn't have any impact in the prices of the goods and services. This theory that is untenable of false when the reality speaks otherwise; since the ‘big gas’ began they have not stopped to go up the prices. The government contains the inflation in an inhuman and grotesque way: freezing the wages. In this article we will place some names of these legislators that integrate the Commission of Treasury. They can notice that people of the PRI, those of the PANAL, the deputies of the PVEM together with those of the PANAL, they have made majority in the Chamber the agreement that would serve as base for the decision that later on would approve the full of the Chamber of Deputies.

In spite of the public reprehension, they are already placing in new positions. Three of them were incorporate to the lines of the team of campaign of Enrique Peña Nieto: Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin (JCRM), it will carry out general vice-coordinator's function, Baltazar Hinojosa it will be one of the regional coordinators and María Esther Sherman will have an evaluation position and pursuit of the campaign. Legislators in favor of the big gas of the PAN: MABP, Luis Bought Enrique Sanchez, Julio Castellanos Ramirez, Raúl Gerardo Squares Garcia, Rich Martin Jimenez, María Marcela Toasts Peimbert, Ovidio Cortazar Ramos, Oscar Saul Castillo Andrade, and Ruth Esperanza Lugo Martinez. In the case of the PRI they are: Jesus Gray-headed Alberto Velez, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Jorge Alberto Juraidini Rumilla, Dull Sebastian of having Tiled, Joshua Cirino Valdes Huezo, Ricardo Ahued, Bardahuil, Baltazar Manuel Hinojosa Ochoa, Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin, Emilio Andrés Mendoza Kaplan, José Adan Rubi Salazar, Maria Esther Sherman Leaño, Victor Roberto Silva Chacon, and David Penchyna Grub. Of the PANAL we have Gerardo of the Mallet, of the PVEM (Green) to: Adriana Sarur Toasts, and Alberto Emiliano Cinta Martinez. Of the PRD: Claudia Edith Anaya Mota. Know their people in the congress.

Enrique Peña Nieto neighbor to Romero Deschamps
The general Attorney's office of the Republic acquitted to all those involved in the famous Pemexgate of the crimes of laundry of money and organized delinquency, those more than it could have been accused and that of to characterize it would have meant several years of prison. Just it was pending of solving the previous verification for electoral crimes they announced the means at the end of July of 2003. The main one involved he was the leadership of the oil union, Carlos Romero Deschamps. The announcement was made 19 months after the PGR received an accusation of the extinct Ministry of the control of the government's expenses (Contraloria) in which accused PRI-men, oil leaders and officials of Pemex of having participated in a net of corruption to transfer in an illegal way a 73.33 millions of dollars of the company property of the union and later to the candidate's presidential priísta campaign, Francisco Labastida.

They say those that know that even when there were elements to take them to the jail there was an arrangement in the dark with the PAN line, since on the other hand a file of laundry of money of those was ventilated 'Friends of Fox’. Although already all that is old history. On the other hand we have arrived to the last days of this convulsed 2011, year in that the world population reached the figure of 7 thousand million inhabitants The year that ends it has characterized for big protests in numerous countries of Europe, including England, Italy, Portugal and Spain, also in The States. this has been the answer from people to the crisis and the programs of austerity: the Ocupa Wall Street, the indignant of the Door of the Sun of Madrid, the indignant of Mexico with its Already coarse!, and the spring of the Arab countries the recession of The States, the crisis of the debt of the European governments and the lack of liquidity of some big banks were connected, because the crisis of The States has just left still, its economy is reacting but it continues very high the unemployment. In this world crisis it is expected for Mexico that has a happy year and Happy New Year 2012. (La Jornada, política, p. 8 -16, 26 de diciembre, 2011).

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