The mortgage of the university students
The education in Mexico
By: Carlos Damián January 23, 2012
The economic resources of the national treasury dedicated to private universities
México. - They are merchants' times, the neoliberals continue with their show of male goats in glassware. Perhaps the current rotten carcinoma that eats away to the capitalism has put to think some, but they are very few. The neoliberals don't think, they feed, not of the knowledge of the world, but of a pure dogmatism. President Calderon announced last month of January that it governs and matters will begin to sell superior education, now yes they go seriously.
For the time being they will surrender economic resources that are of the Mexican society, to 21 private universities; the private facilities are: the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), Regiomontana (UR), Anahuac México (UA), Latinoamericana (UL), Panamericana (UP), Tecnológica (UT), Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), Jesuita de Guadalajara (ITESO), Claustro de Sor Juana (UCSJ), Justo Sierra (UJS), Latina (UL), Intercontinental (UI), of the Valle de Atemajac (UVM), Tangamanga and Contemporanea (UTC), and the Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior (Cetys)..Of the previous schools the question is, to which of them, can you call itself university?
To mortgage to the graduates
Mr. Calderon announced the beginning from the National Program of Financing to the Superior Education, with participation of six commercial banks and 18 facilities of private superior education, besides the federal government by means of National Financial (Nafin) and of the Ministry of Treasury (SHCP) through this instrument it is sought to grant credit to licentiate students, engineering and postgraduate -until 14.33 thousand and 18.67 thousand dollars, respectively - to a 15 year-old term half and with a fixed interest rate of 10 percent.
Circumstantially the announcement had as backdrop the protest of students of the ITESM, outside of the enclosure for the violence in the Mexican nation. Beyond the referred insensibility of the situation, the announcement of the program of educational credits reveals to what extent the federal government has arrived in his zeal to privatize the higher education and how much his contempt is toward the public universities of the country. The private establishments, the president says, “they grant superior education of quality", “good careers” and a “solid professional formation” and “highly qualified personal". But the offense to the public higher education is not only by word of mouth, but also of action, since the federal government is shown more determined in promoting, publish it and to -even impel with resources of the treasury - the private university centres that in improving budgets of the public universities.
Indeed: ignoring the conception of the education like responsibility of the state and of the society towards all their members, the administration federal search to multiply with this program the clientele of two classes of private institutions: the bank ones and the universities. It is a paradoxical form of promoting a “more cohesive, more equitable and more solidarity society", when it leaves of the idea that the higher education offers the private establishments it is better and it is limited the right implicitly to the education to those who are subject of credit, false imitation of the education in The States.
The neoliberal education
It is miserable for any informed citizen, to have heard the speech of Calderon in the ITESM. It was the celebration of the ignorance, but this time concepts about the superior education, an absolutely crucial matter for the future of the country. The politics’ character should not surely read much more than the parts of war, but it cannot revise the newspapers and American means that eleven times repeated this news in 2011. "The American university students drown in loans. One of each five students will be pursued for unpaid. The debt overcomes 995 thousand million dollars. Occupy Wall Street calls to the insubordination". To Revise the webpage:; (October, 2010).
When to the rashness on the nature and reach of the decisions is joined the powerfulness of acting to the margin of the knowledge, like it has been made, then we have an absurdity, a foolishness as a result. He continues with the right-side ideology: the interest rate will only be of 10%. But if the annual inflation is of 4 percent, the banks will also have their earnings and the private schools. Everything, with the guarantee of Nafin. If you do it for this way, would a head that doesn't belong to merchant use those public resources cohesively for the public education and appropriately. Who does guarantee an employment to the graduate of one of those eminent universities? So that he can pay its educational mortgage. Somebody should inform the president that the conflict with an education to the style of that that now wants, it ended up to stimulate a conflict of proportions of volcanic eruption in Chile that takes nine months. He isn’t informed?
The federal executive is caring domestic problems Mexico
The powerful student movement of protest has vibrated to Sebastian Piñera's government in a delicate position and in free fall in the indexes of popularity. The abdication of the state to their responsibility of guaranteeing the universal, gratuitous higher education and of quality, and the imposition of the pattern of university education to credit, they don't only transform the university activity into a commercial field more, but they hurtle year with year to graduates thousands that begin their work life with a heavy debt on the back, what resembles each other a lot to a long and unacceptable salary confiscation. Significantly, one of the points out of the mobilized students is their aspiration to have a gratuitous superior education as in Mexico." What a shame!
The careers that supposedly study in private establishments they are: right, marketing, computation, psychology, etc. Areas in those which the university graduates according to ANUIES (2000), 50% of the professionals’ groups didn't find an employment according to what they studied, what took them to another market segment with smaller revenues, displacing to other and this way in descending chain. The professions that are imparted in private universities are: because the work markets of these “professions” are saturated, and because the quality of the graduates didn't cover the requirements that the companies require at the moment.
For the exposed reasons, it should not be allowed the development and the consolidation in the country of this mercantile conception of the superior education. This new way to minimize and to falsify the public higher education and of impelling what is not but a bank business and of private schools, it will mortgage the future of many university youths. This simple vision of the Mexican education shows like it is closed the door of the future of our country. (La Jornada, educación, p. p. 4-6, January 10, 2012).
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012
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