viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

The imminent alimentary crisis

He mounts it represents more than 50% of the budget of public work
The imminent alimentary crisis
By: Carlos Damián January 30, 2012
They demand to the federal executive it doesn't interfere in the help to the field
México. - The rural organizations trusted in that the observations carried out by the federal Executive to the ordinance to integrate a fund for 666.67 million dollars to assist the damages caused by the climatic phenomenon don't retard neither affect the prompt canalization of those resources, since the situation for the drought, particularly in 20 states of the country, it is of "emergency ". as for the observations that it made to the General Law of Social and Solidarity Economy (LGESS), they stood out that that legislation should be restated because besides that doesn't have the consent of the producers, it seeks to be a government control on the social organizations.

The director of organization of the Rural Alliance of the Northwest, Raul Perez Bedolla, expressed that more than emergent resources what is required is a re-engineering in the programs of the agriculture, a change in the agrarian politicians, because the perspective is that the derived phenomenon of the climatic change are a constant, for what “changes should also be undertaken in the cultivation patterns” and in the cattle cluster. He added that before the lack of water in the arid regions the upbringing should be privileged of, “goats and lambs” and not only in insisting in “the big bovine livestock", and in the case of the cultivations, “not to opt for those that are plaintiffs of water. There are cultivations that are with a rain, but yes with bean or corn are bad temporary, the cost is high."

At the beginning of this month of December the ‘Central Campesina Cardenista’ (CCC) and the Integrative National Union of Solidarity Organizations and Social Economy expressed their rejection for separated to this depredator law (LGESS), and they demanded him to be vetoed. The arguments were that the law is “regressive, authoritarian, since it seeks the control on the rural organizations and it propitiates the practical to clientele of the past". But they also consider that it can become this law an “obstacle “to consent to supports, when allowing that they are “scanted” and “conditioned”. Although Max Correa estimates that, “if we had already surpassed other laws (on the past) that are the control and the interference in internal matters of the social organizations."

Catastrophe and without reasons
The past 23 of Nero, the permanent Commission of the Congress informed that the Federal Executive, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, he had carried out " observations " to an ordinance -endorsed legislative December 15 - that demanded the integration of an emergency funds for 666.67 million dollars for the states affected by the climatic phenomenon that fell this year on good part of the territory. In the facts such “observations“ they imply a delay, at least, in the application of the mentioned resources, and they have been interpreted as the equivalent one to a veto from the Presidency to the funds endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies.

Independently of the reasons that the Executive could fence to justify such a measure -which have not been revealed up to now -, this becomes incomprehensible given the context in that he takes place: during the year that is to conclude, which one leaves behind, fall behind and it abandon that accuse the rural environments of the country as a consequence of the indiscriminate commercial opening to agricultural products it has been increased by the effects of icy, floods and the most serious drought in seven decades that on the whole affected to 70 percent of the cultivated surface of the country, they caused the loss of hundred of thousands of livestock heads and they derived in feeding problems and access to the drinkable water in wide fringes of the national territory. .

To make matters worse, everything seems to indicate that the consequences of these phenomenon have not still been expressed in all their crudeness and that to short and medium terms their noxious effects will persist: a sample preoccupant that the presage formulated by investigators of the Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo who alerted on an alimentary crisis for 2012, with rises of prices from 100 to 150 percent. In such a circumstance it doesn't seem to have justification some so that the president postpones, in the best in the cases, or it reject in the worst scenario, the application of the reference funds: if in any circumstance it would be unacceptable for the authorities they showed indolence to assist the damages caused by naturals phenomenon, in the case that we comment such an attitude it is potentially devastating in economic, social terms, and until political term.

The receipt of seeds is impelled you would originate
The Mexican government has given execution to the commitments acquired in the international plane; however such efficiency is not so visible in the politicians to national, state and local scale. To avoid that the speaking climatologically contingencies as icy and droughts put an end to native resources, mainly those related with the feeding and the agriculture, as well as to avoid the bio-pirate, during the recent years diverse outlines have been developed to impede the loss of seeds it would originate. On the other hand, the referred presidential decision is consistent with the attitudes assumed by the ruling group before the catastrophe that falls on the Mexican peasants. For many years, diverse sectors of the society have insisted in that the effective agricultural politics’ continuity subjects the peasants to an unequal, abusive and unjust foreign competition, and strongly subsidized in their origin countries.

This more wide aspect to the Mexican producers, it makes worse the indignation and the abandonment of millions of peasants and it is cause of more social tensions. Nevertheless, the authorities determine to act as if such warnings had not already been broadly confirmed in the reality and they deepen the indiscriminate opening of markets and the increment of imports: it shows recent of them it is the hurry that the federal government has shown to begin imports of corn and bean of Peru, hardly some hours after the Senate approved the Agreement of Commercial Integration between Mexico and that Andean country.

Therefore and before the lack of clear explanations regarding the executive's behavior in this episode, it is unavoidable to wonder if the presidential reject to the emergency help approved by the legislative is a test more than closeness and padlock to the future of the Mexican nation, it is clearly it shows of the insensibility of the government group in the face of the misfortune that the field lives. In any way it is necessary that the legislators adopt the necessary measures to revert the presidential padlock, because the consequences of not making it could be unpredictable and catastrophic. (La Jornada, politica, p. p. 4- 6, December 26, 2011).

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