martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

The Spanish companies will supply of electricity

Pemex contracts Spanish companies to supply of electricity
The Spanish companies will supply of electricity
By: Carlos Damian June 20, 2009
New corporative director intellectual author of the dismantlement of Pemex
México. - A Mexican company property of the state, Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) signed an electrical supply agreement with two Spanish companies Abengoa and Abener Energy, through the one which is committed to pay more than 2 billion of dollars for the implementation of a plant of energy cogeneration and its subsequent supply until 2032. The definitive authorization for this operation that is soared to October of 2007, it was subscribed the past 14 of September by the General Exploration Director and Production, Carlos Arnoldo Morales Gil, with a notable increase of more than 500 million of dollars of the original budget.
The agreement between Pemex and the multinational Spanish supposes a commitment of the public dependency for what subtraction of the administration of Felipe Calderon and for the next four presidential periods of the country. The arguments are several, but its intention is "to reduce the purchases" to Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and to the Light and Force of the Center Company (CLFC)"
In spite in the increase in the budget in year and middle The motives that Pemex allege to justify that the project went from thousand 445 million of dollars to 2 thousand 17 million in less than year and middle be that "were increased the prices of the construction materials and of equipment manufacture", a " world increase of demand of new generation projects and of electrical infrastructure as a rule" and the deterioration of the international financial situation.
The explicit objective of the officials of Pemex to grant the contract to the Spanish companies is: "To contract with a service of energy cogeneration to reduce the purchases to the CFE and to the CLFC, as well as the development of cogeneration projects of great scale to substitute the operation of installed inefficient equipment or of those that are found at the end of their useful life".
A contract for Spanish companies until 2032 The arguments that offer the responsible for the public dependency Mexican to concede contract until 2032, they are: "To avoid the processes accomplishment bidders each year, with what will be reduced the administrative expenses by work force, publications payment, service of copied, between other; to improve on a grand scale and annual programming of the budget and its exercise by the corresponding service "and by the low prices by scale economy".
The companies Abengoa and Abener have formed strategic alliances in America achieving important contracts with public dependencies, between them Pemex, and the CFE. Since Felipe Calderon has come to power in Mexico and coincidently the Spanish companies have put in the watches of large businesses of the energetic sector to Mexico, intensifying the contacts and the commercial relationships having in the hands a substantiation business of public dependencies and their subsequent privatization. Even these multinational Spanish from Vicente Fox have sent various emissary commissions of the "highest level" to study the different privatization models of Pemex and CFE.
New managing director The administration advice of Pemex approved 22 of October named to Carlos Rafael Murieta Cumming as new corporative operations director of the public dependency, in substitution of Raul Alejandro Livas Elizondo. The new directing is found in a conflict of interest since furthermore it is representative in Mexico of the American consultancy McKinsey Company, providing and contractor of Pemex.
To McKinsey Company is attributed the intellectual authorship of the dismantlement of Pemex to convert it into simple administrator of contracts. Step by step it was substitution the historical traditional capacity of the Mexican technical personnel within Pemex, who progressively saw to reduce its paper to simple "supervisory" of the operation accomplished by foreign companies. To the pair, the "strategy" was let in hands of the consulting McKinsey. Its participation in the reorganization of Pemex principled date of the decade of the nineties.
Some of the contracts awarded to McKinsey were severely questioned by the alertness commission of the Audit Superior of the Federation, due to the fact that Pemex did not comply with the applicable normative arrangements to the law of procurements, as well as the Federal Law of Budget, the adjudication procedure, execution and control of the technical services acquisition paid to third parties, and the correct record in the accounting and public account. (La Jornada, economia, p. 26, October 26 of 2009).

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