martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

The liquidation of LFC

The rule is the opaqueness of the federal government
The liquidation of LFC
By: Carlos Damian June 21, 2009
The optical fiber built in the great city is a juicy business
México. – Indicating the great lies inventory related to the transparency and the work efficiency of the "president of the employment", that in a toothache was occurred to him to end with a property company of the state, let in the street to 44 thousand working of the Light and Force of the Center Company (CLFC) and to blame them by his action upon lynching them in the press, the radio and the television with a great costly advertising that must sustain the Mexican day and night, knowing the Mexicans the goal of this great lie, but the "president of the employment" Felipe Calderon, denies us the real information of so brilliant idea.
However instead of be clear in his work efficiency bring face to face the citizens to the glasnost his decision of documenting with logic, coherence and congruity as compared to the society that yet regrets such unemployment in eves of merry Christmas, we observe with sadness that with deceit and wrong faith tries to concealing the information through the Governance Secretariat, informed the governing board of the Deputies Chamber his determination of safeguarding the documents that days back requested plural group with commissioned legislators with analyzing and proposing the viability of a constitutional controversy or the action of unconstitutional, according to correspond, before the extinction decree of LFC.
The completion of a great light company The Governance argument indicates that Energy Secretariat was under the protection in the article 13 of the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to the Public Information, by the one which refuses the information. In its article 13, says us: "as reserved information will be able be classified that whose diffusion could commit the national safety, the public safety or the national defense; to impair the conduct of the negotiations or well, of the international relationships, included that information that other states or international organizations deliver with character of confidential to the Mexican State; to injure the financial stability, economic or monetary of the country; to put on risk the life, the safety or the health in any person, or to cause a serious prejudice to the monitoring activities of the fulfillment of the laws, prevention or persecution of the offenses, the impartation of the justice, the collection of the contributions, the operations of migrant control, the legal costs strategies in process judicial or administrative while the resolutions do not cause state". The question is in, which argument fits the denial of the "president of the employment"?
In his clear arguments for the society forgets to inform that; five of the undersigned of the extinction decree of October 11, 09, they are: Agustin Carstens, (SHCP); Ernesto Cordero (Sedeso); Georgina Kessel (Energy); Gerardo Ruiz Mateos (Economy); and Salvador Vega ( Public Function), they were forming part of the Board of government of Light and Force of the Center Company, were taking the decisions, were dialing the standard, and that for this purpose they are the responsible (together with the directors of the CFE, member of the cited Board and of CLFC) of the financial and operative situation of the company. The question is, what for the five responsible officials for the financial situation of the company LFC have not been bidden farewell?, perhaps, what for each one knows the great optical fiber business that it was tended with money of the public dependency and will be given in grant to relevant PAN-men industrial?

The tax structure of electrical energy The electrical tariff structure designed by the federal government, attending to its economic policy, granting explicit subsidies (60 percent were destined for industrial sector and 22 percent for the domestic users only) no envisaging the financial situation of CLFC. In its wrong policy to break to the great company CLFC was to determine the price of the kilowatt - hour bought to the CFE other company of the federal government that produces electricity and the selling price at user. Of 1995 to 2005, the purchase price to the CFE was increased 4.5 times, while the selling price to the user made it four times, what is translate in a perverse dynamics: to greater sales, greater losses. They are these perverse and malicious measured the directly responsible if we see, the void growth capacity that from 1960s was begun an absolute dependency of the CFE in the purchase of energy, until reaching in 2008 96.4 percent that distributes in its zone.
The company W L Communications hasn’t the authorization to operate only, but before making it already obtained “anticipated discounts of the tariffs of use of the net", since was going to pay in principle an average of 11.33 dollars for connection post but surprise "achieved an additional agreement" and now only will pay 3.33 dollars this service. This optical fiber net whose tended is of more than 683.54 miles with money of the citizens goes to give to connoted PAN-men and in continuous expansion with electrical generation authorization to multinational Spanish, and CLFC were not opposed to the modernity, but to the spoliation of the patrimony of the people of Mexico. (La Jornada, economia, p. 28, October 26, 2009).

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