viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

When sowing transgenic corn

Groups opponents face 90 juridical actions; it is looked for to suppress the cultivation of soja
When sowing transgenic corn in the field
By: Carlos Damian                                                      January 1, 2015
The battle already has more than 18 years against corn transgenic 
México. -   The battle undertaken by Mexico to impede the sowing of corn transgenic turned 18 years, and the federal and state government continues united as a solid block against the citizens that don't want to lose the genetic inheritance of our old people that they developed the bush that they were able to carry out in a basic food for the American native, and Mexico was the seed that converted it like center of origin of this miraculous food. The groups that are opposed to the production face 90 juridical actions Between help and appeals - interposed by companies promoters of the agricultural biotechnology, the Secretary of Agriculture, Cattle raising, rural Development, Fishes and Feeding (Sagarpa, for their initials in Spanish) and the environment Secretary and Natural Resources (Semarnat, for their initials in Spanish), and during next year, “we will continue knitting the resistance", Adelita San Vicente said (ASV), of Seeds of Life. "For the members of Without Corn there is not country, to continue stopping the sowing of corn genetically modified it is a great victory; this will continue because the reason attended us. The battle is for the definitive suspension of those cultivations, as well as of the soja transgenic." 
The case it is already in the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights Watch and the verdict of the Permanent Tribunal of the towns (TTP, for their initials in Spanish), “it is an encouragement to continue demanding the definitive suspension of the sowing of corn transgenic in all its phases". In November, the TTP chapter Mexico, requested in a verdict to the Organization of United Nations for the agriculture and the Feeding to defend to Mexico like center of origin of the corn and the rights of the peasants; it demanded to the World Organization of the intellectual Property to abstain from demanding intellectual property on plants, animals or any alive being, and it  requested to the Agreement it has more than enough Biological Diversity about Biological Diversity it summons to the International Community so that it guarantees the integrity of the origin centers and genetic diversity of the cultivations and rights of the indigenous communities, peasants and local. The measure continues effective the preventive measure against the sowing of corn transgenic dictated by the tribunal district tenth in October of 2013, because in August of this years the tenth collegiate tribunal in civil matter discarded habeas corpus that interposed the company Syngenta.  
The fight of the peasants for the appropriation of the Creole seeds of the corn again, and in defense of those of the bean, pumpkin, among other cultivations, will continue like one of the main actions of the group, ASV delimited. In another side of the nation, the director of Agro Bio Mexico, Alejandro Monteagudo affirmed that one waits that in 2015, “Mexico dares to be added to the 27 countries that sowing corn genetically modified, among other cultivations". It sustained that “it won't mean that the country is covered immediately with that cultivation type; the adoption will be gradual and finally they will be the producers who decide if the technology is useful"; this process is the one that we have seen all the sowing permits since they have been granted requested by the transgenic companies.  It sustained that the juridical processes are long and they have given all the required information; but we hope the resolution is as soon as possible to recapture the experimental sowing and pilot and to advance in commercial sowing of the grain in the north of the country, where they began to sow more than four years ago". Mexico has particular characteristics, as being center of origin of the corn, but we are convinced that the picture existent regulatory allows them to advance in the sowing of corn transgenic to the transnational ones. 
Trap of the transnational ones that transgenic trades 
In spite of the wind privatization that allows with the structural reformations to surrender until the last corner of the energy ones to poison to the Mexican town with the petroleum shale, but it still stays a light blow of hope against the federal and state government's impulse in favor of the trade of the toxic seeds of the corn and soja for the Mexican town. It stays the legal suspension against the sowing of corn transgenic that a tribunal granted before the collective demand promoted by 53 people, and 20 civil organizations, environmentalists and peasants, represented legally by Collectivas AC. Since this suspension was dictated in October 2013, the transnational are demand, Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and PHI Mexico (Dupont) and the own Mexican State, through the secretaries of Agriculture and environment, they have presented more than 70 legal resources against the suspension and the demand. One of the most outstanding cases against Monsanto was carried out by judge Jaime Marroquin Zaleta who ordered to reinstall the preventive measure of suspension against the sowing of corn transgenic in December of 2013, after the companies had been able to alter this measure for a small lapse of time. Although hidden Monsanto their monstrous face of poisoned of the world like an adolescent with angelical face, and this malicious one 'cruela' accused the judge Marroquin of, partiality and it lacks of ethics! This silly argument was discarded ratifying the judge to continue intervening in the process.  
In this war without barracks that the citizens that defend the environment, take had a victory in which was denied Singenta their habeas corpus against the suspension that had presented the company, alleging that have been consult before dictating the preventive measure, and the tribunal considered that the help should be discarded by the graveness of the damages caused to the sowing to future. As for the bottom of the demand, it thinks about that the damages that it will cause the corn transgenic, the rights are violated to the enjoyment of the biodiversity, to a feeding and healthy atmosphere, among other negative factors to the health. The State as always adds to the litigation against the Mexican citizen to poison them, and it uses all the resources and power of the State to favor to transnational to tame the citizen and to accept its luck. For this reason the toxics coming from the plants and transgenic seeds are a substantial base to sleep to the citizen that demands an atmosphere, and healthy food and free of toxic, since it will live sick and poisoned living a lifetime confused, sick and trying to take off this poison that will follow it all their life, becoming a functional sleeping and illiterate mutant.  

As a graphic example it is read in the electronic newspaper Los Angeles Press, on the Intersecretarial Commission of Biosecurity and Organism Genetically modified (Cibiogem, for their initials in Spanish) that negotiates the transgenic applications. In this Commission they participate, among other, the two previously mentioned secretaries that contesting in favor of the transnational ones are now. Sol Ortiz is executive secretary denounced in 2009 to have taken the studies of the contamination transgenic of the native corn in those that it participated being in the UNAM and to give them to a commercial company that it argued falsely that the contamination didn't exist. But the facts don't finish the Cibiogem here since it organized to a series of scientific and managers close to the organism, to refute, chapter for chapter, the book “The corn in danger in front of the transgenics’ published in 2013 by the Union of Committed Scientists by the Society (UCCS, for their initials in Spanish), and the UNAM", paid by the State. In the book they could participate more than 50 scientists of institutions the whole country, contributing a wide critical panorama of the risks of the transgenic for Mexico, their biodiversity, their sovereignty, their economy, and their genetic patrimony. This theater of paid marionettes was carried out instead of a transparent and direct public discussion with participation in equality of circumstances with critical scientists, and more affected groups of the society, and in sum it is feared to the open debates (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-5, December 24, 2014).

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