viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Corruption in Oceanography

The crimes damaged goods guided by the state: judge 14 prison
Corruption in Oceanography
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 25, 2014
The presented estimates of Pemex were false or adulterated
Mexico. -   A single clause in the factorage contract was enough so that Amado Yañez Osuna, in its character of unique administrator of Oceanography, and like representative of Banamex: Alfonso Gerardo Ortega Brehm, director of Products of Credit of the Corporate Banking; Emilio Gonzalez Granja Gout, managing manager of the Unit of Energy and Chemical, and Erick Cervantes Murillo, analyst of business, they defrauded with 354 million dollars to the bank.  The contract was signed in September of 2012, 11 months before they started the mechanisms with which the fraud was summed up, it reveals the resolution of the tribunal 14 of district in penal matter on Mexico City that sustains the orders of apprehension liberated against those involved in that crime, to application of the PGR.  The tribunal settled down that the unique administrator of Oceanography and the officials of Banamex made “crimes that are serious", because that “are to be serious", because they damaged “goods of great hierarchy guided by the State, like they are the stability and solidity of the financial system."   
The judicial verdict points out that with base in the tests contributed by the Federal Public Ministry, the fraud to Banamex was a continuous crime, “since the facts were developed among September of 2013 and up to February 10, 2014", and in that period 166 false and altered estimates of the contracts were presented that Oceanography made with Pemex Exploration and Production. For them, the criminal company signed a contract of the one which Emilio Gonzalo Granja Gout said to the PGR: "I knew that it had been carried out and revised by the legal area, the product area was also according with the content and as me I am not a lawyer I found correct besides that I considered that with this contract the bank will be better protected". The agreement was signed September 21, 2012. By Oceonagrafia, Amado Yañez Osuna; by Banamex, Emilio Granja Gout and Alfonso Gerardo Brehm. The resources were deposited in current account 296633, open November 24, 2009 to name of Oceonagrafia; their handling was in charge of Leonardo Olavarrieta Tinoco, Alfredo Vicente Briceño Perera and Dear Yañez Osuna.  
Serious crimes 
In the contract the clause 5.8 was made a pact that points out to the letter: "In any moment Banamex will have the obligation or responsibility of to determine or to check that the documents that evidence the collection rights are valid and legally they are demanded, neither if its text is correct, neither if the original signatures that they appear in this document correspond the signatories, neither if the parts that took place in this documents had to the moment of its celebration enough abilities for it". The suspicious took advantage of “its relationship with high officials of Banamex", they achieved it to take place the contract regulator among Oceonagrafia and the bank, and “the active fellows with officials' quality and employees of the credit institution intervened directly in the realization or authorization of operations, knowingly that they would be in I smash or damage to the patrimony of the mentioned credit institution", it considered the tribunal intervener. Farm Gout, Ortega Brehm and Cervantes Murillo “entered 166 documents like true estimates of Pemex Exploration and Production knowingly that are false and others altered, and that to the moment in which they deposited 90 percent from each estimate to the current account concentrator was carried out a disaster to the bank institution." 

The criminal net operated in the following way: Erick Cervantes Murillo (analyst of business in the branch Banamex of Villahermosa, Tabasco) he had assigned as “function of receiving the documentation of Oceanografia (relationship of collection rights in original and work estimates for the surrender in simple copy"; his duty was to go to the unique window of Pemex to certify that the estimates were in the database of Pemex, and that the value captured in each document was the payable one for Pemex Exploration and Production in a future to this credit institution.  "However, that function non re carried out, all time that among the division of tasks of this criminal company, in the one that were submerges the personnel of Banamex, it corresponded them to be remiss in verifying the authenticity of the content of the estimates that they were given him by Oceanografia", they concluded the PGR and the tribunal when liberating the order of corresponding apprehension.  
Acts that cause lucrative ends 
Emilio Granja Gout had “a preponderant paper in the generation of the criminal facts, since he/she was the official or executive responsible for the attention to Oceanografia"; he authorized the extensions of the terms for the payment of the work estimates and he had the contact with Erick Cervantes Murillo. "This person made omissions in the supervision of the correct operation of the estimates discounted by Banamex of her client Oceanografia that represented for the bank millionaire operations that they required, of agreement with the uses and you practice bank, a punctual and strict pursuit of the formality of those operations. “This to the help of the support that received from Alfonso Ortega Brehm whose function inside the bank was to supervise the functions of the directors for the success of the products, among those that is the one denominated wallet discount, like it is the case of Oceanografia. It omitted to fulfill the Operation Guide", it points out the judicial resolution. The jurisdictional organ considered that given the great economic power of the members of the “criminal company", its period of prison should not be given in a prison from the Tabasco, Campeche or Veracruz States, since its crime generated multimillionaire earnings, economic resources with which could surpass to the penitentiary authorities of the place of the commission of the facts."  

the economic resources with which could surpass to the penitentiary authorities of the place of the commission of the facts
Also that those inculpated “acted under the forms of characteristic participation from an organization of three or more people, under the discipline rules and hierarchy to make with lucrative ends the crimes", it indicates the judicial file. In that context, the tribunal noticed about the possibility that “other circumstances” could impede the development of the judicial process, since “when belonging to a nucleus of people with wide economic and political power in this federative entities that are the main center of business of Oceanografia", so that it can be carried out the trial, “it is required of a system of security that can guarantee its physical integrity". However, Amado Yañez Osuna is only subject to penal process, but in freedom low deposit because the accusation in its against it is for crime it doesn't burden, in spite of the fact that the own tribunal estimated that yes it was, and for that illicit one those involved reached hardships that they go from eight to 15 years of prison and it fines from 250 thousand to 350 thousand days of minimum wage that are equal to quantities they go from 1 millions 167 thousand dollars to one million 634 thousand dollars. Everything it without considering the repair of the damage caused Banamex that ascends to 354 thousand 133 dollars. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-10, October 20, 2014).

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