viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Opening of barracks

Commendable decision
Opening of barracks
By: Carlos Damian                                            January 16, 2015
It govern it will negotiate with parents of professor’s students dates and facilities to revise 
Mexico. -   The Secretary of the National Defense (Sedena, for their initials in Spanish) it will invite to the National Commission of the Human Rights Watch (CNDH) to travel the facilities of the military barracks in Iguala, Guerrero, informed yesterday (01/15/15), the Secretary of Government, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MOC), at the time that rejected the participation of military in the attack against poor teenagers of the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa, in passed September. "There is interest of generating ignorance or of involving to our Army and our federal forces in the facts of Iguala. The government of the Republic rejects sign out that have been made to our armed forces without sustenance categorically", it pointed out. The official, traveled yesterday to Sinaloa, where it headed the first regional meeting of the year as regards security. Before members of the cabinet of security, included the executives of Sedena and Marina, as well as of governors of entities of the north of the country, it rejected “the provocation intents in those that have wanted to involve to the armed forces."  

The eve, family of the missing professor’s students during the attack from September 26 and 27,  2014 they interviewed with the executive of the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR, for their initials in Spanish), Jesus Murillo Karam, and with Osorio Chong. The authorities announced that the lines of investigation of the case have been drained and the relatives of the victims requested to enter to the military barracks. They also announced that they will continue for their bear in mind the search of young. In the meeting of Sinaloa, MOC defended the work of the PGR and he specified that the case of Ayotzinapa is not he has closed, and he asserted that in December they didn't receive any formal petition to travel the facilities in Iguala. It sustained that although citizens' thousands enter in daily form to military headquarters, we clarify them that it is not the road to be able to achieve an objective. "The barracks of the Army are visited for more than a million people a year, daily; but it is remarked that beyond what stayed in December, it reiterated, there was never a petition in this respect."  

Good decision  
The PGR announced the federal government's decision of allowing the access of the relatives of the 43 professor’s students of missing Ayotzinapa the past 26 of September in Iguala, to the facilities of barracks of the Army, with the purpose of looking for its children or in its case of being collected of some element that allows them to give with its whereabouts. We all wondered if it was possible that in the restricted areas and in the facilities of the military ones there were crematory ovens due to the events of the guerrilla of 60’s & 70’s, and the family parents gave with them. On the other hand MOC, said (01/15/15) that will be invited the CNDH to travel the facilities of the barracks of the 27 military battalion of infantry of the Army, located in the referred town from Guerrero. Before the erosion of the credibility of the institutions dedicated to works of security, and in the context of the demands of clarification of Ayotzinapa, and their social environment of support. Before the diffusion of indications that they could link somehow to elements of the Army with the lamentable events of September 26, the referred pronouncements constitute healthy expressions that contribute to diminish a factor of tension it was expressed in a confrontation to the outskirts of the headquarters of the 27 infantry battalion between troops of the Federal Police and parents and the attacked students' partners and missing that threw a balance of four wounded. 
Senator Alejandro Encinas (PRD), it described of “unusual” and guessed right the decision of the Mexican Army as opening their barracks in Guerrero so that the legal advisers and the parents of the 42 missing persons. He insisted that it is an advance but it is lamentable that it has passed a confrontation between military and family so that the fact was given. "This fact should be had with a lot of anticipation, because when having adopted a decision of that nature it generated distrust and it deteriorated the image of the armed forces". He added that the decision of opening the military facilities to civil was due to the pressure that the family parents exercised and to its mobilization. 
The expression is necessary in the measure that the climate of incredulity, skepticism and exasperation citizens around the referred disappearances have come being fed because the results of the official investigations around the case have not convinced the parents of those affected neither to social and political sectors that solidarity is had with them; to the above-mentioned it was added in recent days the posture of the authorities of discarding all investigation line that will involve to the responsibility in the facts of some federal public corporation a priori. The announcement is a commendable decision and it constitutes a change in the government posture and if at all it is possible to reproach to the authority it is that it has not adopted this decision before, because with this you can reduce the load of skepticism and of social dissatisfaction toward the institutions of security of the State. In this context of the government's opening we wait that it understands that in a democratic republic the transparency exercises and opening are indispensable it doesn't only stop to disable the current suspicions toward armed forces among social sectors that solidarity is had with the Ayotzinapa’s professors, but to retain the null credibility in the institutions of the Mexicans. 
Search caravan begins 
Vidulfo Rosales Sierra (VRS), lawyer of the Center of human rights of the Tlachinollan Montaña, announced the search it will last about eight days. "We don't know the specific points chosen by the family parents because we cannot make them publics for reasons of security", but in Iguala, they will revise several points". The places that it will visit the caravan were determined starting from anonymous information and of people of trust. There are several points of those that it already has knowledge the community police. Lawyer VRS referred to the made announcement on Tuesday (01/13/15), for the federal government that the military barracks opened up in Guerrero. "We made two petitions: one is (to open up) an investigation line that allows to investigate the responsibility of the Mexican Army in the facts on September 26 and 27. It highlighted that there are approbatory elements that indicate that troops of the Army had knowledge of the existence (of the cartel) Guerreros Unidos, of their operation in Iguala, of their coexistence with the municipal authority; that they knew it, they allowed it and they tolerated it. There are tests that indicate that the day of the facts they were (the soldiers) you present in the place, and these two elements are enough to open an investigation line. 
"Accusations were presented with the students' declarations before the Public Ministry and the PGR that say that the Army retained them the day of the facts. There is also a declaration of a last name policeman Barcenas who declared that there were elements of the 27 infantry battalion (of Iguala) with the group Guerreros Unidos and the municipal president (Jose Luis Abarca). Student Garcia, from Ayotzinapa students' spokesman, affirmed that the night of January 12, after it evict for the National Army, he received the visit of the MP, PF, and the State one credited so that she surrendered his declaration. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-4, January 15, 2014).

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