jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013
The public consultation
The most excellent decision in the Mexico posrevolutionary
The public consultation
By: Carlos Damian August 15, 2013
The corruption and the opacity responsibility of the company and the national union
Mexico. - A historical conquest without parallel was the sovereignty of the resources carried out by the General Lazaro Cardenas del Río, former president that March 18th, 1938 had an excellent decision when condemning the petroleum for benefit of the Mexican State. This chancy and dangerous decision was carried out in eves of the Second World War, the English oil and Yankee reacted companies aggressively since later the countries that they received Mexican petroleum they refused to buy the petroleum extracted by Mexican hands, and joined this it was also denied them the oil’s refection with high technology and the foreigner's technique. However some countries like Germany, and Japan were considering requesting the Mexican government their petroleum that was granted them the shipping and the Mexican leader also considered not only the application of German technology but selling them it leaves from the Mexican facilities to Germany. With this petroleum the Nazi government from Germany began to conquer to the world and Europe in particular. The Mexican town was its sympathies with the axis Berlin-Rome-Tokyo in the Second World War but the government had to join on the side of the allies, for convenience not for conviction. In this decision the government was before the alternative of going back, of a total privatization of the oil industry, however the last neoliberal governments assumed political of structural adjustment, dictated by the oil transnational ones.
Among the reformations foreseen by the Pact by Mexico, the energetic and the Treasure both highlight for the impact that they would have in the national economy, and the national sovereignty. In the constitution, the 27 refer to the domain that has the nation on all the natural resources, while the 28 indicate that they don't constitute monopolies the functions of the State as those that exercises in the energy areas, like they are the petroleum and electricity (This doesn't happen this way to the private initiative). When trying to inform on the matters of the union national oil tanker and the national oil company it meets one with the informative fence, both the agreements and treaties that it has the union, with the company and to its nexuses with the PRI-PAN. In this context of informative armour it jumps visible that they try to hide the corruption. Facts as the yacht in Cancun, the clock of 200 thousand dollars, the trips to Las Vegas, Romero Deschamps' daughter when traveling by plane private, and the Ferrari cars of their property. These facts are replied in each one of the 36 sections of the National oil Union, but they don't deserve explanation some because the culprits implied they are not careful some on the public opinion. It fits to remember that of 2004 to 2012 Pemex produced 2.5 million daily barrels, this it is an oil company of world class.
This obvious complicity of the government PRI-PAN, you cannot only support in the trajectory of the PRI’s governments 72 years, even the PAN has also had a similar attitude; it is only question of remembering to Vicente Fox, and it is not lazy to mention when he left forgotten Francisco Barrios, when as Federal controller and he announced that they will fall “fat fish” when he had credited the fact of 33.33 million dollars was given from the oil leader to the presidential candidate of the PRI, Francisco Labastida Ochoa. The fact to continue that the Fox’s politics defined was that it stopped at all to the Federal controller showing its connivance with the corrupt practices that later in the opposition they have promised to suppress. Now the PAN intends to eradicate the positions that it has the oil union in the council of administration of Pemex, as if with this decision they could clean up and to eradicate to the corruption, but when they were in the power they didn't have the possibility to carry out. The national union of Pemex along its existence has always refused to the transparency as for the multiple economic benefits and benefits it receives among them: subsidies, loans without interests for the workers' housings, economic supports for events, etc.
The weight that has Pemex in the national economy contributes 35 percent of the federal revenues and it gives to the federal government, almost 70 percent of its earnings. Mainly that in these days it has fallen the production of petroleum. Although practically the oil industry is disjointed, and the investigation department has left it in the forgetfulness, in these last 30 years. It is considered that the reformations committed by the government of EPN, it is the sale geostrategic of the energy from the state to the transnational ones, being that the PAN already presented the own one, the PRI will make it soon, and the PRD has a premise and a definition has more than enough energy and the Treasure. In this country they are only considered the political opinions but the opinion of the town (referendum), they don't consider it and therefore they abandon their, because it would be a national tragedy for the political parties that the town has opinion, and social conscience. This reformation EPN in its international tours before assuming president's position committed the participation of the private capital in Pemex, assuring to the transnational capital the national sale, because he didn't conceive to the national oil company as property of the state.
The gang of the century
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), he made a "recommendation" to EPN, him to think if he wants to pass to the history like part of the "gang" that it made the “robbery of the century", when reforming the constitutional article 27 to give the petroleum from the country to foreigners. He added that if from the exterior they are pressing it or he already made commitments “that he thinks of the town of Mexico and he tells them that one is not able to that sends them to the hell". He invites to their sympathetic ones to participate in the mobilization against the petroleum and the increase of the taxes, September 8th at the Zocalo of D. F. "Beyond the differences that I have with the PRI’s man, I make him a respectful recommendation, I give him an advice: that he thinks it well, because if that reformation happens and that is for it turns, because we won't allow it, he will be in the history like Santa Anna because of that serious size the betrayal to the homeland and the town of Mexico". AMLO continues. "God willing it postpones it forever", Noticing that “if it is taking so much in presenting it is because he knows what is in game, because while the secretary of Energy, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, “a salinista" - he follows the political line of Carlos Salinas -, he leaves to say that Pemex is in crash, the examining ones financial they put to the company property of the state like one of the companies with more revenues in the world, among which occupies the place 34, with more than a trillion 250 thousand annual pesos that generates; it is the company number 13 in the American continent and the first one in Mexico, overcoming the revenues by itself of several of the big consortia of the country". (The Jornada, 10/8/13).
"We know that to EPN he is not given the politics a lot, but with a minute of lucidity that has it would be enough to realize the serious thing that would be to stop to receive 3 thousand 333 million dollars of rent oil company with the privatization of the petroleum. In one year it would become worse the country of what is", it pointed. He also noticed that EPN this surrounded of “a heap of irresponsible technocrats” that they wash him the brain and “he believes them all that they say", at the beginning with the secretary of Treasury and Public Credit, Luis Videgaray “that is telling him that it is very easy to increase the taxes to cover the hole that they will leave if they privatize the petroleum". Now it is the favorable moment to make us hear, because later it will be more difficult to take out Mexico being “in ruins". “We should not hope the things change if we don't carry out a transformation and if it is not changed the current régime of corruption” and impunity. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 16-28, July 17, 2013).
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