martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013
The opening of the Mexican energy
PAN outlines that the IP participates in the whole productive branch
The opening of the Mexican energy
By: Carlos Damian August 8, 2013
The leaders and legislators present initiative in the Permanent Commission
Mexico. - The specialist in energy matter Javier Jimenez Espriu (JJE), it declined the invitation to be part of the advisory council for the National Consultation about the Energy Reformation, due to the participation of the PRD in this organism. In a letter sent Silvia Alonso (SA), representative of the association Civic Alliance, JJE explained that it declines to belong since contrarily to the council to that “contrary to what was said to my person, when I received the invitation that was another people's civic action totally to all political party", if it participates an institute of that type. In the missive he specified that its participation in the council was conditioned to that all political party stayed to the margin and that it was completely civic. He explained that from the night of last Tuesday (7/30/13), in different media it was spoken of the participation of the PRD in the presentation of the consultants, “and they point out to me as incorporate to a current unaware to my political convictions and far from a movement in the what an one believe."
The most recent official information as regards public debt allows to ponder a limitless growth and not very responsible for that indicator in the last years: while to the beginning of this century the debits of the public sector ascended not much more than 2 trillion pesos, to the second trimester of 2013 the sum is located in 6 trillion 62 thousand million pesos, equivalent to 38 percent of the gross internal product. It should be pointed out that to the arrival to that scandalous figure coincides with a process of economic deceleration that has bordered to moderate the presage of the Republic’s spokesmen to even a cheerful growth. Also it has gone accompanied with a smaller reception of public resources for concept of some tributary revenues, not tributary, oil tankers, and in general for a collapse in the sources of the government's revenues. In few words registered in the past two - six years they were not good to reactivate the economy and to finance the national development, but maybe to finance the costs and an onerous and inefficient government by means of the transfer of resources to private creditors, so much internal as external.
JJE is not member of Morena, but it supports its national fight
The investigating JJE, clarified: "I don't belong to any party neither I will belong, included Morena, like I commented to the graduated Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) at the beginning". This character AMLO invited it to participate so that it was the executive in charge of the Secretary of Communications and Transports (SCT), in the event of arriving to the Presidency of the Republic in the election of 2012. He explained that still when he doesn't have intentions of belonging to Morena it supports their fight in defense of the patrimony of the nation and it reiterated that it will accompany the movement that the former presidential candidate heads in the meeting programmed for the 8 and September in the ‘Zocalo’ of Mexico City “and in everything that that considers that he can be useful for that purpose in these delicate moments of the country". I regret this not very fortunate encounter and my person's meeting with you, but I don't want there to be the smallest doubt shade on the consistency of my facts", JJE said in the missive directed to SA.
JJE is former president of the Mexican Academy of Engineering and it has been opposed openly to the energy reformation included in the Pact by Mexico, of which is part the party of the blue sun under Jesus Zambrano Grijalva leadership. The academic has requested the politicians that leave of side terms like "modernizations", "invigoration", "amplifications" of capacity or other euphemisms, and “it is spoken clear of what is: to privatize" (to Pemex), he said in reference to the energy reformation impelled by the government and the main parties of the country, included the PRD, as integral of the Pact for Mexico. "We cannot allow the abuse of the power to give our patrimony; we won't accept constitutional changes to give certainty to the private investors, like the President declared. We demand respect to the Constitution, as well as EPN declared when it assumed the power, to give certainty to the Mexicans that it is to what is forced by law command", JJE wrote. JJE, he has also requested a dialogue open with the society about the energy politics, like he left seated in a published article. (La Jornada, 6/26/13), denominated ‘Zeal of Pena and impacts of the pact."
The reason of the growth of the public debt is the continuity of a paradigm in the handling of the public finances and of the priorities you budget them, designed to favor the big companies and transnational foreigners, and in any moment to the population in general, what derives in a deficit of resources to improve those deteriorated conditions of the Mexican citizens' life. As graphic sample it is the situation of earnings that has the transnational private banking, in Spanish and English foreigners' hands, what contrasts with it widespread stagnation of the national economy. Significantly the bank BBVA Bancomer gave to know that the revenues of its Mexican branch ascended to a thousand million dollars during the first semester of the year, what represented more than 30 percent of the Spanish global earnings of the transnational one, those which in turn, it means, they grew more than 90 percent in the same period of time.
This circumstance forces us to remember that from the privatization of the banking decreed during Carlos Salinas' government, and the corrupt and onerous rescue that it undertook Ernesto Zedillo's administration, the private bank corporations, today in strange hands in its entirety, they have obtained astronomical earnings, although in its bigger one it leaves they have emphasized abroad in its wombs. That situation is not observed by means of the reception of the saving and the grant of loans but thriving of the funds of the Fobaproa. We have to remember that this circumstance is financed by means of public debt, and also imposing without official control some costs and leonine conditions so much to thrifty as private debtors. Such a circumstance has had a fateful cost for the national development since the productive sectors of the country, and especially the field and the small and medium companies for the neoliberal project have lived during 30 years without having credit.
The rural organizations request a national debate
Rural and political organizations of the field have expressed their rejection to any energy reformation that includes some modality of privatization of ‘Petroleos Mexicanos’ (Pemex), they condemned the collection imposed to the added value (VAT) in medicines and foods, and they were pronounced by a fiscal reformation that finishes with the excuses to the payment of taxes to big companies. The Coordinator National Plan de Ayala and the National Democratic Unit (Udena), this of the PRD, they were pronounced because the Congress promotes the realization of a civic consultation about the energy reformation, because this should not be the fruit of in favor agreements, of political headquarters, or from the oligarchy, but rather it should also be pronounced the citizenship. To the one who directly punish the agreements of the energy reformation. Jose Jacobo Femat (JJF), president of the Center of Organizations Rural and Popular (Cocyp), and JJF indicated that the Cocyp supports the realization of a national consultation about the energy reformation and he insisted in that although the government denies it, it is sought “to privatize Pemex", because the fact that they give contracts to private it is a privatization form (in fact), since the State would stop to have full domain under that strategic resource. He added that neither it would accept “a Treasure reformation that allows breaking to the treasury for hundred of thousands of millions of dollars, product of the fiscal escape allowed by Treasury to the big companies, to those that fiscal stimuli are granted", and escape tricks to avoid the payment of taxes.
With the previous poured arguments, we could underline that the country is under conditions of generating wealth to enough scale to finance its necessities in energy, infrastructure, economic and social development without having to get in debt and without privatizing, like it seeks the federal government and associates. The few revenue-yielding reefs that are still in the federal government's property. It would be enough for it in putting a control to the looting economies that they practice several entities private foreigners and national that operate in the country and to reorient the handling of the deposits for the government toward a social, responsible, and sustainable way. We’ll go with Cardenas to reject the sale from Pemex to the foreigner. (La Jornada, reformas en puerta, p.p. 3 - 4 , August 1, 2013)
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