martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

The Mexicana’s collapse

National The judge is removed because he doesn't assist to the federal government's watchwords The Mexicana’s collapse By: Carlos Damian August 16, 2013 The State places padlocks and it is expected that of a moment to other the company is dissolved Mexico. - The federal judge Felipe Consuelo Soto (FCS), in charge of the mercantile competition of ‘Mexicana de Aviacion’, it solved last Tuesday (11/15/11) to the interested parts that the litigation will conclude February 10, 2011; when it concludes the term for the financial rescue of the airline, or in its case the crash is summed up. On the other hand the judge required the officials so that in a term not bigger at 24 hours they send a second report about the facts. On the matter he exposed that “the most important and indispensable function inside a State that boasts of being protective of the human rights", it is that the authorities “supervise that acting of their agents is adjusted or coordinate with the international treaties of human rights". It required Marcelo Ebrard so that he informs who ordered to evict them with use of the public force of people that they met in front of ‘Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes’ (SCT), in exercise of their fundamental right to show consecrated in the article ninth of the Constitution". To Genaro Garcia Luna (GGL), it requests him that he explains the presence of elements of the Federal Police in the Base of Maintenance of Mexican (MRO), “prepared that of not making it in their terms an equivalent ticket it would be imposed to 250 days of minimum wage” to each official. This happened in times of Felipe Calderon’s federal government. The judge requires GGL he informs for the aggression to pilots Last Tuesday (11/15/11) the watchword among the workers of ‘Mexicana de Aviacion’ in sit-down strike went from support to judge FCS, in the face of the risk that it is removed of the position by differences with the SCT. The leader of the ‘Asociacion Sindical de Pilotos Aviadores’ (ASPA), Perfect Fernando (FP), he said that if you confirms the removal application it will be for a perfectly founded and motivated act of authority, mainly in the case of a mercantile competition as that of Mexicana, because otherwise it would not be contributing to the solution of the conflict and those would already confirmed for those abundant indications of twice as much the federal government's speech. The Union Association of Flight Attendants of Aviation (ASSA) that Ricardo del Valle heads, he affirmed that he offers his total and unconditional support to the judge, because it has been the only one that has seen for the interests of the workers and the amplification of the term for the reconciliation it demonstrates it. It highlighted that judge FCS's performance has been excellent not only for the support to the workers, but because he has had the value to denounce the irregularities and inconsistencies that have been presented along the process on the part of the federal government, and even of other companies. The leader of the National Union of Workers of Transports, Transformation, Aviation, Services and Similar (SNTTTS), Miguel Angel Yudico, coincided in that FCS has offered the protection of the workers of Mexicana that they take 15 months without working and without perceiving revenues. It pointed out that in this conflict it is indispensable to reach agreements and that the authorities show the will so that Mexicana recaptures operations and survive 8 thousand employments that tourists and a million people related with the company benefit. The SNTTTS, informed the night of last Monday that judge FCS is being pressed and that it could be removed of the position to have denounced the “double speech” of the SCT, as well as the existence of “catastrophes interests” of officials and airlines benefitted with the exit of Mexican. He also revealed that it was of their knowledge that some potential investors received threats so that they didn't capitalize to the company. Jose Luis Aldana, secretary of the Interior of the SNTTTS, informed yesterday that sustained a meeting with the boss of the Legal Unit of the SCT, Gerardo Sanchez Henkel who assured him that “he hasn’t referred for anything against the judge"; however, the union leader noticed that that information puts in alert to all the workers, mainly now that it seems that it comes closer a solution. Fernando Perfecto assured that at this time the most important thing is to know if manager Ivan Barona (IB), it will be able to bring Mexico the 400 million dollars that it committed to reactivate Mexicana. He remarked that today at noon it will have information in this respect, because IB committed to that would put in Mexico the resources labeled for the capitalization of the airline in 48 hours only. He explained that the term fixed by IB conquers this Wednesday for what will have news to week half-filled. It clarified that it is not a legal term but of the manager's promise, and that if they were not the available financial resources this Wednesday, IB or any other one interested it could present them in any moment, mainly now that the judge of the mercantile competition specified that the reconciliation term will conquer February 10, 2011. It denounces of the workers of Mexican The text appears last Wednesday (7/17/13), where it says: "We make a public accusation on the cohabitation that exists between the government federal, high hierarchies of the company, the conciliatory one and administrator of the mercantile competition so that MEXICANA DE AVIACION, it doesn't return to the air in the terms of the great air company that all Mexico knew. In the facts a feigned juridical act exists, they are a supposed sale of the company in parts, made by Perfect Fernando (FP), owner and director of New Aeronautical Group (NGA) who seeks in the mercantile competition that the sale of the Base of Maintenance (MRO) it is made for separate; besides the trade-mark and other assets; that they are parts so much neuralgic for the operation, like for the obtaining of the Certificate of Operations of Flight (AOC) of our company. At the moment the director of NGA and former union leader, FP together with the conciliatory one and administrator of the mercantile competition Gerardo Badin, they are preparing the transition of the company. (We as workers without employment of Mexican, throw a watchword to the citizenship in general). We avoid that this happens, while the possibility of its capitalization exists! For the diverse groups of existent investors that have not had answer to the date and they have even been ignored by the federal executive (EPN), and the other competent authorities, favoring fully to small groups of power identified. More than two weeks of sit-down strike in the International Airport of Mexico City and a hunger strike of 10 days in passed March (2013), they have not been enough so that the federal government of EPN and the representatives of Mexican of Aviation give answer to the retired flight attendants that demand the payment of their pension, suspended for almost three years. "Everything is aground and nobody pays us attention. In the Secretary of Government (SG) they only tell us that they will speak with ' they are up of us’, but it doesn't pass anything. We are tired", the pensioners that it maintains sit-down strike in the Terminal One of the AICM from July 1, 2013 denounced. Duce Maria Mejia Perez, one of the flight attendants in the graft, and who made strike of hunger, it sustained that in the recent encounters in Government have been assisted by controls means that don't have possibility to give concrete answer to their demands. "When they are not holiday, they say that they have a lot of work; now, to be vacations, they tell us that there is not anybody. The case is that there are pretexts for everything", it denounced the aggressions to the pensioners of Mexicana. In conclusion the federal government has refused once and another one to rescue Mexicana with the money that the town by means of taxes sustains the federal government, and certainly it would be necessary to wait some justice to this group of Mexicans that wrongly have been punished by the big companies and the federal government, only to be employees of an air company that was the icon and pride of the Mexican town for many years. However all the public officials implied together with the SCT have shown against the company with a hate, scorn and discrimination of the human rights of these graduates, and Mexican technicians due to this government's characteristic indolence, and the question that arises, it is if this clumsy and wretch situation is product of a combine of the Mexican managers, and a giving up of the government of Calderon, as it was it in its fair measure the manufactured bankruptcy of the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME). And it follows the bush giving, the federal government of EPN, is same or worse in his treatment to Mexicana, its workers and pensioners. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 6-28, November 16, 2011).

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