Advance and symptom
Victims' law
By: Carlos Damian May 5, 2012
The state is co-responsible of the security of the victims
México. - Unanimously, the state of the Republic endorsed yesterday the verdict of the General law of Victims, classification that dictates, among other things the right to the integral repair of the damage and the artificial, doctor, economic attendance of those who suffer attacks of the delinquency or abuses in individual guarantees for the authorities; foresee the creation of a national registration of victims and of a permanent fund of help and integral repair, and it puts those mechanisms with control of a National System of Victims in which the organizations of the civil society will be represented.
To reservation of what could happen in next days in the Chamber of Deputies where the referred law will have to be analyzed, and in its case, to be approved. In the Senate the green light is a meritorious fact because it corrects an omission, in the mark legal Mexican, of institutional mechanisms that force to the State to recognize and to repair the abuses and violations made against the population, either for criminals or for the own authorities. Such an omission that today is translated in a unprotection margin for the population and in a mantel of impunity for those who attempt against this, either inside the institutions or outside of them.
This situation you more serious restitution in a moment like the present, in which the violence and the barbarism of the criminal organizations converge with the violations and molestations made by authorities in the context of the " war " against the organized crime, and when the governments of the different levels have manifested lack of interest for the situation of the victims in general. The referred guarantee's healthy aspect is that, with this situation of endorsing the verdict; the Senate of the Republic completes, be this way with almost one year late, with one of the main commitments formulated by the legislative to the social organizations that have been mobilized by the pacification of the country in previous months and for the justice for the victims and its relatives that have formulated severe critical to the strategy of security in course and they have pressed for its modification.
In the Senate the law is approved in general
In the twilights of the legislature in an unanimous way, it was approved (4/25/12), this law that represents “the principle of a new way, of bigger justice, attention and care” for those who suffer violations to their human rights or the attack of the organized delinquency, words of Jesus Murillo Karam, of the PRI. With this law of “new generation, the human rights are claimed in this fight in that we are immerses between a police’s State and a State of full freedom", Pablo Gomez of the PRD indicates. With this law it is sought to reconstruct the social fabric, “so gravely affected by the violence", Tomas Torres, former militant of the PRD pointed out. This law was impelled by the ‘Movement by the Peace with Justice and Dignity’, to combat the impunity and corruption, mentioning to adviser Eliana Garcia, and thanks to the effort of many academics of the UNAM, and other academic institutions and international organisms.
With the support of these organizations several modifications were generated, like for example, a fund of help of 63 thousand 333.33 dollars, attendance and integral repair of the damage that it is formed with resources budget them and private as donations, but not of the rounding of departmental stores. The law orders among other things to create a national registration of victims, it forces to the State to look for missing people by all possible means and it gives the durable right had wronged to know the historical truth. The reformation was also approved to the constitutional article 73 that authorizes to the State to legislate as regards victims. Although it lacks to be approved in San Lazaro’s building being pending until September, 2012.
The symptoms of the law
Such an attitude contrasts with the indolence and answer lack from the federal Executive to those reclaims: beyond showy meetings and mediatic headed by their leadership, Felipe Calderon, with organizations of the civil society and with characters affected by the violence, the federal government has been reluctant to rehearse a real variation in his refuted combat strategy to the organized delinquency, and it has ignored the reclaims formulated by the population before the disastrous results of the same one. Lastly it doesn't give up to worry that the Mexican State requires modifications to the legal mark to correct or to attenuate a to circumstance that, in strict sense, it would not have to have happened if the administration federates has assisted from a principle to its basic responsibilities and certainly beginning with the protection to the life and the procurement of the well-being of people.
In this context of basic responsibilities, it had been able to design, in consequence a politics of security that prioritizes the population's protection and the pacification of the national territory, and they could be sanctioned, for principle and in energetic form, the violations made for who supposedly should preserve the right state. Finally, without removing it merit to the law and the positive character of the referred it, this represents an indicator of the loss of capacity of the State to fulfill their more elementary obligations, and that deterioration is not corrected in a short term, a moment will arrive in that there won't be law neither it reforms that they reach to revert him. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 - 7, April 26, 2012)
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012
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