sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

It amends the homework

AMLO corrects the wages that it provided of "elite" officials
It amends the homework
By: Carlos Damián May 26, 2012
Good symptom that Peña Nieto refuses to debate: AMLO
México. - The presidential candidate of the coalition Progressive Movement, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), it amended the confusion on the monthly wages of public officials that he mentions they are monthly. A minister of the Court wins in Mexico 40 thousand 252 dollars, in Brazil, 13 thousand; a senator in Mexico wins 13 thousand 135, in Brazil 7 thousand 500 dollars; a secretary of State wins 11 thousand 761 dollars in Mexico, in Brazil 5 thousand 600 USD; and a deputy wins in Mexico 9 thousand 73, in Brazil 7 thousand 500 USD.

AMLO mentions that “we go very well", and it described as “good symptom” that the candidate of the PRI. Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), have avoided to debate with him in a radio program in the Federal District. About the surveys that locate it in the third place of the electoral preferences, he specified: "Mainly those that sponsor up give us some intention of favorable vote and we go increasing, but they maintain EPN until the clouds. They are surveys favorable to the PRI". In the case of Wal-Mart that corrupted to the Mexican authorities to open more stores, and he pointed out that in spite of being the dollars, 0.2 percent of the 26 thousand 666.67 millions of dollars of their earnings. Those 26 thousand 666.67 millions would be the budget of 20 years of Aguascalientes.

Leaders live as caciques
The candidate AMLO after being in the Palacio of Mining traveled to Reynosa, in the flight 2596 of Aeromexico airlines. Half hour after having detached the airplane, a group of passengers organized him hurrah and applauses. A meeting went to the candidate to 36 thousand feet high, in which during 10 minutes the travelers encouraged it to follow its campaign and to win the first elections of the next one of July. In their campaign positions he said, “you cannot combat the wrong with the wrong, it is as wanting to turn off the fire with the fire; the peace and the tranquility are fruits of the justice and we will act this way. We will create an atmosphere of progress, it will have work, well-being, we will go house by house, incorporating the youths to the work and the study", he said. AMLO highlighted in Reynosa, Tamps.

The necessity to improve the wages of the workers. "We give ourselves shame to see the pictures of the family of (Carlos Romero) Deschamps by plane matter, traveling for the foreigner, when the oil workers are very not well paid; they kept nothing else the fame that they paid them well wages, because the oil workers no longer wages and they don’t have enough and not only that, they have to constantly be contributing quotas so that these leaders live as caciques", it accused. After the manifestation in Reynosa, it sustained that anything has damaged Mexico and Tamaulipas more that the dishonesty and their rulers' corruption. It indicated that the insecurity is consequence of the corruption and lack of employments. "We have to create a virtuous circle, because if there is work there will be security."

The young town is waking up
In their morning conference, the candidate AMLO insists “we are already quite advanced in the construction of the structure for the defense of the votes. There are states where it already finished building this structure with Movement National Regeneration (Morena, in Spanish), but we want to have hundred percent soon; We are summoning all the citizens to that they help us to take care of the polling-booth and to defend the vote". He was questioned on the newscasts of Televisa Co., which last Monday (21/4/12) they made a recount on the presidential candidate's paper Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), in the Iberoamericana University, and that specialists considered kind of a control of damages to recover credibility.

AMLO manifested “we believe that it belongs to sages to change to opinion, we cannot think that they don't change the means, in this case Televisa Co., seeing the real situation of the country. They without a doubt have a project, it is evident the support to EPN, but perhaps they are rectifying and they have realized that that is not convenient mainly for the nation, and with this attitude of informing on the case of the youths, with objectivity, it is a good sign". It celebrated that that change is happening: "we cannot say that it is a strategy or a maneuver, not because it is convenient for Mexico the opening of the means that people has information. If they are in plan of rectifying and of informing with objectivity, thing that they had not made, because it is evident and notorious the handling aimed at trickery of all that had to see with university boy, and the true information welcome."

We have in our e-mail an information that is false to our view, but it follows even this way the diffusion, giving it for certain, of a survey that made the newspaper ' The Washington Post' and in the one that AMLO a point appears up of EPN. In our opinion it is certain if we manage it as located outside of the country and inside the Mexico City, but in general it is false, as well as it is false that the writing awarded to Pedro Joaquin Coldwell in which requests the investigation of students opponents officially to EPN, in the Iberoamericana University. On the Decalogue of EPN, AMLO manifested: "if they want to put to (Arturo) Montiel like public official, why reason we speak of that. Do you believe to Peña Nieto? Me neither. The decision of the presidential election is in the voting of the youths. (La Jornada, politica, p. 11, 23 de Mayo, 2012)

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