miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

The current political class in Mexico

The PAN-men a class of politicians that confuse to Mexico
The current political class in Mexico
By: Carlos Damián October 10, 2010
A "cold" unprecedented
México. - The rightists of all the signs included in first term the PAN-men that govern us, they are that trill against the annotations and limitations that the political game that was originated in the electoral reforms has imposed to the powers before all-embracing of the Presidency of the Republic (PR). Felipe Calderon proposed his political reform for that reason: according to him, it can not govern, not by inept, but because a Congress, integrated by different political forces that have contradictory interest and in dispute, to him does not approves its initiatives of law and not supports it in all its occurrences and infamies.
The PAN-men have been accustomed to govern violating openly the constitutional precepts, so that already neither them interests to change the Great Letter. Order to the Congress an initiative of unconstitutional law and in the Legislative approve it always with the procurement of the PRI-men or, simply they are led without law, and always with the aid of each other, they make what their bad understanding them advises.

The PAN-men in the power do not know to govern, ever had an idea of how to make it; not even the new PAN-men that they are not more than lackeys of the entrepreneurs or they same it as entrepreneurs. To govern one must to know to make political. They never they learnt it. With the PRI-men in the power were behaved staunch to their alliance. But when the PRI-men happened to the opposition no longer they were a force, but split into the local powers now to cargo of the governors. To Vicente Fox was not occurred to him something else that to give to the governors PRI-men all what demanded to him; among other things, a huge slice of the oil income. Calderon they are known to make but what is same, with the result of the fact that no longer knows from to get money out to have loyal to those feudal scamps that only they are staunch to themselves.

For the PAN-men reactionary, all the evil of the world comes of the parties and of the Congress in the one which do not know how to arrive to agreements and, at the same time, power to govern. The president believes that thus, it can be searched to him the road for power to govern well and to his pleasure. In the understood that those parties, to those which has been devoted to revile and a Congress to which wants to convert into a subordinate office of Los Pinos residence, they will never accept to remain to his mercy thus easy. In the traditionally democratic countries that discussion always was solved in favor of the democracy. Upon following the road by the democracy can achieve majority consensus for a good conduct of the country. That is a mystery for the reactionary that govern us. They do not know how to make it. Their style of government, it is to submit to the others or to destroy them, something that has nothing to do with democracy. The vocation of the right-side is the domination without conditions and the plunder of the public wealth.

The wealth, the political power, the ignorance, the fanaticism in hands of the right-side is the devastation, the catastrophe of the society and the nation deposits. The democracy always it is inclusive of all. Not let come to power to the opposite it is profoundly antidemocratic. To close to it all the roads is authoritarianism, and this dictatorship never it has been guarantee of good government. With the democracy can be governed. But the right-side party white & blue thinks that it is impossible. In those conditions, it does not remain other road that the violence, and with the violence is not played: it is died and the violence destroys it all.
A cold in Mexico
According to the information of the National Statistics Institute and Geography (INEGI) the wide internal product (WIP) the last year was contracted 6.5 percent. The crisis underway it has surpassed even caused it by the “December mistake" in 1994, whose responsibility is attributed to the governments of Carlos Salinas and Ernesto Zedillo, which it was of the 6.2 percent. In retrospective results exasperate the improvidence and the arrogance with the one which the government from Calderon and his yesterday Estate secretary Agustin Carstens, scorned in their moment the catastrophe that were threatening to Mexico and that it was warned by various political sectors, social and academic.

Colloquial response of the executive of the Bank of Mexico to such warnings were that, as opposed to what had occurred in previous crisis, the financial losses that already was lived in The States would not have of be translated in our country, in a pneumonia, but to what is supreme, in "a little flue". Until our days, the official speech is smear in asserting that the crisis had exclusively exogenous origins, and to avoid the responsibility by the subsequent social drama. However the reality is different: while in other countries the authorities were adopting measures contra-cyclical to attenuate the worse implications of the world crisis, in our nation, it was operating inside out: was eliminating the few protection mechanisms to the familiar economy, was abandoning to its luck to the small and company medians, was increasing tariffs in unwarranted proportions and was increasing taxes that were encouraging the fall of the country in the well of the recession.
The factor that permits to explain the concatenation of mistakes in the managing of the crisis is the respect to it without discussing of the neo-liberalism that evidenced, with the world recession of the last year, its depletion, inoperable and intrinsic immorality. To the light of this tragic contraction of the national economy, today more than ever results imperative to demand to the federal government a change of route in the managing of the public finances. (La Jornada, opinion, p. 21, May 21, 2010).

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