miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Il capo

It is tense the confrontation with the current government
Il Capo
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 10, 2016
The apprehension of the capo di  tutti capi of the drugs
Mexico. -     Upon returning to capture to the man Joaquin El Chapo Guzman Loera, effected on Friday January 8, 2016, by elements of the Mexican Marine in the Los Mochis City, Sinaloa, puts an end to one of the most embarrassing episodes of the safety institutions of the country and for the political official on alertness and combat matter to the organized delinquency: the flight of the convict occurred six months ago, of the penal of maximum safety of El Altiplano Jail. In effect, it does not result simple to conceive that one of the criminal leaders more sought by the governments of The States and Mexico may have been able to escape of the most monitored prison of the country, and not as consequence of the loss of control of the government in the penal federal and its surroundings, and links with criminal organized and authorities of the jail. El Chapo with the support of the organized delinquency was capable from fleeing without be detected after a relentless search of the policeman and the federal force, after middle year and with a capable attorneys bureau to build legal strategies by means of a protection to avoid the extradition toward United States in the one which prevails yet the death maximum penalty. 

Untruthful adventure
The particular history gathered Hollywood stars and it is more true and firm than provided it by the governmental source. The official history in voice of the president of Mexico with all the official paraphernalia is made to surround of an officials retinue interpreting papers over-performance of bureaucratic jubilation: "Mission fulfilled chief".  All this surrounded of a homage air to the DEA, and evoking the celebration of George W. Bush with mud feet. The social nets were apprehended to the instant and were converted in crushing machine, making an own version: #Fiction - compliment, in Twitter. But when the untruthful adventure was converted in an awake you editorial before the appearance of the interview of Sean Penn and with help of Kate del Castillo, in the Rolling Stone magazine, the label that stripped the governmental epic: #MiSean fulfilled. This news to be printed in the American magazine, was advanced hardly a day to the diffusion of the interview of the unreachable Chapo, with the investigating wizard Sean Penn. The call "anonymous" that carried to the manager of the transnational to their house of the Altiplano Jail with their attentive personnel to any caprice of the personage been born in Badiraguato, that achieved to draw it from the sewer with watering-can and with included tunnel service. Permitted that the attached king achieved to announce in their accustomed annual encounter of the Mexico City, with the presence of ambassadors and Mexican consuls, are found with the gift of Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.   

The lack of efficiency and the void operability of the federal and state institutions were made evident after the flight of the chief of the Cartel of Sinaloa, collected relevancy in sectors officials with a speech of the president that was smelling to the forgotten past where the maximum authority were made present. Against all the possibilities when a Mexican was not letting to Mexican other in the World Second War, today the opposition parties: PAN, PRD, and accomplice parties are joined to the Yankee pretension echo of the fact that it will be extradited as soon as possible to the neighboring of the north, in spite of the fact that has not complied with the judgment that was imposed to him in Mexico. In this context is outlined the classic option for the governing class: to give us bear in mind that we are inept and that we cannot guard to the rich criminal and to submit us as Felipe Calderon in form humiliate you and wear you to the pressures of the government of The States, and in the apprehension of El Chapo did not remain clear their participation. Beyond these referring upon capturing constitutes it a clear fulfillment of the law, a political impact and it does not represent a reduction of the lack of safety and violence that suffers the country.

In their appearance requested a space in their speech before the amiable bureaucratic clientele to attend "a call" of Los Pinos residence and upon returning to the microphone, with bass-drum and dish announced the good news, provoking a patriotic satisfaction ecstasy in the diplomats that in the middle of such exaltation began to sing the Mexican national anthem. The Mexican president until forgot blackish of the cooked rice, and upon recovering the herald of the paradise it mention that they had been ended the vacation, when in reality never had left of the alertness tuning in of the information services Yankees. The favorite selected was the Marine that received the call "anonymous" and it said that was not necessary all the floored "intelligent". Already put aboard of the helicopter to send to the leader of the Cartel de Sinaloa to their residence where have it kept, was seen to a federal element to give a friendly slap to the leader of export of products and unauthorized cultivation by the federal government. The elements of the Mexican Marine was protected their faces with obscure cloths, and the personnel of the Mexican Army were showing their face; but some hours before the "feat" the general secretary of the National Defense to give a small push to the headline of the Mexican Marine so that occupied a secondary place.

The apprehension of the chief of the drugs results in a crude confrontation from the cartels that takes place periodically as always it has occurred upon disappearing to other outstanding criminal leaders. This action does not constitute to decrease the balances of the war policy to the drug traffic, which it has been characterized by having a punitive and paramilitary approach, a problem that it has not been taken in all their magnitude since has been returned a snowball with social dimensions, economic and political. The obligation of the state is to refund the legal framework for all the citizens. The state must retain this serious lack, no ignoring their obligation, and will continue in systematical form. However it will not be able with their speeches triumphant comply with the citizens their lack of efficiency in the tasks of safety, combat to the corruption and justice proxy, and these actions are not accompanied of punitive measures to contain the social causes, institutional and economic that result from this phenomenon from criminality.

Morelos: bankrupt State
In the weekly “Desde la fe”, considered that the Morelos State them is a ‘bankrupt State', by the high ‘indexes of poverty' and unemployment. "In spite of the empty arguments triumphant of the government, that boasts important investments that encourage the progress and stability".  The state is found "mercy of the organized crime that operates in base and pitiless form on account of the corruption and the politicians’ cohabitation abject and miserly".  The numbers reflect other reality that the governing Graco Ramirez evades: "The human development figures of the Coneval (for their initials in Spanish) refer that 45 percent of the citizens suffer poverty, and the violence lashes to the population. It is reflected this violence in "the assassination of Gisela Mota (recently elect mayor), and shows us the horrid condition of the country and the promises failure to re-establish the peace and order". These actions and "corruptions have name and surname" and regretted that the entity will be a “political springboard for presidential aspirations". "The breakthrough of the drug traffic" throws a balance of "more than 70 political murdered". according to Notiver, the consul of Mexico in Barcelona, announced that already arranged the problem of Javier Duarte course to the elections, with Hector (Yunes), as candidate of the PRI negotiated for the ridiculous gubernatorial of two years with silver allotment for the opposes and together to face to the "dog" and to avoid that the PAN with Michael Angel Yunes Linares as candidate could triumph in the Veracruz State. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3- 10, January 11, 2015).

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