viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

The universal evaluation

It is applied July 6 to professors without magisterial career
The universal evaluation
By: Carlos Damián July 17, 2012
It arrives to a " understanding " with the SNTE
México. - The Secretary of Public Education (SEP, in Spanish) it gave to know in the face of state authorities of the sector that the universal evaluation directed to 252 thousand 162 professors, directive and technician-pedagogic advisers of primary that they don't participate in the program Magisterial Career will be carried out July 6, inside the school cycle 2011-2012, like it had proposed the federal dependence. The leadership of the SEP; Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos (JACV), it confirmed that they won't be sanctioned the educational ones that don't present the standardized test. The universal evaluation has caused numerous mobilizations that demand its cancellation.

In spite of protests the teachers present exam
"The agreement that establishes the application marks that it is obligation, but there won't be any mechanism that sanctioned. We won't establish them. It is not to harm anybody, but of supporting those that present it because it allows us to have a diagnosis. In the other ones (cases) we won't be able to have it and it will be much more difficult to be able to them to support in the formative itineraries. Simple and flatly it is that", Cordova said. Due to the magisterial mobilizations, the vice Ministry of Superior Education, Rodolfo Tuiran Gutierrez, informed that he remembered to apply in two moments the universal evaluation. "The participants of the first phase of the universal evaluation, inscribed in the program of Magisterial Career, the 23 and 24 of June will be presented, while the educational ones of primary that don't participate they will sustain the test on Friday 6 of July, last day of the school calendar."

This decision was agreed with 22 state Ministers of education, and with the SNTE that heads the previous member of the PRI, Elba Esther Gordillo. The vice Minister of basic education, Francisco Ciscomani, declared that you arrived to a " understanding " with the magisterial union, since it was necessary to establish a date in the school year to evaluate to those more of 250 thousand educational of primary that don't participate in Magisterial Career. "It was analyzed July 7 that it is Saturday, and for it is it the appropriate date". Like part of the agreements the National Council of Educational Authorities (Conaedu, in Spanish) it committed to impel processes that “guarantee an appropriate implementation of the first phase of the universal evaluation."

The exam will be applied professors without Magisterial Career
It was also given to know that the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education, as well as a technical team of specialists in psychometric and evaluation", they pronounced that both tests are “equivalent”, with characteristic and common elements, although they cleared up that the same reagents won't be included. Ana María Aceves (AMA), general director of Evaluation of the SEP, explained: "when they told us that we had to make the two tests, the process gave for two evaluations. When you make a similar process, with the same structure, the same contents, and that it will also apply with very little time of difference to a same population, then they are equivalent tests."

However AMA it admitted” it won't probably allow us some questions of technical accuracy, but here it weighed, more the part of saving the test that that of the accuracy. Finally what we need is to generate similar diagnosis". In the meeting it settled down the commitment of the SEP and the state authorities of impelling a campaign of diffusion of the universal evaluation, in radio and television, as well as the triptychs delivery that they will be annexed to the checks of the educational ones. A strategy will also be impelled to give to know the national convocation to integrate a catalog of continuous formation and professional progress of the educational ones in the cycle 2012-2013.
JACV sustains march it won't be given behind in its application
The eve of the application of the National Evaluation of the Academic Achievement in School Centers (Enlace, in Spanish) to almost 16 million students of basic education, the leadership of the SEP, JACV, admitted that it exists the risk that this has been filtered, after dissident professors gave to know copies of the test and they assured that it is for sale for quantities that they go from thousand to the 12 thousand pesos. “We have been careful that it doesn't happen. Evidently, the risk always exists. In some occasion we suspended a national exam of ‘residences’ because we could check that it had been filtered, but in this case we don't have a previous evidence or that they have built it with questions that they remember. That is completely possible", it expressed, and he insisted in that “we cannot give it goes behind “in their application.

It was distributed to all the entities except to Oaxaca that “manifested that it won't participate", the SEP it also faces the “kidnapping” of a truck in Chilpancingo, Guerrero that transported the test, but it trusted that to three days of their application “there is a respect to the law, since it is federal property", and she affirmed that “we consider that it will be an entire success". AMA, she said that it is very difficult to control 17 million tests. We have a shared responsibility. We give the materials to each entity and these distribute them at regional level. It is no longer in us."

It assured that the company that it carried out the impression of the materials “kept all the measures of security". In spite of the presumed irregularities diffused by the teachers of the National Coordinator of Workers of the Education (CNTE, in Spanish), AMA affirmed that “to these dates to us doesn't play us to investigate. What corresponds me to make they are the measures that if we take and if we foresaw in advance to avoid that situation type". Among them it is the application of new software to detect patterns of correct and not only incorrect answers, like it had been making. (La Jornada, educacion y justicia, p.p. 2-3, June 3, 2012).

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