jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

The elections masquerade with Sorianagate

The average of opposing votes is three votes for polling-booth
The elections masquerade with Sorianagate
By: Carlos Damián July 10, 2012
The protests darken the image of Mexico abroad
México. - When beginning the recount of votes for the presidential election and of legislators to the Congress of the Union, members of the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE) the number adjustments began, while militant of the parties they settled, and installed in front of the meetings districts zone to verify the process. It was significant the participation and mobilization of integral of the 132 juvenile movement, although also of the surveillance that they exercise the forces of the order. All this in spite of the insistence of the IFE and of the federal government of “a clean and impartial” election, due to the inconsistencies found in the electoral polling-booths according to the law.

In the polling-booth 133 of the district three of Durango it was proven that the candidate Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) he was assigned 250 votes although in fact he only obtained 125. "They have recovered three votes on the average for polling-booth for Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)", Noe Garcia Gomez, representative of the ‘Aztec sun’ (PRD) said it before the executive vocally of the IFE in Aguascalientes, after having been recounted 50 percent of the 447 polling-booths of the district three, where it was ordered to count the entirety of the same ones for the election of President of the Republic. In Quintana Roo, some 350 members of the 132 juvenile movements went for the capital of the state and they showed in front of the Council District zone 2 of the IFE.

To the election if but not to the imposition
About 30 youths settled in the council districted 4 of Guanajuato capital to attest the count and others carried out a showing off against the “fraud” of the PRI. With the presence of 132’s young, in Juarez City, Chihuahua, they made meeting outside of the district 3 to demand the count vote for vote, while their partners went to the bridge international Santa Fe to protest against the fraud and electoral transporting that the PRI practiced massively last Sunday.

As it has not still been recognized as president, they made to a call to the governments that abstain from “to recognize and to congratulate openly who has not still been recognized rightfully as elect president". The movement social 132 university student makes a call to the unison with other movements juvenile and social group actives to reject from Mexico the imposition of the candidate of the PRI. In accordance with official figures, most of those near 40 thousand Mexican that participated from the exterior (near 100 countries), -77% is living in U.S.A. -, all they voted against the official candidate of the Mexican right.

The Mexican varnish
Due to the enormous obstacles created by the officialism in Mexico, the vote emitted by the Mexicans in U.S.A. It was very small if we compare them with the enormous majority of 12 million Mexican immigrants that they live and they work in the country of the bars and the stars. However these Mexicans are not so near the evolution of the Mexican elections, so much in L.A., in Chicago, in New York and other places in the American Union, and it is suspected that on the top of political groups in Mexico prefer that they don't participate in the process. Some groups of Mexicans interested in the process and that they are in favor of AMLO they consider as responding to the results, and they express their rejection to the genuineness.

Among which can differ, to Organization Binationals’ Indigenous Front, to Occupy Wall Street’s Latin together with other organizations of activists that promoted the vote in favor of AMLO. In other cities of L.A, San Diego, Fresno , and other nearer cities to Tijuana, Baja California to vote in special polling-booths, and they are observing the evolution of the process and the information on the question of the presidential election for their social nets in The States.

The social nets criticize the pre-paid cards
The hackers group that they belong to Anonymous Mexico noticed that it will begin the operation anti-fraud Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) - #OP AFPN - that will consist in the popularization of names of having involved in the purchase of votes, financing to the PRI presidential candidate's campaign and officials that didn't fulfill its obligations, among other activities. They assure that the legislative's deputy representative before the IFE, Carlos Armando Biebrich (CAB), it was one of the main ones in charge of collecting economic resources for the campaign for the presidency of EPN.

It also pointed out to the president of the IFE, Leonardo Valdes Zurita, of “being responsible for the fraud” to have paid remiss attention to the accusations of irregularities in the process. CAB was pointed out as main actor of the decisive financing in the campaign of EPN, this character was Vice- Ministry of Department of the Interior during Luis Echeverría's six years federal administration, and governor of Sonora from 1973 to 1975, it is a work that had to give up because he was made responsible of having ordered the evacuating to peasants of a private land, fact that finished with the death of several of them. CAB was discharged of all the positions, but its political career came to low. In 2002 he incorporated to the National Executive Committee of the PRI like part of Roberto Madrazo's team. Anonymous was delimited of any political party or presidential candidate, and he specified that it has not begun any operation #AFPN and that to the moment to carry out some action it will give it to know by means of the social nets. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 5-7, July 5, 2012)

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