jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

The electoral dirt is lacquered

The government and the IFE agreement in disguising the dirty elections
The electoral dirt is lacquered
By: Carlos Damián July 9, 2012
The accusation of illicit and the protests social darken the image of Mexico
México. - The decision of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) it of refuting the election, and evidences of irregularities in the electoral process, they have generated more attention of the media and darken the images of the journey that have been qualified as “clean and impartial” in The States in a principle. At same time that protests actions began around the genuineness of the winner among the Mexican groupings. The announcement that the authorities electoral Mexicans with the IFE to the head are being carried out a partial recount of the polling-booths after detecting inconsistencies that diffuse the means of The States.

Reports have also been published they went to ‘Tiendas Soriana’ to exchange the plastic cards of the "aprecio" about how people's thousands, since according to them, they were given them by the PRI, with that which the suspicion of purchase of votes “was nurtured in great scale", AP reported in a note published by several newspapers and television newscasts in the country of the bars and the stars. President Felipe Calderon and the high electoral officials of the country, in their desire of assuring to the world that the election of Sunday 1st of July was free and impartial, they have lacquered of the elections the dirty rotten details. In the newspaper 'Washington Post' in its notes can be read that “the election, was not so refined clean after everything", and it also informs that in spite of the congratulations to national and international scale for the “virtual president", the suspicion is growing on the total count of votes but “on the way in that the Mexican presidency was won."

Mexico voted but Peña didn't win
AMLO qualified the election of “a national shame” for the dimensions of the irregularities that it is denouncing. With this election they are already twice that they have denied him the victory that has been won to pulse by the whole country. Eduardo Hochim of Alliance Civic, former official of the Electoral Institute of the Federal District, affirms that “the election was not clean neither impartial” and that “it was the operation of vote purchase and coercion bigger in the history of the country perhaps". The PRI threw the house for the window helped by the oligarchy, and this event class for scarce it has been in the election of 2012, and it won for wide margin 6.62%, more than 0.56% with the one that won the election of 2006 for the PAN with Felipe Calderon Hinojosa.

One can also add that the controversy on the purchase of votes “it removes value to the Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) future president's narrative that it belongs to a new honest, transparent generation that gave up the coercion… and dirty tricks” of the dinosaur and of the old PRI, and in this context if at all AMLO in the Mexican political system, it could check a wide operation of purchase of the vote, “it would question the validity of the results without caring which it is the quantity of votes", according to the declaration of Eric Olsen of the Centro Woodrow Wilson. As long as the 132 social movement, with other social groups have made protest manifestations to denounce that students' thousands and they express their rejection to the imposition of EPN like president from Mexico.

You go to the Supercenter or Soriana Stores
Some newspapers of The States have reported in their pages that “youths' masses have taken the streets through Mexico. Before and after the presidential election, to protest the heavy hand of the means and of the managerial sector, and the fraud in the federal elections”. While EPN “faces an opposition of the social active base and possibly a long fight for the genuineness", for what AMLO according to the law is able to refute the process and the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE, in Spanish) it will investigate allegations of purchase of votes. According to a significant placard “the fight begins now", of the meetings carried out by the citizenship affected by the presumed electoral fraud which is nurtured of videos and mutual accusations by the purchase of votes.

According to Claudio Irigoyen, boss of strategy of the Bank of America, declares that AMLO “will probably continue barking, but that is all that will happen". Perhaps in the previous election of 2006, he had reasons of weight and heavy, but “now nobody has doubt that EPN won; then I believe that this goes to any side". He also added that when the results are confirmed, the markets will be focused in the ability of EPN of making coalition with the PAN to promote (structural) reformations” in the country. There are also abroad small groupings of Mexicans carrying out manifestations. The Mexican grouping without borders in Washington one organized in front of the White House, and other one in front of the embassy of Mexico, they affirmed, “before the heap of tests, evidences and testimonies of the electoral fraud, we demand that it clears up and clean the election” with a recount of all the emitted votes on July 1, and they expressed “their rejection to the imposition of EPN like president”.

The weak democracy
The Conference of the Mexican Bishopric (CEM, in Spanish) it pointed out that the purchase of votes is “sample of the existence of a weak democracy in the lack a lot of civic culture", and it makes evident the necessity to harden the laws related with electoral crimes. It seemed that the Mexican electorate is in its biggest part dead people of hunger without a worthy wage, with a great ignorance on its backs, with a nonexistent political baggage, and with a political- cultural masochism. Manuel Corral Martin, executive secretary of institutional relationships of the CEM, specified, about the Soriana’s plastic distributed by the PRI that although they cannot justify those practices they happen, and “with any gift that offers for the vote one doesn't reason and they are allowed to take for the best bidder, for the (miserable) trifle that offer them; that is a weakness of the democracy". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 9- 13, July 5, 2012).

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