jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

The operative one political risky

Opacity of the operative one
The operative one political risky
By: Carlos Damián July 7, 2012
The political cost for the president
México. - In the context of the investigations carried out by a committee of the Chamber of Representatives from The States on the ' operative Fast and Furious' due to which the government from Washington allowed the illegal entrance of thousands of weapons to Mexico. President Obama, invoked last Wednesday (6/20/12) his “executive privilege” to impede the delivery of confidential information in being able to of the Department of Justice that key is considered to clarify who it ordered and it was the so much of the unsuccessful secret operation, and to delimit responsibilities inside the current administration. Previously, the mentioned committee legislative that the republican Darrell Issa heads, it had feinted with processing for not respecting to the boss of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder (EH), in case this didn't give it the entirety of the referred confidential documents.

In answer, to the determination of the White House, that instance legislative endorsed, for majority, a censorship motion against the Attorney General that will be discussed and voted the following week and that it constitutes an open challenge to the Executive's boss of that country to less than six months of the presidential elections. Without ignoring that it cannot hide what is beyond the political-electoral appearance that recovers the measure impelled by the legislators of the opposition, measure that was qualified as part of “a hunt of witches” by the democratic minority in the low chamber of the Capitol. In this circumstance it is clear that it derives of the not very transparent behavior of the Obama’s administration in front of the presumably political and legal responsibility in that they could have incurred some of their officials during the realization of 'Fast and Furious', operation that, it is necessary to remember, it exhibited the government from Washington like supplier of weapons for the Cartels of the drug that operate in our country.

The political-police opacity of the operative one
From the one it began of the investigations legislatives headed by Issa it could be known that the highest control’s chiefs in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms received weekly reports of the development on the one referred operative and that in this they also participated, officials of the FBI and of the DEA. By the light of such facts precedents, it is little believable that other upper-class members of the American Federal administration, beginning with the own one EH, have not been the so much of the participation of three police dependences and of security so important of Washington in the unsuccessful plan of smuggling and tracking of weapons, like it has insisted the American leader systematically.

Now, the statement of the own one EH that “any accusation that the Department of Justice has not responded to the petitions of information it is false” it contrasts with its boss's pretense of maintaining that same information secretly. Similar attitude doesn't only gravitate against the credibility of the current American administration before its citizens and before the world public opinion, but rather it also places it, in the threshold of an institutional and politics confrontation that it could have a high cost for the current leader and to deepen its pretenses of being reelected. Apart from this, it is significant and worrying that while the referred investigations generate a great political commotion and mediatic in Washington and they open the perspective of a trial for not respecting against one of that government's higher officials.

The social activists demand field-prison closing
Two thousand people congregated on Saturday at night (6/23/12) before a camp of prisoners (jail for illegal aliens) in Phoenix, Arizona to protest against the conditions of the criminals imposed by the polemic American officer Joe Arpaio, the organizers informed. With songs and by the light of the candles, the activists demanded the closing of the Tent City, esplanade in front of the prison of the Maricopa County that it is to the orders of Arpaio, where the military carps can put up with more than 2 thousand prisoners. The demonstrators chanted “we are with you", with the hope that the prisoners received the message, and they sustained posters demanding sheriff Joe Arpaio's arrest and Tent City closing, camp of prisoners installed in 1993, for the officer to face the prison overpopulation.

"The carps in occasions reach 50 degrees Celsius, there is not form of escaping from the heat", Winston said. "Arpaio is inhuman and racist, get out him", it said a cartel. "We are stronger than your fear", and “we will continue fighting until Tent City was history", it said in twitter Puente Arizona. "There were between thousand 800 and two thousand people in our vigil last night", said Rachel Walden, spokesman of the religious association Unitary Universalists that organized the protest.

In the same way in Mexico the famous matter of smuggling of weapons of high caliber has not generated bigger noise up to now, in spite of the indications that Mexican officials also had knowledge of 'Fast and Furious' from time before its exit to the public light. The described circumstance constitutes, in sum, an additional reason so that it next government of the country uses all the resources within his reach to arrive to the bottom of the matter, and analyze the relevancy seriously of continuing with a strategy of security promoted by The States that has not only been ineffective in its objective and it has generated counteractive effects for the country: it has also implied unacceptable giving up to the national sovereignty and it has shown twice as much speech of Washington in their supposed commitment to combat to the cartels of drugs and supposedly to eradicate the violence. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 4-15, June 21, 2012).

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