viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

The Islamites to the power: Egypt

The first civilian that arrives to Boss of State
The Islamites to the power: Egypt
By: Carlos Damián July 13, 2012
It promises to complete demands of the Arab spring
México. - The candidate of the party political religious Muslim Fraternity, Mohammed Mursi, will be the new president from Egypt, it announced today the electoral Commission when giving to know the definitive official results of the second turn of the carried out elections the days 16 and 17 of June, victory that was celebrated by hundred of people's thousands in the square Tahrir of Cairo, which screamed: "Below the military power and God is big one". Mursi, 60 years old, promised to complete the demands of the call Arab spring and to be president of all the Egyptians, in a speech that was emitted by the state television chain the night of Sunday.

"In this great day we tell to all the Egyptians. Egypt, our native lover, needs unit. Together we continue the adventure", he manifested. He also surrendered homage to the martyrs of the revolt that they forced Mubarak to leave the power in February of last year, to the army and the police forces. He offered to maintain all the international treaties. Egypt is, together with Jordan the only Arab country that has signed an agreement of peace with Israel. Mursi was imposed with 51.73 percent of votes to its rival, Ahmed Shafik-last first minister of the era of Mubarak - who obtained 47.27.

The fall of the monarchy in 1952
With an advantage of little more than three points has more than enough Ahmed Shafik, candidate of the military ones, Mohammed Mursi, he ran off with the victory in the presidential elections whose results were not given to know last Sunday (6/24/12). this way it opens up one period cohabitation among the religious organization of Mursi that was outlawed during almost the whole existence - it was founded in 1928 - until the political participation in 2005, and the group of military of high range that has held the power from Hosni Mubarak's fall, in February of 2011, result of the popular revolted massive ones in the context of the call Arab spring.

Indeed, before giving free course to the realization of elections, the clique castrates was dissolved the recently elect Parliament, it claimed the Legislative's abilities, it was reserved the decisions as regards defense and was granted veto right on any constitutional modification. In such circumstances, Mursi will receive an enclosed and precarious presidential power. Even under those conditions, it is significant and paradoxical that the lay progressive sectors that impelled the mobilizations of last year and that they achieved the fall of the archaic Mubarak they have been excluded for the time being and of a power that they will share the military ones and the Islamite.

The structural reformations recovered them the power legislative
Such a phenomenon coincides, however, with what has been happening in the Arab world after the overthrow of old lay dictatorships settled down by the party panArabica Baaz (Iraq, Egypt) or of arisen regimens of the processes of national liberation of the years 60 and 70 of last century (Argalia, Libya). It is for the action of local movements of dissatisfaction, for the military interference of The States and of its allies, for transition processes more or less peaceful or for combinations of the three reasons, the collapse of the old governments has opened the way to the irruption in the power, or at least to the invigoration, of fundamentalist organizations that praise the construction of Islamic states based on the Islamic law (Shari).

A second and unavoidable paradox is that West has presented to such organizations like incarnation of the wrong, automatic synonym of terrorism and a new form of dangerous barbarism, and today it is forced to accept them and to cohabit with them, for lack of another option of power in the Arab nations. Hamas is an organization of Palestinian origin that has won the elections cleanly in the Fringe of Gaza that tries to recover economically, and of the hunger to that part of the world, and just as the Muslim Fraternity been recognized in Egypt like winner of the presidential elections, and to the Lebanese Hezbollah.

The Islamite surrenders homage to martyrs of the civil revolt
Mursi is an engineer and it possesses a diploma of an American university. He is also the first civilian in arriving to boss of State after the fall of the monarchy, in 1952, since all their predecessors came from the lines of the army. The announcement of the electoral results was foreseen for last Thursday; but it was postponed to revise those more than 400 accusations about irregularities presented by Mursi and Shafik. The Supreme Council of the armed forces (SCAF) that directs the country from the fall of Mubarak, it committed to give the power to the new president before final of month.

In spite of having the genuineness that they confer him the elections, Mursi will suppose of a very reduced maneuver margin in front of the joins military of government. The above-mentioned because the army recovered the power legislative after dissolving by the middle of June the Parliament, controlled by the Islamites, soon after a judicial sentence that it declared illegal the scrutiny way. The army was reserved the control right on the writing of the future Constitution and prerogatives as regards security and maintenance of the order. Egypt enters, in sum in a new historical, uncertain and risky stage that could be it more if West insistence in attitudes and practical interferences. It is necessary to hope the Egyptians know how to find for themselves, a feasible path to the democracy, the development and the modernity. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 5-35, June 25, 2012).

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