The enormous dependence of those derived of the petroleum
The automobile’s gasoline are not business
By: Carlos Damián July 15, 2012
The national goldfinches insist in “it doesn't negotiate" of the petroleum
México. - In the next six years Pemex will confront debt expirations for around 16 thousand 666.67 million dollars, figure equivalent to almost 30 percent of the federal government's debt external total. To the closing of April of 2012 the federal government's debt external total ascended to 62 thousand 631 million dollars, while the profile of the expiration of the debt of Pemex until March of 2016 will be equivalent to about 18 thousand 500 million dollars. Between January of 2013 and March of 2016 the expirations of debt of the Pemex will be of 4 thousand 704 million dollars. Additionally, the debt expirations in other currencies but expressed in dollars it will be of 11 thousand 902.33 millions.
To the closing of the first trimester of 2012, the total debt of Pemex ascended to 57 thousand 875 million dollars, figure equivalent to 743 thousand 630 million pesos. And this quantity 7 thousand 66.67million dollars is short term hired debt and 42 thousand 449 million dollars it is long term. The biggest expenditures concentrated mainly between April of 2014 and March of 2016 precise the profile of expiration of the debt of Pemex contained in the financial reports to the first trimester of the year. In that lapse Pemex will pay 3 thousand 760.47 million dollars in debt hired in Mexican pesos, but it will also have to pay debt denominated in other foreign currencies by the equivalent one to 8 thousand 480 million dollars. At the moment, of the total of the debt of Pemex 80.9% this denominated in dollars; 17.2% in pesos and 1.8% in Eurus. Of this 62.5% this hired to fixed rate and the remaining 37.5% to floating rate. In 2012, Pemex will pay 533.87 million dollars for the expiration of its debt in national currency and 5 thousand 359.73 millions dollars of its debt in other foreign currencies, mainly dollars.
It falls the oil production
Only in the period between January and May of 2012, the expenses of operation added 4 thousand 429.27 million dollars, figure 3 percent superior to the 4 thousand 302.07 million dollars registered in the same lapse of the incoming year. In spite of this increase, the production of raw petroleum fell of 3 millions 127 thousand daily barrels in 2001 to 2 millions 550 thousand barrels a day on the average in 2011. If they are considered some international comparisons, it is observed that in the item of proven reservations of Pemex gas passed of occupying the place 22 in 2001 at the 33, in 2011. In production of raw petroleum and the capacity of primary distillation stayed practically stagnated in the places seven and 14, respectively. Without change, in the whole decade.
In this administration, the total debt of the company elevated its debt by 56.27 percent, equivalent to 18 thousand 793.33 million dollars when passing of 36 thousand 726.67 millions in 2007 to 48 thousand 586.67 millions to the closing of 2011. The patrimony of the oil company also deteriorated in the Calderon’s administration, when passing of a positive capital of 33 thousand 326.67 million dollars in 2007 to a value countable negative of 12 thousand 926.67 million dollars when concluding last year. The debacle in the production of petroleum has been the constant in these two periods of the PAN.
It plunder of the country
When making history we will see that in March of 2008 and in subsequent years, Calderon promised it in its program of generation of employments the refinery, in four different occasions, as if it was something novel; and he said, “it will be the most important work in the six years", and he insisted since in this work with an astonishing publicity that deceived a lot of people, the same president he announced the creation of the Bicentennial refinery, of the one that four years later, he has not even finished building the thatched top of the perimeter that possibly would be built in Tula Hidalgo, without forgetting that to the Hidalgo’s government it left them with a debt of a thousand 33.33 million dollars for the acquisition of lands that supposedly the new industrial facility would be located.
Another well of bottomless money is the " modernization " of refineries like in the case of the oldest refinery in the system, in operation from 1906, it is the Lazaro Cardenas’ refinery, in Minatitlan, Veracruz: the formal beginning of its " reconfiguration " was announced by Vicente Fox May 12, 2003, with a budget of a thousand 600 million dollars (17 thousand million pesos to the exchange rate of the date) and the work would conclude in December of 2007; with this investment, it was promised, the refinement capacity would be increased from 186 thousand to 350 thousand daily barrels. The time passed and July 26, 2011 Felipe Calderon finally gave for officially concluded such a "refinery ", although with some changes.
The total investment overcame the 3 thousand 500 million dollars, 48 thousand million pesos and the refinement capacity decreased to 285 thousand daily barrels. So now we have, at the time used for "to configure" again the factory it duplicated the estimated one originally: the budget grew 120 percent with regard to that announced by Fox, and the refinement capacity almost decreased 20 percent in comparison with the one announced. It before mentioned it gives us a sample of the disastrous handling of the public resources, because with those mentioned 112 thousand million dollars five refineries of great capacity they could be built, and it would have more than enough the half, amen of the saving in what the government calls " “subsidies" to the gasoline.
If each one of the five neoliberal governments had built a refinery, today Mexico it would be self-sufficient, and it would also have become exporter, and we could still have a value added to our petroleum. They have not made it, and they made an effort in summing up the privatization of the sector, and in spite of the notorious advances it is that they failed, up to now. (La Jornada, economia, p. 28, June 29, 2012).
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