before the coup d'état by corruptive and reactionary legislators
power of the corruption
By: Carlos
Damian Sept 14, 2016
The stage
behind the curtains in the theatre of the democracy
México. - Before the passive
coup d'état that was consummated in Brazil the second August fortnight, with
the dismissal of the senate House against the chairperson Dilma Rousseff, the
giant enters a difficult democracy stage. In reality the possibilities in
fact that Rousseff return by the institutional route to her previous charge
are practically void, though her attorney requested to the Supreme Court that
discontinue the effects of the decision of the Senate and order a new judgment, the measure seems a mere
procedure to exhaust the legal road and is given practically by discarded
that the maximum court accede to the petition. But the perspective of a
consolidation in the position of the now president Michel Temer either seems
probable, not alone by the lowest popularity
of who until a little while ago was vice-president, but also by the
economic program that it is not popular that their government has established
since occupied the charge in quality of interim, and that includes the loss
of occupational rights, the increase of the minimal age for the retirement
and the clipping or the elimination of the social programs established by the
presidencies of Inazio Lula da Silva and the own Rousseff.
In the dismissal of the country more important in the south Cone, we
have to Brazil before a terrible inflection in the short term, where the well-organized
conservators impose their agenda. We have in a context this context must the
policies of the reactionary right ally with the financial The States capital
shows us a dynamism little usual short term. Upon making an analysis of this
action against the progressive line that supports the PT, we soar ourselves
to 1990, manipulated by the victory of the Washington Consensus, collapse it
of the socialistic block and the victory of the neoliberalism in America.
Perhaps are before the losses of the social conquests of the workers, but in
reality are as compared to unequal society, which seeks to generate more
earnings for the chiefs and the transnational, generating the ancient
struggle system of classes, and creates a shock generational and social
between generations. This conclusion is global and is notified a terrible
future for the humanity. However this event already was come to come in
Mexico when the progressive were mastering the region but this be reversed by
the growing alliance between the middle class and the richest impelled by the
culture consumer, conservative and generating a culture that creates in the
youths a lack of political culture.
The sharp change of the economic policy with respect to the
governments of the Workers Party (PT) is one of the reasons by those which
was managed the conspiracy that peaked with the dismissal of the now ex-president.
The other motive is the zeal of good part of the both legislators House by
burying the investigation - call Lava Jato.
-, that notes to them as participating in acts of corruption and that the president
declared never attempted to stop. In the external front emphasize, on the one
hand, the proposal of the Unión de Naciones Sudamericanas Union (Unasur, for
their initials in Spanish) of celebrating an
extraordinary meeting to analyze the impacts that has in the region
the interruption of the popular mandate in Brazil, and that in what is
immediate has carried already to Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia to move away
their ambassadors from Brasilia. For the other, the spokesperson of the
American State Department, John Kirby, was hurried to qualify the white neck blow as "a decision of
the Brazilian people" and a performance "as the democratic
institutions within their constitutional framework". Similar brand
pronouncement clearly the pleasure as Washington before a legalistic maneuver
that it did not had nothing of democratic and before a process mounted on an
accusation without legal substance: that of that the government of Dilma Rousseff
retarded some transfers of consignments in the context of set of laws about
budgets that are returned to make them.
In short, it is there has consummate, the third of a blows series
suddenly of new generation that began in June of 2009 in Honduras, when an
oligarchical conspiracy declared to the Manuel Zelaya president, and
continued in Paraguay three years afterwards, when the leader Fernando Lugo
was vacated of the power through a lacking parliamentary judgment of tests in
against of the accused. As in those accusations, the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff
constitutes the annulment of the elemental democratic principle of the
sovereignty of the popular mandate and represents the seriously affected
access to the power of oligarchical corruption nets. On the other hand we are
before a political stage in the one which the reactionary right-wings is
indicated it to maintain things state and it does not has legalistic
scruples, either is prepared to observe the democracies of the region, and
intends to level with the health systems and educational progressive. In the
South cone is present the Scholastic movement Escola Sem Partido, that assaults
to the popular public education, intends to control to the educational lock,
stock and barrel, and disappears the legacy from Paulo Freire.
In this point carries us to start an argument with respect to the
education, and instruction, and has a panorama that trends brand, in the one
that the national teaching would be sanctioned by “indoctrination ideological”,
if are applied the pending legislation in the Brazilian parliament. It is notifying
in rigor a strong control of the expression freedom, an impulse in laws that
forget the violence that there are against the women. They are these the
policies of the reactionary and conservative right wing toward the one which
travels the political line of the oligarchy, and transnational. Has in this
century the opened tyranny and is dumped the violence in against of the
people as a norm to control it and to domesticate it. It is as well as
appears in the stage to Theresa May, first minister British, assures be
prepared to use nuclear weapons though cost the life innocent (The Guardian,
18/07/16); and in this context has to Hillary Clinton that is dumped in aggressive
expressions putting on perspective to Vladimir Putin the "new Hitler" , and all these are
not furtive statements, but it is the spirit state of the reactionary right
wing, that is prepared to devastate totally nations and end with nation cultures,
as they are making in the middle East and Asia included.
But are outlined two antagonist forces so that there is struggle, if
in this inflection we consider the social and juvenile struggles in Brazil,
the social organizations in dispute in Colombia, and the emergence of the Afro-American
resistances, the renewed force of the peasants in Paraguay; the resistance
against the soybean sowing-miner in Argentina. In this stage also is
considered the government of Macri against the social conquests, and social
presentations of the workers (Argentina); the social mobilizations of the
women against the violence that the state does not control is neglect against
them (Peru, in August); and the obstinacy of the present indigenous movements
in Bolivia and Ecuador. Social mobilizations in Chile in against of the fraud
of the pensions system (Afp), key of a favorable system to the wealth accumulation
in the regime after Pinochet. Therefore nine of each 10 pensions are smaller
to 220 dollars, receive a 60 percent from the minimal salary, and in Mexico
the pensions that receive are a misery (Afore), and the new generations will
not receive pensions you deign. (La
Jornada, politica, p.p. 17-20, September 2, 2016).
viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016
The power of the corruption
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