This is a good opportunity so that the State rectifies
offer for petroleum
By: Carlos Damian August 5,
The low prices of the petroleum are to harm Mexico so that the bandage
in a trifle
Mexico.- The National Commission of
Hydrocarbons pointed out yesterday that will reduce the requirements demanded
to the national companies and outsiders interested in participating in the
second phase of bids of the call round one, for that which gave a term of presentation
of new proposals that it finish the next one September 30. With the decision
taken yesterday (04/08/15) for command of the secretaries of Energy and
Treasury, the companies or consortia that participate in the bid of nine
fields of shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico they will no longer need to
have corporate guarantee of 6 thousand million dollars. On the other hand,
they will hire an insurance of “civil responsibility and control of wells”
for only a thousand million dollars to cover possible accidents or spills.
Also, if before the companies should present 2.5 million dollars like
guarantee of seriousness for each contract in which will participate, now
they will be able to win multiple contracts only presenting that quantity. As
the own energy secretary, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, it recognized that in their
moment, this State’s flexible in the requirements to participate in the bids
one takes place due to the disappointment of the phase of the first beat,
carried out the past 15 of July.
In the official's words, the previous rules
“scared” the potential investors to who it is looked for to make more
attractive to obtain in exploitation a portion of the national territory. It
fits to remember that in the bid made two of 14 offered oil blocks they were
only awarded and 2 thousand 600 of the 17 thousand millions calculated by the
federal government was collected. Mexico in its “garage sale” has relaxed the
minimum regulations waited in financial operations of this magnitude by what
the federal government gives to the pressures of the cold war that supposedly
go directed to the oil industry of Russia, but Mexico picks up the negative
actions and when being placed vulnerable to these artful aggressions of the Empire
of the North it opens the door to diverse uncertain and unfavorable scenarios
for the town of Mexico as well as the impossibility of repairing
environmental damages that could return unusable the sea or the coastal areas
so that the citizen of Mexico dies from hunger when not being able to eat of
its fishing in the boundaries of the sea dedicated to the indigenous, tourist
fishing and of survival.
In this context of war among world empires
should remember that are not in game simple operations among privates, but
the surrender to the transnational of important portions of the national
territory by means of the calls bids, and having as bottom to a weak and
vulnerable State due to the drop of the price of the petroleum, the dollar
revaluation (18.00 pesos M/N) the financial crisis - politics, and the
pressures of the foreigners. For what is not understandable the urgency to
finish off our petroleum, gas and electricity to the lowest possible prices,
and in critical moments in that the corporations don't show interest some in
them. It would be sensible -that which they don't show our authorities - to
finish off our valuable natural -Pemex and CFE - it is handcuffed to compete
and the fall in the international rates of the alone petroleum takes to think
of the ridiculous advantages for the resources of the nation and to make fun
of the common citizen that was never consulted.
The cabinet of EPN refuses to see the
reality where it should rectify the direction, should strengthen the national
oil industry and to meditate on the future of this abandoned sector and
rejected for more than 30 years for federal administrations, but stealing him
its own resources by means of Treasury to hang the hen of the eggs of black
gold; being that it has been the pillar of our development, and the authority
has before your eyes the opportunity to correct the direction and the
misleading of a ruling class that you don't go beyond its nose and it doesn't
visualize that the decision will impact in a transcendent way the
configuration of the country.
The government relaxed the conditions for the one it finishes off
Five Mexican oil companies of the 26 pre-qualificators
are ready to participate in the second bid of the round one for the
extraction of hydrocarbons in nine fields distributed in five production
contracts shared in shallow and territorial waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Inform
of the National Commission of Hydrocarbons (CNH, for their initials in
Spanish) they point out that the five companies are: Pemex, company ' unproductive'
of the State which possesses the biggest experience in this type of fields;
the Diavaz Group, considered after Pemex like that of more experience,
because it began operations in 1973 like a diving company and today it is
profiled like one of the first ones in taking advantage of the energy
reformation. The other Mexican competitor is Petrobal, subsidiary of Group
Bal, that integrates companies of different sectors like the mining Penoles
and Fresnillo, and spread as ‘El Palacio de Hierro’, but it lacks experience
in the oil environment, although he has directive of the highest level, as
the former director of Pemex, Exploration and Production (PEP, for their
initials in Spanish), Carlos Morales Gil.
The other company that will compete is Sierra
Oil & Gas, of outsider and Mexican capital that neither it possesses
operative experience in Mexico, but it has a team experienced in the oil
sector yes it is the winner of two blocks in the first bid. Lastly,
Controladora of oil Infrastructure Mexico, group subsidiary Mexico, of German
Larrea, company that it has lent services to Pemex and it has perforation
platforms for sea and the directional perforation and lease of perforation modules.
Last Tuesday (04/08/15) the federal government agreed flexibilizar the
conditions to participate in the second convocation of bids of the round one
that includes five extraction contracts in nine fields that embrace 280.9
square kilometers. Contrary to the first bid, in which the contracts were for
exploration, the second convocation consists on production contracts shared
for the extraction of hydrocarbons in the fields Amoca. MIzton and Teocalli
that form the first block; Hokchi only in the second contract, Xulum like
only field of the third contract; ichalkil and Pokoch in the fourth contract.
The fifth contract is integrated by the fields Nak and Mison.
To make more attractive the bid the CNH
remembered that the interested ones pay 2.5 million dollars like guarantee of
seriousness for all the contracts that win and not for each one like it was
specified originally. They will also be able to participate as interested
singular at the same time that they participate in a consortium, with the
only condition that they don't present offer for the same contract. Another
excellent change consists in that the execution guarantee on the minimum
investment will be made by means of 50 percent of the figure of investment
committed in the bid bases, more the one mounts that the day of the economic
offers it has been auctioned. The foreseen resources that they could be
captured for the second bid they are calculated in 4 thousand 500 million
dollars during the first three years of activity. The date of presentation of
proposals stays till September 30. The other outsiders companies’ pre-qualificators
are the American Atlantic Rim, Chevron Energy, Fieldwood Energy, Hunt
Overseas, Plains Acquisition and Sánchez Oil & Gas; the Chinese CNOON
International and Sinopec International. The Anglo-Dutch Shell also figures;
the British BG Group; the Argentinean E&P Hidrocarburos and Services; the
Iberian Spanish Company of Petroleum; the German DEA Deutsche; the Italian ENI;
the Portuguese Galp Energy; the Colombian Ecopetrol; the Russian Lukoil; the
Indian ONGC Videsh Limited; Petronas Carigal, of Malaysia; PTT Exploration
and Production of Thailand and the Norwegian Statoil. (La Jornada, economia,
p. 25, August 7, 2015).
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015
Bad offer for petroleum
Mala oferta
The mexican petroleum
El petróleo mexicano
The Viceroy's scandal
The manufacturer takes one year in charging dated check January 31,
Viceroy's scandal
For: Carlos Damian August 28, 2015
The liquidation of the property was before The Wall Street Journal revealed the acquisition
Mexico. -
Along several months the citizens have demanded to the cabinet
presidential to go into the details of an affair, to sort thing out, and
thick chocolate, and they demand details of the purchase that Luis Videgaray
Caso (LVC), secretary of Treasury, of a house of rest in a luxurious rural
division in the Mexico State and it is as well as it pulls up the chronicle
of corruption of the presidential cabinet of EPN. According to Bloomberg, “it
is now, new evidences suggest that Videgaray (LVC) it completed the purchase
of their house of rest after taking possession from their position to the
front of the Secretary of Treasury, in an irregular agreement with a
manufacturer that has strong knots with the federal government", it
underlines. It is after one year that the current secretary of Treasury paid
with a check it leaves of its house in a rural but deluxe area to the
government's favorite contractor, Juan Armando Hinojosa (JAH), but it was not
charged in that time by the manager. The document was made effective hardly
some days before the newspaper The Wall
Street Journal, revealed in December of 2014, the purchase of a house in
the Club of Golf of Malinalco, it published this Thursday (08/28/15) the
service of news Bloomberg.
The Viceroy of the presidential cabinet is
a former directive of investment banking, he “paid the house with three works
of art and a dated personal check January 31, 2014. But the check of 6.6
million pesos was not charged until almost one year later, fair some days
before a report (WSJ) it questioned the Treasury’s secretary of commercial
relationships with the government's contractor", it indicates. These
revelations, included in liberated documents last week as part of an
investigation of the Secretary of the Public Function (SFP, for their
initials in Spanish), in the one that Virgilio Andrade Martinez (VAM) have
position like executive of this federal dependence. This investigation was
carried out on the purchase of the houses on the part of the Secretary of
Treasury, the president of the Republic and its wife, which discharged them
of irregularities, ”they could give a new turn to the political soap opera
that has dominated the holders per months, and that it has helped to weaken
Enrique Peña Nieto presidential approval", it considered, (la Jornada,
Roberto Gonzalez A.).
It generates suspicions the jester's pardon
In having summarized bear in mind we have Virgilio
Andrade, the presidential jester with a prepared scene carefully with a
talent that consists on spreading news with style comedian and it exhibits it
in the presidential Court with a dexterity that would entertain the king and
the courtiers in a masterful way in medieval times. It is of being supposed
that “ripples" Andrade in its setting in scene took a place privileged
in the curtains of the power, and it completes its work to cause laugh and
amusement to the political royalty of Mexico that like before it continues
far from the town. They are nice hogs that are managed as merchandise by the
powers politician and financial, they sometimes have ravings with lack of
psychic capacitates that cause jeers and laughter in the political court.
Sometimes with their expression of an idiot accompanied by kindness and a
left individual expression of an asylum, but they are not responsible for
their expressions, of their face that they were provided by the nature to
take from of the boredom and tedium to the courtiers and powerful of the
Kingdom. In the bottom they are human
beings used by the courtiers and politicians to have a good time, to
entertain and to simulate intelligence, and to deceive the fool that believes
in all their words and expressions. The one in charge of the SFP is Virgilio
Andrade Palacios son, member of the team of the corrupt union leader of the
union of PEMEX lawyers, Carlos Romero Deschamps. This vulgar and not well
farcical character was assessor of Ana Paula Gerard, wife and technical
secretary of the economic cabinet of Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
According to some specialists this
irregular situation generates suspicions in the Mexican citizen, and the
documents are observed provided by the investigation, where Videgaray (LVC) he
paid the deluxe residence next to a Golf Club, to a company property of
Hinojosa (JAH) that received as favorite of the court dozens of contracts of
the government of Mexico State, in which the Viceroy Videgaray was official
when the current president EPN was a governor. Two months before becoming
official he bought a property in Malinalco, Mexico State, to JAH, this
manager singly is the same one that financed the Casa Blanca to the president's wife, Angelic Rivera for 7 million
dollars in Lomas de Chapultepec, this note was published December 11, 2014,
in WSJ, before becoming the Viceroy Videgaray public official of EPN. The 'modest'
house of Videgaray, has 850 square meters, bought in 581 thousand dollars, in
October of 2012, before the tri-colored government began, with hypothecation
credit to 18 years. The secretary of Treasury assures that he paid the house
in his entirety in January of 2014 for ”financial reasons."
The company the government's favorite HIGA
The Viceroy (LVC) he paid the house with
the check and three works of art that were donated him by disinterested
citizens. Although such works of art don't appear in the registrations of the
Webpage of SFP, with the title and author of each one of them. The
investigation made on conflict of interests in the sale of properties of
Videgaray and Angelic Rivera, and the house of the Mexican president's rest
in Ixtapan de la Sal that bought manager Roberto San Roman, favorite
contractor of the government of Mexico State. "The published documents
(SFP) they show that Videgaray didn't close the purchase of the 'modest' house
until November of 2013, one year after becoming the government's official.
The check of 388 thousand 235 dollars is dated two months after that
date", Bloomberg adds. But it was charged by Hinojosa (JAH) 11 months
later before the revelation. In this to become in that remembered to buy the
modest house and when he closed the treatment, manager JAH'S company HIGA
property, “contracts of four institutions of the development banking they
were obtained, where Videgaray has the position of president of its meetings
of Government, included one of a service of directive flights of high level,
in official trips", Bloomberg is plentiful, although it is not pointed
out which the development banks that granted the contracts to HIGA were.
Before extending the check they surrendered
three works of art valued in 141 thousand 176 dollars to Hinojosa in 2012, as
payment guarantee, but the “lack of information on the works and independent
ratings outlines more questions about the operation", Bloomberg adds. It
is a theater of the absurdity with their public excuses that it convinces anybody,
and it recognizes the blame of the traffic of interests tacitly, although he
denies it. The farcical " ripples " were hired by the president,
and what the citizen perceives is since the cynicism it is investigated from
one of December of 2012 and not since he was Governor of the Mexico State, he
was already public official when the deliveries of multimillionaire contracts
HIGA is begun to the favorite company. Even more, Sierra Gorda 150 land is
bought to build the presidential house, and architect Miguel Ángel Aragones confirms
that governor EPN, participated in the design of the house. It is recognized
that 17 days after the presidential couple married (November 27, 2010), Grupo
Higa acquired the second land to increase the presidential residence in 1325
Palmas. In November of 2008, one day after EPN recognized that ‘the gull’ and
he were boyfriends, Higa generates the company “real state engineering of the
center", which takes charge of building the call Casa Blanca". “The
perception is that it is an exchange of favors and that the house was a
payment for the contracts", granted, according to José A. Crespo, "That
is the root of the scandal" (La Jornada, economia, p. 27, August 28,
El escándalo del Virrey
El constructor tarda un año en cobrar cheque fechado
el 31 de enero de 2014
El escándalo del Virrey
Por: Carlos Damián 28 de Agosto,
Lla liquidación del inmueble fue antes que The
Wall Street Journal revelara la adquisición
México. - A lo largo de varios
meses los ciudadanos han exigido al gabinete presidencial cuentas claras y
chocolate espeso, y exigen detalles de la compra que Luis Videgaray Caso
(LVC), secretario de Hacienda, de una casa de descanso en un lujoso
fraccionamiento rural en el estado de México y es así como arranca la crónica
de corrupción del gabinete presidencial de EPN. Según Bloomberg, es “ahora,
nuevas evidencias sugieren que
Videgaray (LVC) completó la compra de su casa de descanso después de
tomar posesión de su cargo al frente de la Secretaría de Hacienda, en un
acuerdo irregular con un constructor que tiene fuertes lazos con el gobierno
federal”, subraya. Es después de un año, que el actual secretario de Hacienda
pagó con un cheque parte de su casar en un área rural pero de lujo al
contratista favorito del gobierno, Juan Armando Hinojosa (JAH), pero no fue
cobrado en ese tiempo por el empresario. El documento fue hecho efectivo
apenas unos días antes de que el diario The
Wall Street Journal, revelara en diciembre de 2014, la compra de una casa
en el Club de Golf de Malinalco, publicó este jueves (28/08/15) el servicio
de noticias Bloomberg.
El Virrey del gabinete presidencial es un ex directivo de banca de
inversión, “pagó la casa con tres obras de arte y un cheque personal fechado
el 31 de enero de 2014. Pero el cheque de 6.6 millones de pesos no fue
cobrado hasta casi un año después, justo unos días antes de que un reportaje
(WSJ) cuestionara las relaciones
comerciales del secretario de Hacienda con el contratista del gobierno”,
indica. Estas revelaciones, incluidas en documentos liberados la semana
pasada como parte de una investigación de la Secretaría de la Función Pública
(SFP), en la que Virgilio Andrade Martínez (VAM) funge como titular de esta
dependencia federal. Esta investigación fue realizada sobre la compra de las
casas por parte del Secretario de Hacienda, el presidente de la República y
su esposa, la cual los exoneró de irregularidades, “podrían dar un nuevo giro
a la telenovela política que ha dominado los titulares por meses, y que ha
ayudado a debilitar las aprobación presidencial de Enrique Peña Nieto”,
consideró, (La Jornada, Roberto González A.).
Genera sospechas el perdón del bufón
En resumidas cuentas tenemos a Virgilio Andrade, el bufón presidencial
con una escena preparada cuidadosamente con un talento que consiste en
propagar noticias con estilo cómico y
lo exhibe en la Corte presidencial con una destreza que en tiempos medievales
entretendría al rey y a los cortesanos de manera magistral. Es de suponerse
que “ricitos” Andrade en su puesta en escena tuviera un lugar privilegiado en
los entretelones del poder, y cumple su labor para causar risa y diversión a
la realeza política de México, que como antes sigue alejada del pueblo. Son
trúhanes simpáticos que son manejados como mercancía por los poderes político
y financiero, algunas veces tienen desvaríos con discapacidades psíquicas que
provocan burlas y carcajadas en la corte política. A veces con su expresión
de un idiota acompañado de bondad y un gesto de individuo salidos de un
manicomio, pero ellos no son responsable de sus gestos, de su cara que fueron
provistos por la naturaleza para sacar
del aburrimiento y tedio a los cortesanos y poderosos del reino. En el fondo son seres humanos utilizados
por los cortesanos y políticos para divertir, entretener y simular
inteligencia, y engañar al tonto que cree en todas sus palabras y gestos. El
encargado de la SFP es el hijo de Virgilio Andrade Palacios, miembro del
equipo de abogados del corrupto líder sindical del sindicato de PEMEX, Carlos
Romero Deschamps. Este personaje vulgar y mal bufón fue asesor de Ana Paula
Gerard, esposa y secretaría técnica del gabinete económico de Carlos Salinas
de Gortari.
De acuerdo a algunos especialistas esta situación irregular genera
sospechas en el ciudadano mexicano, y
se observan los documentos proporcionados por la investigación, donde
Videgaray (LVC) pagó la residencia de lujo junto a un Club de golf, a una
empresa propiedad de Hinojosa (JAH),
que recibió como favorito de la corte decenas de contratos del gobierno del
estado de México, en el cual el Virrey Videgaray fue funcionario cuando el
actual presidente EPN era gobernador. Dos meses antes de convertirse en
funcionario compró una propiedad en Malinalco, estado de México, a JAH, este
empresario singularmente es el mismo que financió la Casa Blanca a la esposa
del presidente, Angélica Rivera por 7 millones de dólares en Lomas de
Chapultepec, se publicó esta nota el 11 de diciembre de 2014, en WSJ, antes
de convertirse el Virrey Videgaray en funcionario público de EPN. La
‘modesta’ casa de Videgaray, tiene 850 metros cuadrados, comprada en 7.5
millones de pesos (581 mil dólares), en octubre de 2012, antes de que se
iniciara el gobierno tricolor, con
crédito hipotecario a 18 años. El secretario de Hacienda asegura que pagó la
casa en su totalidad en enero de 2014 por “razones financieras”.
La empresa HIGA favorita del gobierno
El Virrey (LVC) pagó la casa con el cheque y tres obras de arte que le
fueron donadas por desinteresados ciudadanos. Aunque tales obras de arte no
aparecen en los registros del sitio electrónico de SFP, con el título y autor
de cada una de ellas. La investigación hecha sobre conflicto de intereses en
la venta de propiedades de Videgaray y Angélica Rivera, y la casa de descanso
del presidente mexicano en Ixtapan de la Sal, que compró al empresario
Roberto San Román, contratista favorito del gobierno del estado de México.
“Los documentos publicados (SFP) muestran que Videgaray no cerró la compra de la ‘modesta’ casa hasta
noviembre de 2013, un año después de convertirse en funcionario del gobierno.
El cheque de 6.6 millones de pesos está fechado dos meses después de esa
fecha”, añade Bloomberg. Pero fue cobrado por Hinojosa (JAH) 11 meses después
antes de la revelación. En este devenir en que se acordó comprar la modesta
casa y cuando se cerró el trato, la compañía HIGA propiedad del empresario
JAH, “se obtuvieron contratos de cuatro instituciones de la banca de desarrollo,
donde Videgaray tiene el cargo de presidente de sus juntas de Gobierno,
incluido uno de un servicio de vuelos
a directivos de alto nivel, en viajes oficiales”, abunda Bloomberg, aunque no
se señala cuáles fueron los bancos de desarrollo que otorgaron los contratos
Antes de extender el cheque se entregaron tres obras de arte valuadas
en 2.45 millones de pesos a Hinojosa en 2012, como garantía de pago, pero “la
falta de información sobre las obras y valuaciones independientes plantea más
preguntas acerca de la operación”, añade Bloomberg. Es un teatro del absurdo
con sus disculpas públicas que a nadie convence, y reconoce tácitamente la
culpa del tráfico de intereses, aunque él lo niegue. El bufón “ricitos” se
contrató por el presidente, y lo que el ciudadano percibe es el cinismo ya
que se investiga desde uno de diciembre de 2012 y no desde que era Gobernador
del Estado de México, ya era funcionario público cuando se comienzan las
entregas de contratos multimillonarios a la empresa favorita HIGA. Aún más,
se compra el terreno de Sierra Gorda 150 para edificar la casa presidencial,
y confirma el arquitecto Miguel Ángel Aragonés que el gobernador EPN,
participó en el diseño de la casa. Se reconoce que 17 días después de que se
casó la pareja presidencial (27 de noviembre de 2010), Grupo Higa adquirió el
segundo terreno para aumentar la residencia presidencial en Palmas 1325. En
noviembre de 2008, un día después que EPN reconoció´ que “la gaviota” y él
eran novios, Higa crea la empresa
“ingeniería inmobiliaria del centro”, la cual se encarga de construir
la llamada Casa Blanca”. “La percepción es que se trata de un intercambio de
favores y que la casa era un pago por los contratos”, otorgados, según José
A. Crespo. “Esa es la raíz del
escándalo”. (La Jornada, economía, p.
27, Agosto 28, 2015).
The country where the atomic terror begins
For: Carlos Damian August
10, 2015
It is Japan it is where the first atomic bombs are experienced
Mexico. -
70 years they have been completed (08/06/45) of the American atomic
bombing against Japan and it is Nagasaki and Hiroshima where the episode
threw a balance of 166 thousand more deaths other thousands of deaths as a
consequence of the damned radiation and that it marked the end of the Second
World War favor of the allies, headed by The States, to the extinct Soviet
Union and the United Kingdom. When
heading the commemorative act in Japan of the Tokyo City, Shinzo Abe, pointed
out that as long as only country hit by the atomic weapon (…) we have the
mission of creating a world without nuclear weapons", and he added that
its country will present this year in the General Assembly of the UN a new
resolution dedicated to abolish it. This tragic episode is remembered that he
repeated later three days in the population of Nagasaki and it marked the
beginning of the warlike era with the help of nuclear weapons. One has this
way to the Soviet Union with nuclear capacity in 1949, the United Kingdom in
1952, France in 1960 and China acquired its nuclear capacity in 1964.
After the launching, gotten the military
objective, Japanese surrendered, and the scientists from all over the world
and in particular the Japanese investigations, were given to the task of
making annotations of the effects on the civil population. The president Truman responsible for the
decision of throwing atomic weapons and later to treat them as human Guinea
pig to have the effects to short, medium and release term of the radiation.
This defenseless civil population was canyon meat and the genetic
alterations, alteration of cancerigenic typologies, genital malformations,
and illnesses related with the lethal ray gamma were investigated. The
government from The States thoroughly demanded an investigation and detailed,
but it was always denied the public labeling you as Top Secret. It would have
one decade to happen so that the investigations were revealed and they
revealed us the atomic horror. They have only been nuclear shades, that which
denounces us the immediate disintegration of all the alive beings. When
exploiting the bomb with a great gleam of light and heat blinded to the
population, reaching this experiment atomic 4 thousand centigrade degrees,
accompanied by hurricanes winds of a thousand kilometers per hour.
Decades after the arms career these
countries manufacture these more and more dangerous weapons and you specify
to transport them, and in paradoxical form millions of dollars were used
being drawn this stage without confrontation between Moscow and The States,
call this period cold war. This
stage is characterized because the confrontations were carried out in
outlying countries, as those of Vietnam and Korea, because if there was a
confrontation among these global powers the destruction mutual insured it
would loosen" (MAD). the fact is not ignored that the precarious balance
constitutes a crime of war of the universal history and this action places to
the world in front of a deliberate attack against the civil population
without interest geostrategic and military, in which the superpower used the
nuclear weapon. Washington create a
series of arguments that we find at the distance unlikely and absurd: that
the war would have taken more time and American lives to defeat to Japan; but
it is the fact that when bombarding Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this nation was
near the defeat, and when examining the history we wonder how it was possible
that the ships of war in the air reached Japan so easy and it was because
they had lost the capacity of reaction of the army and the air force of the
Asian country.
This shock wave when loosening traveled the
bombarded cities, where the buildings and affected houses burned and they
exploded besides melting the near metals to the explosion and for the first
time the civil population was the American military objective and product of
the great destructive power of the nuclear fission, the civil drops were 70
thousand died, and other so many ones suffered radioactive burns, fall of the
hair, and amid the desperation the survivors didn't find medical, since in
that moment of the alone 45 hospitals they were 3 medical centers operating,
and finally in recent years it is calculated that in Nagasaki the
expectations were surpassed with victims that counted 80 thousand people's
losses due to the later effects of the cruel radiation. This welcome to the
Japanese population's death was reflected in the baptism that they were made
to the bombs thrown to the civil population. The first one was called
Little-boy rushed on Hiroshima August 6, 1945, assembled in the air before
arriving in Japan, and exploding in the air causing a bigger human
destruction. After three days it was thrown on Nagasaki, Fat-man, August 9,
1945, due to the constitution of the bomb, fat and dangerous the population
doesn't only stop but also for the company that took it. These bombs of
nuclear fission have a double effect when playing the atmosphere, the
holocaust loosens with the first light, and the second when landing on the
military objective, it has a rebound in the surface, amplifying its
destructive power, generating a shock wave that amplifies to its step its
power, carbonizing, disintegrating and disappearing without resistance any
alive being.
In this context of ethnic cleaning, and
that it minimizes the Empire of the North it reminds us without to ignore the
part in that Germany intervened and to plan the annihilation of whole towns
on the part of the Third Reich, but one also has that the part of the allies
carried out cruelties bombarding without mercy to Dresde for the Great
Britain and The States and this last one constitutes a country that has
thrown atomic bombs against cities full with civil population. However it has appropriated of the speech,
against the terrorism and it uses massive, even more destruction weapons it
uses it to harass potentially to nations dangerous to the empire. Similar
attitude gives bill of a double warlike speech that is reproof and dangerous
since it lights the arms career and the continuity of the warlike spirit
between East and West. In these days it has not gone out the propensity of
Washington to cause Russia with European arguments placing shields antimissiles
and in this road it supports the NATO in areas of influence of the current
Russia. For what Moscow when responding doesn't deepen its political actions
of atomic disarmament. In this context of nuclear armament one has some
countries building atomic arsenals with the tacit acceptance of Washington
and Western Europe, but they are not harassed neither investigated, and it is
mentioned to: Pakistan, Israel and the India.
The director and boss of the team, Robert
Oppenheimer, belonged one from his critics when being described the horrors
of the survivors, being won the hate of the factories of military armament
and it was labeled of communist, cursing and questioning the use of the
weapon dissuader. What won him in 1954 to be subjected in opinion where they
were revoked his rights to receive scientific information that him same he
had helped to process. In this nuclear career they are admitted to nations
like: France, Great Britain, China, and it chants of the North, besides those
already mentioned. In spite of the cold war in these 70 years the launching
of nuclear warheads has not taken place. Really if we made a consent among
the possessors of nuclear weapons, such as the allies from Washington and
consulting to the Council of security of the UN to come undone of their
arsenals, and also to carry out energetic actions to take to Israel,
Islamabad and New Delhi to take the destruction of their atomic bombs. The
peace is a chimera. The war covers all the spaces of the daily life. Let us
hope the alive memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, carry out the miracle so
that the imperialism doubts to kill to preserve their domains. (La Jornada, economía, p.p. 1 - 18, August
7, 2015).
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