viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Tune in XHAFI

It is in danger the division of power, for their proximity with the Federal Executive
Tune in XHAFI
By: Carlos Damian                                                         March 4, 2015
The monopoly of electronic means Televisa Co taking the control
Mexico.-   Eduardo Medina Mora (EMM) about his inclusion, in the three group proposed by president EPN so that the Senate chooses a new minister of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN, for their initials in Spanish) it bothered to several of the current ministers, because they consider that given the proximity among the current ambassador from Mexico in The States and the juridical consultant of the Presidency, Humberto Castillo Cervantes, would not be guaranteed the “division of powers", neither “independence” of EMM in front of the Executive Power. An example of the previous aberration was the relationship of the Court and the Federal Judicial Power (PJF, for their initials in Spanish), in which they were clear the bonds among the former secretary of Federal Public Security was also during the Vicente Fox six years, and Humberto Castillejos who was Marco Castillejos penologist's son murdered away from his office in Mexico City in July of 2008. That which happened among the years 2010 and 2011, when EMM was ambassador from Mexico before Great Britain and Ireland of the North.  

Documents judicial contents so much in the penal cause 23/2011-V (of the tribunal ninth of district of penal processes in Distrito Federal. and in it action penal 158/2011 - I SAW (of the sixth unitary tribunal in penal matter of the first circuit), these papers demonstrate that the previously ambassador in Europe requested support of the juridical office that time Humberto Castillejos headed to orchestrate a legal broadside against Abel Abarca Ayala (AAA), veteran of the Mexican external service that in 2010 he acted as chancellery boss in the embassy of Mexico in United Kingdom. Abarca (AAA), veteran of the Mexican chancellery it was accused of the violation crime it was discharged by judges of the PJF May 31, 2011 -, but the penal imputation made it to him who was its own secretary in these embassy, with who sustained a romance behind several years. The young woman was used by EMM, according to the judicial constancy, according to the judicial constancies of the consulted files, with the objective that the accused diplomat was deprived of the position.  

The ministers are irritated in the face of the abuse of EPN 
"Every day Monday he greeted ambassador EMM, when he had officials' meeting in the embassy (from Mexico in United Kingdom). The own ambassador gave me the corrections of the accusation writing that he presented (against Abel Abarca) for facts of October 7, 2010 (the secretary was violated, with the use of violence, physics and morals), by AAA, in the facilities of the embassy. He edited the accusation writing and later on the ambassador returned it to us with some corrections", the supposed victim declared May 25, 2011, during the audience of amplification of declarations that was made in the facilities of the own embassy, with headquarters in London. The officials that spoke with this writer with the commitment of reserving their identity, informed that of the files and judicial performances it comes off that although Humberto Castillejos doesn't appear as helping of the investigations that made the PGR against AAA, during the diligences that were carried out to articulate the investigation and the penal process against the former diplomat Mexican, several lawyers of the juridical office that the current juridical consultant of EPN headed they appeared as helping of the Federal Public Ministry. 
In fact in diverse writings offered before the judges by the supposed one it kills of violation, so much the home that the woman pointed out to receive all type of notifications, as the lawyers authorized to know of the previous verification and of the judicial performances, they correspond to the address of the office that Humberto Castillejos directed until before being named consultant of the Presidency of the Republic. "It was evident the support and waste of the PGR to carry out all the investigations against the diplomatic AAA", one of the high officials of the Court said. He added that great part of the diligences of previous verification was carried out in the embassy with headquarters in London, for personnel assigned from the Federal District. "Everything was made at the request of EMM (executive regular of the PGR in the first years of Felipe Calderon’s six years), with the back of the lawyers of Castillejos Cervantes's juridical office. The judicial documents of the penal cause 23/2011-V and of action penal 158/2011-VI demonstrate the proximity between Medina Medina and Castillejos", Chalo said. In first and second judicial instance, the former boss of chancellery of the embassy in Mexico in the United Kingdom AAA, it was acquitted of the violation accusation. 
"It is clear that the offended one emitted false and lacking declarations of approbatory sustenance", as it consists in the not guilty sentence of the sixth penal unitary tribunal that one can read in the file of  action penal 158/2011. The officials of the SCJN and of the PJF, they say that the proximity of EMM and Castillejos Cervantes are not new. For example it is remembered that December 5, 2004 when the body of the Carlos Salinas former president's brother was found inside a vehicle in Huixquilucan, Mexico State, municipality previously governed by David Korenfeld, the before procurator of Mexico State, Alfonso Navarrete Prida (current secretary of Work Ministry) it aimed its investigations toward Humberto Castillejos Cervantes (HCC), former collaborator of Rafael Macedo de la Concha and coordinator of assessors of EMM, both procurators during the PAN administration six years. "It has settled down, in indubitable form that the previously assesor of the PGR in international matters HCC contacted a near person to engineer Salinas' environment (…) The phone apparatus of which they were carried out the calls was registered to its father's name, Marcos Castillejos, Navarrete said in this time, during an interview made in 2005.  For what the ministers of the Supreme Court say, “it will be in interdict their independence regarding the interests of the Executive Power (Mr. President)". (La Jornada, Alfredo Mendez).
The channel of the stars taking the control 
With Arely Gomez Gonzalez Blanco (AGB), when she takes their position as General procurator in substitution of the tired Murillo Karam, it is that the plot is very fine and the political power catches it the monopoly of electronic means it Televisa Co, that up to now had accepted to have the image of all the politicians, governors, presidents and legislators under contract, and making an accommodation of information filtered for the town, with comments, “informative analysis", informative amusing with political clowns, discussion tables, newscasts and experienced speakers; but until today he had not taken the explicit paper of being an occupant of a key seat in the cabinet of the tenant of Los Pinos residence. With this executed demand it had been the ministry of information of the presidential cabinet but now their list has changed and it will have the direct headquarters of the Federal Public Ministry, of the corresponding federal police (AFI, for their initials in Spanish), and of the general structure of procurement of justice that later on will call you General Office of the Nation.   
With their fraternal antecedents as the vice-president information sister of Televisa Co, Leopoldo Gomez Gonzalez Blanco who was star conductor of the weekly program of analysis political denominated ‘Third Degree’, with the participation of journalists of Televisa Co, and of near media to her. It is also one of the substitutes in the administration advice that Emilio presides over Fernando Azcarraga Jean. Procurator AGB has made political progresses in full consonance with the clan of stars’ channel, placing resources and abilities to the service of groups related with Televisa Co monopoly. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 10-12, March 2, 2015).

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