viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Silly reformation

A dirty reformation is included so that for superior order the legislators approve it
Silly reformation
By: Carlos Damian                                                       March 8, 2015
It is a holdup to the town and the nation:: PRD
Mexico.-   According to deputy Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa (PRD), president of the Commission of Hydraulic Resources of the Chamber of Deputies, in the verdict of the reformation to the law of waters promoted by the federal Executive, supported by the PRI - PAN, and it was introduced of last hour a modification that he/she will leave in hands of the National Commission of the Water (Conagua) the definition of the participation percentage deprived in the infrastructure projects, exploitation, distribution, billing and collection of drinkable water to the final user, of agreement with an internal regulation to which the legislators don't have access. Such a maneuver is characteristic in the way in the one that they have come the different regressive reformations implanted being approved in so far in this administration, it is guided to endow to wing Conagua of a discretionary margin the sufficiently wide thing to take the privatization from the vital liquid to their last consequences, like it already happens in the case of the electric industry, gas and oil, soon after the energy reformation of EPN.  
Gotcha with Conagua 
The National Commission of the Water (Conagua, for their initials in Spanish) it has behaved in a cynic way and it has made it with treachery and advantage along 2014 because it was preparing the conditions to rob from their rights to hundreds of farmers' thousands and to leave the road free to particular and transnational companies that they make the great business with the water that belongs to the Mexicans. The administrative organ that directs David Korenfeld called Conagua, fulfilled the project privatize sent by Peña Nieto's cabinet, when hiring companies that spread in local brigades to verify the material and artificial situation of 450 thousand properties to the long and wide of the country where he was taking advantage water by means of granted concessions and renovated without traps neither tricks. The concessionaires behaved with simplicity and they answered in good faith but the verifier’s agents hired by the private companies to the service of Conagua, ruled them negatively, since that era the sense of the verification. For this reason the small proprietors will have to fix with the big companies that will keep the business of the water. 

It is sought that in sum, to eliminate the social sense that deprives in the effective national legislation as regards resources hydraulic to transform their extraction, treatment and distribution into a business and to leave that they are the market logics those that regulate such activities. If even with the laws in their current form apparent inequity exists in the access from people to the water, the reformation under way would make worse, such an inequality and it would be in the facts, nugatory of the constitutional precept in the one that settles down that all person is entitled to the water for personal and domestic consumption in enough, salubrious, acceptable and affordable form" (Article 4º), and against the dispositions of the WHO where it manifests the consumption from the citizen to 100 liters. Besides, the legal adulteration that is sought to impose would leave in the vulnerable to states, municipalities and communities in the handling of the resources hydraulic to favor to national and outsider private consortia, not only dedicated to the handling of waters, but also to oil companies, for example, the extraction of hydrocarbons, with the well-known technique as fracking, has inconveniences as to use and to contaminate enormous quantities of water, and to the industries that make an intensive employment of the water. 
The business of the water dedicated to the fracking    
These verifiers that are not employees of Conagua were been worth of everything to base their negative reports. If a bomb extractor of water had in its proximity little overgrowth because in previous months it had not been used, due to the saw calendars and it harvests, the agent took pictures and she wrote down such a fact like test of abandonment. If the farmer didn't have to the hand the documents that proved his rights to the water, he was invited to not worrying and to present them in another occasion, although the official report would go in sense contrary to reporting that it lacked such documents.  But the farmers and peasants decided to face to the verifier to demand him that he told them what it was their diligences, and the agent verifier told them with all their letters “they want mother fuck you", he underlined their words. We are governed by a cabinet presidential Orwellian, predator and authoritarian, it is logical that “the concessions of waters want them to him to remove with any pretext", to the farmers and peasants to be granted them to the transnational and big companies. The orders that they had received the verifiers were in the sense of finding reasons to cancel the individual concessions in the biggest possible number and to renovate the papers less than one could.  

To deny them the renovation of their current concessions “hold on to concession", it settled a figure artificial precarious, called “constancy of registration of light work" that for effects of litigations it doesn't recognize the rights to the water originals because before they had a more defensible “documents of property". The private and transnational business have seen in Mexico a great potential and the included water is a business that they have snatched to the small proprietors and communal organizations as well as to the big cities they will dry off in spite of the lit opposition of representatives of PRD, Morena, Civic Movement, PT, and all the left- wing organizations to be against the federal Executive's intention and its presidential cabinet that with the Law Korenfeld is rejecting and minimizing the common citizen. And it won't only affect the interest of farmers, and peasants, but that of all the Mexicans that suddenly will be deprived from the human right to the water, consigned in the Great Letter (article 4º), but unfulfilled in the practice.  This maneuver with smell to corruption, and it lacks of social sense, it will be good to maneuver in those that it could legalize draining water of the project Aqueduct Monterrey-VI, where “the companies of the Higa Group participates with almost 60% of the contract for an aqueduct in which a private group participates in a direct way in the use of a basin for the supply of drinkable water" that has a cost of more than 3 thousand million dollars. It will also be used for the fracking all the available water, of other basins without caring the damages that would cause, to the basin of which they extract the liquid as in the one that this dirty practice and human apply.

Finally it is devastating to verify that the group in the power continues without understanding the serious unadjusted that have caused the cloudy recent structural reformations, of which figure among the causes of the political, economic and institutional crisis in which is submerged the country, and it still seeks to take the logics of the privatization like a national chaos to practically all the areas of the Mexican chore. If it is looked for to overcome the crises in those that have sunk us the cabinet of EPN, he would have to begin to revert the reformations privatizes and approved and to abandon those that are in approval course, needing a Mexican president and a legislative that it worries about the nation at this time and for the Mexicans. If the legislative's members undergo the Federal Executive they would be prefixing their particular interests in front of those of the Mexican town, injuring those who trusted you, not being more than to meditate about the servility that was subject, with that that also, it is exposed to the nation that there not being more remedy for those governed, before the cynicism and our rulers' subjection and legislative, take different actions, don't defraud to the Mexican town and don't forget that to this they are. If you doesn't act in such a sense they will continue losing temper the social conflicts, and the lack of governability it is already manifested in diverse areas by the confusion and unadjusted national Mexican.  Now they go for the water. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3 - 4, March 9, 2015).

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