viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

The cloudy reformation

It is included infrastructure, exploitation, distribution and collection of drinkable water
The cloudy reformation
By: Carlos Damian                                                                      March 6, 2015
It is a shameless robbery: Alonso Raya
Mexico. -   The percentage in that the private initiative will participate in the infrastructure projects, exploitation, distribution, billing and collection of drinkable water to the final user will be decided by the National Commission of the Water (Conagua, for their initials in Spanish), like it is defined in the verdict of the General Law of Waters promoted by the federal government through the PRI and PAN in the Chamber of Deputies. “The intervention of the companies in the hydraulic projects is remitted to an internal regulation of the Conagua that the legislators don't know, because we are not allowed them to consent", questioned the president of the Commission of Hydraulic Resources, Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa (PRD). The legislator explained that although when he participated for agreement of his parliamentary group in the initial negotiations for the initiative and this was informed last week, the government of EPN introduced additions to the original text that they go on the way privatizing the water in all Mexico.  "We could reach some agreements, as taking out an entire chapter on the hydraulic fracture, but of last moment they changed the verdict: the Secretary of Treasury even intervened to modify the initiative and the PRD it cannot accompany that document", he said.  
Treasury was able to change the project at high hours of the night and it still presented its considerations. It eliminated, all the related with aquaculture and even the order and writing of the articles, with what loses temper the sense of the initiative to open the sector from the water to the private initiative. "The concessions rise from 25 to 35 years and that doesn't guarantee the human right to the water; for that reason we cannot vote that law in to the session of this Tuesday. It is a noxious law that gives entrance to the companies in direct assignments. Although we achieve the obligation of informing the census of concessionaires in middle annually, we were impeded (to carry out) bottom changes". In the modifications to the project one can see the suppression of the chapter of hydraulic freaking, but even this way, PRI and PAN introduced the figure for the extraction of hydrocarbons. In the “industrial use of the liquid” it refers when transferring volumes of water from an abundant basin to another with shortage it will be necessary, but not for the private capital; in the law that is not regulated. For that reason we leave the negotiation since we won't endorse a law that is noxious for the society and the town.  
It use industrial of the water 
In the Chamber of deputies the PRD announced a mobilization on Tuesday tomorrow in defense of the water and against the verdict of the General Law of Waters (Law Korenfeld) that facilitates the delivery from this resource to the private initiative. The proposal that you will discuss tomorrow in the full one, “it is a shameless robbery to the nation and the Mexicans, because without more it leaves in hands of matters the exploitation, use, disposition and use of the resources hydraulics of the country and it annuls in the facts the human right to the water", the coordinator of the Aztec sun said in San Lazaro building, Miguel Alonso Raya (MAR). In contrast, Manlio Fabio Beltrones (MFB), coordinator of the PRI, sustained that the law doesn't give the water to the companies, but “it allows that the private capital adds to the public investments and it modernizes the régime of concessions, permits, rates and sanctions". For MFB, the law “unites government's efforts and society, which that in no way means to privatize the water". However, MAR exposed that the law gives continuity to the politics of other reformations, of giving the national goods to outsiders and national companies. 
This fact constitutes “a transgression to the same Constitution nullifies the human right to the water to allow its monopolizing for private agents, to those that strengthens the possibility to traffic with the concession papers, even in areas of low readiness of the resource", the legislator of the PRD questioned.  He said that one in the monopolizing ways that allows the law and impelled by the National Commission of the Water, they are trasvases in fact, as well as the use or use of transferred national waters of a basin to another for private agents. "This will allow underexploiter the water of the country by means of 30 year-old concessions or extensions of up to 60 years, with that which practically are given the resources hydraulics to market them and to speculate indefinitely with their price", it was plentiful.  
It modernizes the régime of concessions: Beltrones 
The concessions, it pointed out, “they will be granted without caring the alteration in the hydrological and biological cycles of the basins and aquifer, neither the affectation to the ecosystems and the sustainability for the human being, and it only looks after the interests of privates, but it leaves aside the economic, social, and environmental costs". Who seek, to exploit the gas of (stones) shale with the one questioned practice of the fracking, will be able to use it even dilutes of other basins, without caring the damages that will cause so much to the basin of which extract the liquid, in all the orders like in the one that they are applied this technique", it sustained. On the other hand, deputy Alejandro Sanchez Camacho (PRD) it exposed that one cannot give a mercantile use to the water and he announced a series of mobilizations in Morelos, the Federal District and an artificial defense before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. "We won't keep the crossed arms before this new holdup to the nation. The government of the PRI didn't have enough with privatizing the petroleum (electricity and gas); now delivery the water", he complained. 
On the other hand communal authorities and the painting Francisco Toledo, and Aleida Alavez (PRD), they were declared against the Ley Korenfeld to consider that when privatizing the liquid in benefit of the big companies and in detriment of the town of Mexico.  “It will bring serious consequences and immediately all (the companies) in special the companies producers of gassy drinks to want to buy all the water". The painter pointed out that the cost of the water is reduced in Oaxaca, but if a person has necessity to acquire a pipe with the liquid she should pay between 53 and a 67 dollars, since the transfer of the water in trucks cisterns is a business operated by privates, situation that would be increased, for what “it is necessary to make something". The vice-president of the directive table of the federal Chamber of Deputies, Aleida Alavez, called to the defense of the liquid, she sustained that “this model hydraulic is based in how to guide so that of a basin to other megaprojects are made to transfer the water without guaranteeing the sustainability” of people, what would derive in the devastation of the areas of those that it is extracted. They are also violating the human rights of the populations and affected cities, when making be worth this law, because the Mexican State looks for to ignore of its obligation of to operate and to distribute the water and it gives it to the private initiative without mercy to the common citizen.     
"Without with this it is guaranteed that the privates have the notion first of making be worth this right", since even mark that the use of water for each person will be of 50 daily liters, the minimum thing recommended by the World Organization of the Health (100 litres). It is accused that the initiative forces to states and municipalities that want unavoidably to receive public resources and programs from the government to sign an agreement of collaboration in which measures will be imposed, and you tariff, what would create conflicts, since you cannot charge the same quantity from money to the users. "We are speaking of collections that will leave 300 percent of that which at the moment are paying for the water". It is perceived in the federal Congress an authoritarian legislature that they received the verdict of the law the night of last Tuesday and they approved it at noon of Wednesday without discussing this, that which considered white shows that it was not analyzed, but rather it was distributed so that they vote her immediately.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3 - 4, March 9, 2015).

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