viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Hate in The States

They condemn murder at the hands of paramilitary with policemen's uniforms
Hate in The States
By: Carlos Damian                                        February 24,2015
They demand to SER to negotiate the repair of the damage
Mexico. -   Hundreds of family and friends in Westminster, Colorado met the weekend to discharge Jessica Hernandez, a 17 year-old Hispanic girl knocked down by police in Denver, remembering it for its great heart and gregarious spirit. The shooting that follows low investigation, generated protests after the national debate on the police use of the force after the racial episodes in Ferguson, Missouri, and in New York City. The police have said that Hernandez died January 26 when it guided a car stolen in an agent's way in a residential alley of Denver. A passenger in the car rejected the version of the police, when pointing out that Hernandez lost the control of the car because she had already received a shot and it was unconscious.  
The Chamber of deputies and the Senate condemned yesterday (17/02/15), the Mexican murder Antonio Zambrano Montes, made by policemen of Pasco, belonging to the county of Franklin, in the Washington State, February 10 2015. In the session an agreement point was approved in the one that also. The Senate requested the Mexican chancellery to carry out the pertinent actions in the face of the competent authorities of the Franklin county so that they are maintained the so much of all the made investigations to clarify the penal responsibility in that the police agents have incurred implied in this crime.  On this way, the senators demanded to the chancellery that it helps to the repatriation of Zambrano Montes' body and negotiate in the face of the competent authorities the actions and measures stretched out to offer and to obtain the repair of the damage for the privation of the life of the compatriot. From the tribune, deputy Loretta Ortiz Ahlf (Morena) it reproached that with The States “they are tolerated or allow actions like those that Antonio Zambrano Montes suffered", and he remembered that behind the murder of the Mexican native of Michoacan State “a long history exists of allowing that fundamental rights of the Mexicans are violated” in The States. 
Amalia Garcia, president of the commission of Attention to Migrants, questioned: "The question that many are asked is: what answer would the American government have had if at the hands of police corporations an American had been murdered? We can imagine the answer: only not declarations, some action type, because The States accustoms to defend what calls “it legitimate use of the protection of the rights and the integrity of the American citizens."  
First outline of the history 
On the other hand it is said that many journalists make errors, and anything is more fragile than the credibility in journalism. But the errors are part of journalist's occupation and it is difficult to capture the whole reality, what some call to elaborate the “first draft of the history", and this that mentions you is different to say lies and to deceive the fool. But there is of everything in the gentleman's vineyard and in this context of journalism and to create histories is people that invents, it plagiarizes, it manufactures, hidden and until it makes corrupt acts and it betrays their public, and other people they come it as an attack to the means and an aggression to the other journalists. Although there are journalists that work in great danger, in war zones, some areas of the world where to be a journalist is a step to the death, and when they take a risk to generate histories he is a revolutionary man, faithful to their ideology and their line of life; it is one of the war´s journalist. Of the inkwell you comes out Brian Williams’ name, presenter of the national newscast of the complex journalist of the chain NBC, and it is one of the most grateful figures that has shaken to the company when having invented a history that seemed exit of the real life, of so well made that it is.  
This presenter star of the NBC, it is one of the better known bearers of news that saw damaged his credibility when admitting that when it covered the invasion to Iraq in 2003, he was happened to invent a situation of danger to give him credibility and this admitted it this weekend (02/07/15), that which has converted it partly of the news for what is tempted to suspend his professional activities and it is still for it turns that it will return in front to his favorite seat of the cameras.  This fictitious situation of danger of the presenter was denied for veteran that were witness of they affirmed that this mendacious journalist you the raisin inventing situations that never pass in the real life.  The Williams’ story, where the one is the ferocious wolf trying to eat up to the pigs it never happened and their public image has fallen boisterously, sprinkling to all its team; the one flew in a military helicopter attacked ferociously by the Iraqis in 2003, and the chain NBC News transmitted the false information some veteran ones informed they gave its testimony saying that this journalist cowardly leave behind in another helicopter that was not object of violent attack for the enemy batteries. 
This journalist didn't have more than to admit due to the critics of the veteran ones in his newscast of Wednesday (02/04/15) that it had made an error and he explained that he didn't remember the facts well and when trying to explain to them he made a mistake with the events of two helicopters and he offered excuses to the public. Although in the social nets they began to be questioned the presenter's intervention in other reported events, included their covering in New Orleans, when the hurricane Katrina in 2005, and it destroys that part of The States. Other inhabitants were questioned the histories of Williams, as the one that there were in front of their eyes passed a cadaver floating in the hotel, since in retrospective is said that the water only arrived to the ankles. What moves to all is to suspect the histories of this fable’s man about infantile histories. The company NBC News begins the investigation inside its facilities questioning this presenter's work it shatters during the last years, while it faces a crisis of credibility of all its presenters and all its programs of news, and NBC News whole division. In the journalistic means and of histories properties of NBC News it is the most powerful inside the first ones three and it has in it to have a public average of 9.3 millions. 
NBC News had among its main presenters of news the Williams’ contract with renovation for five years more with a salary of 10 million annual dollars. It was such the trust of the company that had made a promotional one with Michael Douglas's voice narrating the images of Williams and building around this liar, a wall of trust that has fallen as a sprinkled paper of mud, and you puts an end this famous presenter's credibility to 10 year-old experience in less than 10 minutes. In this fan of possibilities one has another presenter star as the most reliable in the public: Jon Stewart, of The Daily Show, a presenter of fictitious newscast. Another that arrives to become trained the occupation is I.F. Stone a legendary political journalist that repeated that a serious journalist needed to understand a single simple thing when making his work: all government lies. Bill Moyers also commented something like that: "all news is what the powerful men want to maintain hidden, everything the rest is publicity". Obviously it is not the only case in which the journalist deceives the public, some have suffered the consequences of a corrupt journalist, or that they created histories to harm and that they used their notes to support the oligarchies' interests. In Mexico all good kindred revolutionary journalist to theirs ideals is dead, and they are still some chickpeas of to pound that they have played his part well with courage and heroic exceptions. Some more ones have impelled the war of drug dealers, justified mass murders, repression and political economic with terrible effects for the population. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 24-25  February 9, 2015).


Condenan asesinato a manos de paramilitares con uniformes de policías
Por: Carlos Damián                                       24 de Febrero, 2015
Demandan a SER gestionar la reparación del daño
México.-   Cientos de familiares y amigos en Westminster, Colorado se reunieron    el fin de semana para despedir a Jessica Hernández, una chica hispana de 17 años abatida por polic+ias en Denver, recordándola por su gran corazón  y espíritu gregario. El tiroteo, que sigue bajo investigación, generó protestas luego del debate nacional sobre el uso policiaco de la fuerza tras los episodios raciales en Ferguson, Missouri, y la ciudad de Nueva York. La policía ha dicho que Hernández falleció el 26 de enero cuando encaminó un auto robado en dirección de un agente en un callejón residencial de Denver. Un pasajero en el carro rechazó la versión de la policía, al señalar que Hernández perdió el control del auto porque ya había recibido un disparo y estaba inconsciente.

La Cámara de diputados y el Senado condenaron ayer (17/02/15), el asesinato del mexicano Antonio Zambrano Montes, cometido por policías de Pasco, perteneciente al condado de Franklin, en el estado de Washington , el 10 de febrero de 2015. En la sesión se aprobó un punto de acuerdo en el que además. El Senado solicitó a la SRE realizar las acciones pertinentes  ante las autoridades competentes del condado de Franklin a fin de que se les mantenga al tanto de todas las investigaciones conducentes a esclarecer la responsabilidad penal en que hayan incurrido los agentes de la policía implicados en este crimen.  De igual forma, los senadores demandaron a la cancillería que ayude a la repatriación del cuerpo de Zambrano Montes y gestione ante las autoridades competentes las acciones y medidas tendientes a procurar y obtener la reparación del daño por la privación de la vida del connacional. Desde la tribuna, la diputada Loretta Ortiz Ahlf (Morena) reprochó que con Estados Unidos “se toleren o permitan acciones como las que sufrió Antonio Zambrano Montes”, y recordó que detrás del asesinato del mexicano originario de Michoacán existe “una larga historia de permitir que se violen derechos fundamentales de los mexicanos” en Estados Unidos.

Amalia García, presidenta de la comisión de Atención a Migrantes, cuestionó: “La pregunta que muchos se hacen es: ¿qué respuesta habría tenido el gobierno estadounidense si a manos de corporaciones policíacas hubiera sido asesinado un estadounidense? Podemos imaginarnos la respuesta: no solo declaraciones, algún tipo de acción, porque Estados Unidos acostumbra defender lo que llama “legitimo uso de la protección de los derechos y la integridad de los ciudadanos estadounidenses”.

Primer esquema de la historia
Por otra parte se dice que muchos periodistas cometen errores, y nada hay más frágil que la credibilidad en periodismo. Pero los errores son parte del oficio de periodista y es difícil captar toda la realidad, lo que algunos llaman elaborar el “primer borrador de la historia”, y esto que se menciona es diferente a decir mentiras y engañar al bobo. Pero hay de todo en la viña del señor y en este contexto de periodismo y crear historias hay gente que inventa, plagia, fabrica, oculta y hasta comete  actos corruptos y traiciona a su público,  y otras personas lo ven como un ataque al medio y una agresión a los demás periodistas. Aunque hay periodistas que trabajan en gran peligro, en zonas de guerra, algunas zonas del mundo donde ser periodista es un paso a la muerte, y cuando se arriesgan para generar historias es un hombre revolucionario, fiel a su ideología y a su línea de vida; es una de las hazañas del periodista de guerra. Del tintero se sale el nombre de Brian Williams, conductor del  noticiario nacional del complejo periodista de la cadena NBC, y es una de las figuras más reconocidas que ha sacudido a la empresa al haber inventado una historia que pareciera salida de la vida real, de tan bien hecha que está.

Este conductor estrella de la NBC, es uno de los más conocidos presentadores de noticias que vio dañada su  credibilidad al admitir que cuando cubrió  la invasión a Irak en 2003, se le ocurrió inventar una situación de peligro para darle credibilidad y esto lo admitió este fin de semana (07/02/15), lo cual lo ha convertido en parte de las noticias por lo que está tentado a suspender sus actividades profesionales y aún está por verse que retornará a su silla favorita enfrente de las cámaras.  Esta situación ficticia de peligro del conductor fue desmentida por veteranos que fueron testigos de afirmaron que este periodista mendaz se la pasa inventando situaciones que nunca pasan en la vida real.  El cuento de Williams, donde el es el lobo feroz tratando de comerse a los cerditos nunca pasó y su imagen pública se ha caído estrepitosamente, salpicando a todo su equipo; el volaba en un helicóptero militar atacado ferozmente por los iraquíes en 2003, y la cadena NBC News transmitía la información falsa algunos veteranos enterados dieron su testimonio diciendo que este periodista cobarde venia atrás en  otro helicóptero que no era objeto de ataque violento por las baterías enemigas.

Este periodista no tuvo más que admitir debido a las críticas de los veteranos en su noticiario del miércoles (4/02/15) que había cometido un error y explicó que no recordaba bien los hechos y al tratar de explicarlos se confundió con los sucesos de dos helicópteros y ofreció disculpas al público. Aunque en las redes sociales comenzaron a cuestionarse la intervención del conductor en otros sucesos reportados, incluida su cobertura en Nueva Orleans, cuando el huracán Katrina en 2005, y destroza esa parte de Estados Unidos. Otros habitantes se cuestionaron las historias de Williams, como la que había enfrente de sus ojos pasado un cadáver flotando en el hotel, ya que en retrospectiva se dice que el agua sólo llegaba a los tobillos. Lo que mueve a todos es a sospechar las historias de este fabulador de historias infantiles. La empresa NBC News comienza la investigación dentro de sus instalaciones cuestionando el trabajo de este conductor estrella durante los últimos años, mientras enfrenta una crisis de credibilidad de todos sus conductores y todos sus programas de noticias, y la división entera de NBC News. En el medio periodístico y de historias de noticias NBC News es el más poderoso dentro de los primeros tres y tiene en las estadísticas un publico promedio de 9.3 millones.

NBC News tenía entre sus principales conductores de noticias el contrato de Williams con renovación por cinco años más con un sueldo de 10 millones de dólares anuales. Era tal la confianza de la< compañía que había hecho un promocional con la voz de Michael Douglas narrando las imágenes de Williams y construyendo alrededor de este mentiroso, un muro de confianza que ha caído como un papel salpicado de lodo, y se acabo la credibilidad de este famoso conductor con experiencia de 10 años en menos de 10 minutos. En este abanico de posibilidades se tiene a otro conductor estrella como el más confiable del público: Jon Stewart, de The Daily Show, un conductor de noticiario ficticio. Otro que llega para enseñarnos el oficio es  I.F. Stone un legendario periodista político, que repetía que un periodista serio necesitaba entender una sola cosa sencilla al hacer su trabajo: todo gobierno miente. Bill Moyers también comentó algo así: “toda noticia es lo que los hombres poderosos quieren mantener oculto, todo lo demás es publicidad”.  Obviamente no es el único caso en el que el periodista engañe al público, algunos han sufrido las consecuencias de un periodista corrupto, o que crearon historias para hacer daño y que usaron sus notas para apoyar intereses de los oligarcas. En México todo buen periodista revolucionario afín a sus ideales está muerto, y quedan todavía algunos garbanzos de a libra que han desempeñado bien su papel con valentía y heroicas excepciones. Algunos más han impulsado la guerra de narcotraficantes, justificado asesinatos en masa, represión   y políticas económicas con efectos terribles para la población. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 24-25 9 de Febrero, 2015).

Tune in XHAFI

It is in danger the division of power, for their proximity with the Federal Executive
Tune in XHAFI
By: Carlos Damian                                                         March 4, 2015
The monopoly of electronic means Televisa Co taking the control
Mexico.-   Eduardo Medina Mora (EMM) about his inclusion, in the three group proposed by president EPN so that the Senate chooses a new minister of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN, for their initials in Spanish) it bothered to several of the current ministers, because they consider that given the proximity among the current ambassador from Mexico in The States and the juridical consultant of the Presidency, Humberto Castillo Cervantes, would not be guaranteed the “division of powers", neither “independence” of EMM in front of the Executive Power. An example of the previous aberration was the relationship of the Court and the Federal Judicial Power (PJF, for their initials in Spanish), in which they were clear the bonds among the former secretary of Federal Public Security was also during the Vicente Fox six years, and Humberto Castillejos who was Marco Castillejos penologist's son murdered away from his office in Mexico City in July of 2008. That which happened among the years 2010 and 2011, when EMM was ambassador from Mexico before Great Britain and Ireland of the North.  

Documents judicial contents so much in the penal cause 23/2011-V (of the tribunal ninth of district of penal processes in Distrito Federal. and in it action penal 158/2011 - I SAW (of the sixth unitary tribunal in penal matter of the first circuit), these papers demonstrate that the previously ambassador in Europe requested support of the juridical office that time Humberto Castillejos headed to orchestrate a legal broadside against Abel Abarca Ayala (AAA), veteran of the Mexican external service that in 2010 he acted as chancellery boss in the embassy of Mexico in United Kingdom. Abarca (AAA), veteran of the Mexican chancellery it was accused of the violation crime it was discharged by judges of the PJF May 31, 2011 -, but the penal imputation made it to him who was its own secretary in these embassy, with who sustained a romance behind several years. The young woman was used by EMM, according to the judicial constancy, according to the judicial constancies of the consulted files, with the objective that the accused diplomat was deprived of the position.  

The ministers are irritated in the face of the abuse of EPN 
"Every day Monday he greeted ambassador EMM, when he had officials' meeting in the embassy (from Mexico in United Kingdom). The own ambassador gave me the corrections of the accusation writing that he presented (against Abel Abarca) for facts of October 7, 2010 (the secretary was violated, with the use of violence, physics and morals), by AAA, in the facilities of the embassy. He edited the accusation writing and later on the ambassador returned it to us with some corrections", the supposed victim declared May 25, 2011, during the audience of amplification of declarations that was made in the facilities of the own embassy, with headquarters in London. The officials that spoke with this writer with the commitment of reserving their identity, informed that of the files and judicial performances it comes off that although Humberto Castillejos doesn't appear as helping of the investigations that made the PGR against AAA, during the diligences that were carried out to articulate the investigation and the penal process against the former diplomat Mexican, several lawyers of the juridical office that the current juridical consultant of EPN headed they appeared as helping of the Federal Public Ministry. 
In fact in diverse writings offered before the judges by the supposed one it kills of violation, so much the home that the woman pointed out to receive all type of notifications, as the lawyers authorized to know of the previous verification and of the judicial performances, they correspond to the address of the office that Humberto Castillejos directed until before being named consultant of the Presidency of the Republic. "It was evident the support and waste of the PGR to carry out all the investigations against the diplomatic AAA", one of the high officials of the Court said. He added that great part of the diligences of previous verification was carried out in the embassy with headquarters in London, for personnel assigned from the Federal District. "Everything was made at the request of EMM (executive regular of the PGR in the first years of Felipe Calderon’s six years), with the back of the lawyers of Castillejos Cervantes's juridical office. The judicial documents of the penal cause 23/2011-V and of action penal 158/2011-VI demonstrate the proximity between Medina Medina and Castillejos", Chalo said. In first and second judicial instance, the former boss of chancellery of the embassy in Mexico in the United Kingdom AAA, it was acquitted of the violation accusation. 
"It is clear that the offended one emitted false and lacking declarations of approbatory sustenance", as it consists in the not guilty sentence of the sixth penal unitary tribunal that one can read in the file of  action penal 158/2011. The officials of the SCJN and of the PJF, they say that the proximity of EMM and Castillejos Cervantes are not new. For example it is remembered that December 5, 2004 when the body of the Carlos Salinas former president's brother was found inside a vehicle in Huixquilucan, Mexico State, municipality previously governed by David Korenfeld, the before procurator of Mexico State, Alfonso Navarrete Prida (current secretary of Work Ministry) it aimed its investigations toward Humberto Castillejos Cervantes (HCC), former collaborator of Rafael Macedo de la Concha and coordinator of assessors of EMM, both procurators during the PAN administration six years. "It has settled down, in indubitable form that the previously assesor of the PGR in international matters HCC contacted a near person to engineer Salinas' environment (…) The phone apparatus of which they were carried out the calls was registered to its father's name, Marcos Castillejos, Navarrete said in this time, during an interview made in 2005.  For what the ministers of the Supreme Court say, “it will be in interdict their independence regarding the interests of the Executive Power (Mr. President)". (La Jornada, Alfredo Mendez).
The channel of the stars taking the control 
With Arely Gomez Gonzalez Blanco (AGB), when she takes their position as General procurator in substitution of the tired Murillo Karam, it is that the plot is very fine and the political power catches it the monopoly of electronic means it Televisa Co, that up to now had accepted to have the image of all the politicians, governors, presidents and legislators under contract, and making an accommodation of information filtered for the town, with comments, “informative analysis", informative amusing with political clowns, discussion tables, newscasts and experienced speakers; but until today he had not taken the explicit paper of being an occupant of a key seat in the cabinet of the tenant of Los Pinos residence. With this executed demand it had been the ministry of information of the presidential cabinet but now their list has changed and it will have the direct headquarters of the Federal Public Ministry, of the corresponding federal police (AFI, for their initials in Spanish), and of the general structure of procurement of justice that later on will call you General Office of the Nation.   
With their fraternal antecedents as the vice-president information sister of Televisa Co, Leopoldo Gomez Gonzalez Blanco who was star conductor of the weekly program of analysis political denominated ‘Third Degree’, with the participation of journalists of Televisa Co, and of near media to her. It is also one of the substitutes in the administration advice that Emilio presides over Fernando Azcarraga Jean. Procurator AGB has made political progresses in full consonance with the clan of stars’ channel, placing resources and abilities to the service of groups related with Televisa Co monopoly. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 10-12, March 2, 2015).

Sintoniza la señal del monopolio

Está en peligro la división de poderes, por su cercanía con el Ejecutivo Federal
Sintoniza la señal XHAFI
Por: Carlos Damián                                       4 de Marzo, 2015
El monopolio de medios electrónicos Televisa toma el control
México.-   La inclusión de Eduardo Medina Mora (EMM), en la terna propuesta por el presidente EPN para que el Senado elija a un nuevo ministro de la Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJN) molestó a varios de los actuales ministros, pues consideran que dada la cercanía entre el actual embajador de México en Estados Unidos y el consejero jurídico de la Presidencia, Humberto Castillo Cervantes, no quedaría garantizada la “división de poderes”, ni la “independencia” de EMM frente al Poder Ejecutivo. Un ejemplo de la aberración anterior fue la relación de la Corte y el Poder Judicial Federal (PJF), en el que quedaron  claros los vínculos entre el también ex secretario de Seguridad Pública Federal fue durante el sexenio del Vicente Fox, y Humberto Castillejos quien fue hijo del penalista Marco Castillejos asesinado afuera de su despacho en la ciudad de México en julio de 2008. Lo cual ocurrió entre los años 2010 y 2011, cuando EMM era embajador de México ante Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte.

Documentos judiciales contenidos tanto en la causa penal 23/2011-V (del juzgado noveno de distrito de procesos penales en el D. Federal y en la toca penal 158/2011 – VI (del sexto tribunal unitario en materia penal del primer circuito), estos papeles demuestran que el anteriormente embajador en Europa solicitó apoyo del despacho jurídico que entonces encabezaba  Humberto Castillejos para orquestar una andanada legal en contra de Abel Abarca Ayala (AAA), veterano del servicio exterior mexicano que en 2010 se desempeñaba como jefe de cancillería en la embajada de México en Reino Unido. Abarca (AAA), veterano de la cancillería mexicana fue acusado del delito de violación –fue exonerado por jueces del PJF el 31 de mayo de 2011-, pero la imputación penal se la hizo quien fuera su propia secretaria en la embajada, con quien sostenía un romance varios años atrás. La joven mujer fue utilizada por EMM, según las constancias judiciales, según las constancias judiciales de los expedientes consultados, con el objetivo de que el diplomático acusado fuera destituido del cargo.

Los ministros están irritados ante el abuso de EPN
“Todos los días lunes saludaba al embajador EMM, cuando tenía reunión de funcionarios en la embajada (de México en Reino Unido). El propio embajador me entregó las correcciones del escrito de denuncia que presenté (contra Abel Abarca) por los hechos del 7 de octubre de 2010 (la secretaria fue violada, con el uso de violencia, física y moral), por AAA, en las instalaciones de la embajada. Yo redacté el escrito de denuncia y posteriormente el embajador me lo devolvió con algunas correcciones”, declaró la supuesta víctima el 25 de mayo de 2011, durante la audiencia de ampliación de declaraciones que se efectuó en las instalaciones de la propia embajada, con sede en Londres. Los funcionarios que hablaron con este diario bajo el compromiso de reservar su identidad, informaron que de los expedientes y actuaciones judiciales se desprende que si bien Humberto Castillejos no aparece como coadyuvante de las investigaciones que hizo la PGR contra AAA, durante las diligencias que se realizaron para articular la investigación y el proceso penal contra el ex diplomático mexicano, varios abogados del bufete jurídico que encabezó el actual consejero jurídico de EPN comparecieron como coadyuvantes del Ministerio Público Federal.

De hecho en diversos escritos ofrecidos ante los jueces por la supuesta victima de violación, tanto el domicilio que señaló la mujer para recibir todo tipo de notificaciones, como los abogados autorizados para conocer de la averiguación previa y de las actuaciones judiciales, corresponden a la dirección  del despacho que Humberto Castillejos dirigió hasta antes de ser nombrado consejero de la Presidencia de la República. “Fue evidente el apoyo y dispendio de la PGR para el desahogo de las investigaciones contra el diplomático AAA”, dijo uno de los altos funcionarios de la Corte. Añadió que gran parte de las diligencias de averiguación previa se llevaron a cabo en la embajada con sede en Londres, por personal asignado desde el Distrito Federal. “Todo se hizo a petición de EMM (titular de la PGR en los primeros años del sexenio de Felipe Calderón), con el respaldo  de los abogados del despacho jurídico de Castillejos Cervantes. Los documentos judiciales de la causa penal 23/2011-V y de la toca penal 158/2011-VI demuestran la cercanía entre Medina Mora y Castillejos”, dijo Chalo. En primera y segunda instancia judicial, el ex jefe de cancillería de la embajada en México en el Reino Unido AAA, fue absuelto de la acusación de violación.

“Es claro que la ofendida emitió declaraciones falsas y carentes de sustento probatorio”, según consta en la sentencia absolutoria del sexto tribunal unitario penal, que se puede leer en el expediente de la toca penal 158/2011. Los funcionarios de la SCJN y del PJF, dicen que la cercanía de EMM y Castillejos Cervantes no es nueva. Por ejemplo se recuerda que el 5 de diciembre de 2004 cuando el cuerpo del hermano del ex presidente Carlos Salinas fue hallado dentro de un vehículo en Huixquilucan , estado de México, municipio anteriormente gobernado por David Korenfeld, el antes procurador del Estado de México, Alfonso Navarrete Prida (actual secretario de Trabajo) apuntó sus investigaciones hacia Humberto Castillejos Cervantes (HCC), ex colaborador de Rafael Macedo de la Concha y coordinador de asesores de EMM, ambos procuradores durante los sexenios panistas. “Se ha establecido, en forma indubitable, que el anteriormente asesor de la PGR en asuntos internacionales HCC contactó a una persona cercana al entorno del ingeniero Salinas (…) El aparato telefónico del que se realizaron las llamadas estaba registrado a nombre de su padre, Marcos Castillejos, dijo entonces Navarrete, durante una entrevista efectuada en 2005.  Por lo que los ministros de la Suprema Corte dicen, “estará en entredicho su independencia respecto de los intereses del Poder Ejecutivo”. (La Jornada, Alfredo Mendez)

El canal de las estrellas toma el control
Cuando Arely Gómez González Blanco (AGB), toma su cargo como procuradora General en sustitución del cansado Murillo Karam, es que la trama es muy fina y el poder político lo coge el monopolio de medios electrónicos Televisa, que hasta ahora había aceptado tener la imagen de todos los políticos, gobernadores, presidentes y legisladores bajo contrato, y haciendo un acomodo de información filtrada para el pueblo, con comentarios, “análisis informativos”,  informativos divertidos con payasos políticos, mesas de discusión, noticiarios y locutores “expertos”; pero hasta hoy no había tomado el papel explícito de ser un ocupante de un asiento clave en el gabinete del inquilino de Los Pinos. Con esta exigencia cumplimentada había sido el ministerio de información del gabinete presidencial pero ahora su rol ha cambiado y tendrá la jefatura directa del Ministerio Público Federal, de la policía federal correspondiente (AFI), y de la estructura general  de “procuración de justicia” que más adelante se llamará Fiscalía General de la Nación.  

Con sus antecedentes fraternos como hermana del vicepresidente de información de Televisa, Leopoldo Gómez González Blanco, quien fue el conductor estrella del programa semanal de análisis político denominado Tercer Grado, con la participación de periodistas de Televisa y de medios de comunicación cercanos a ella. Además es uno de los suplentes en el consejo de administración que preside Emilio Fernando Azcárraga Jean. La procuradora AGB ha hecho progresos políticos en plena consonancia con el clan del canal de las estrellas, colocando recursos y habilidades al servicio de grupos relacionados con Televisa Co. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 10-12, Marzo 2, 2015).

The cloudy reformation

It is included infrastructure, exploitation, distribution and collection of drinkable water
The cloudy reformation
By: Carlos Damian                                                                      March 6, 2015
It is a shameless robbery: Alonso Raya
Mexico. -   The percentage in that the private initiative will participate in the infrastructure projects, exploitation, distribution, billing and collection of drinkable water to the final user will be decided by the National Commission of the Water (Conagua, for their initials in Spanish), like it is defined in the verdict of the General Law of Waters promoted by the federal government through the PRI and PAN in the Chamber of Deputies. “The intervention of the companies in the hydraulic projects is remitted to an internal regulation of the Conagua that the legislators don't know, because we are not allowed them to consent", questioned the president of the Commission of Hydraulic Resources, Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa (PRD). The legislator explained that although when he participated for agreement of his parliamentary group in the initial negotiations for the initiative and this was informed last week, the government of EPN introduced additions to the original text that they go on the way privatizing the water in all Mexico.  "We could reach some agreements, as taking out an entire chapter on the hydraulic fracture, but of last moment they changed the verdict: the Secretary of Treasury even intervened to modify the initiative and the PRD it cannot accompany that document", he said.  
Treasury was able to change the project at high hours of the night and it still presented its considerations. It eliminated, all the related with aquaculture and even the order and writing of the articles, with what loses temper the sense of the initiative to open the sector from the water to the private initiative. "The concessions rise from 25 to 35 years and that doesn't guarantee the human right to the water; for that reason we cannot vote that law in to the session of this Tuesday. It is a noxious law that gives entrance to the companies in direct assignments. Although we achieve the obligation of informing the census of concessionaires in middle annually, we were impeded (to carry out) bottom changes". In the modifications to the project one can see the suppression of the chapter of hydraulic freaking, but even this way, PRI and PAN introduced the figure for the extraction of hydrocarbons. In the “industrial use of the liquid” it refers when transferring volumes of water from an abundant basin to another with shortage it will be necessary, but not for the private capital; in the law that is not regulated. For that reason we leave the negotiation since we won't endorse a law that is noxious for the society and the town.  
It use industrial of the water 
In the Chamber of deputies the PRD announced a mobilization on Tuesday tomorrow in defense of the water and against the verdict of the General Law of Waters (Law Korenfeld) that facilitates the delivery from this resource to the private initiative. The proposal that you will discuss tomorrow in the full one, “it is a shameless robbery to the nation and the Mexicans, because without more it leaves in hands of matters the exploitation, use, disposition and use of the resources hydraulics of the country and it annuls in the facts the human right to the water", the coordinator of the Aztec sun said in San Lazaro building, Miguel Alonso Raya (MAR). In contrast, Manlio Fabio Beltrones (MFB), coordinator of the PRI, sustained that the law doesn't give the water to the companies, but “it allows that the private capital adds to the public investments and it modernizes the régime of concessions, permits, rates and sanctions". For MFB, the law “unites government's efforts and society, which that in no way means to privatize the water". However, MAR exposed that the law gives continuity to the politics of other reformations, of giving the national goods to outsiders and national companies. 
This fact constitutes “a transgression to the same Constitution nullifies the human right to the water to allow its monopolizing for private agents, to those that strengthens the possibility to traffic with the concession papers, even in areas of low readiness of the resource", the legislator of the PRD questioned.  He said that one in the monopolizing ways that allows the law and impelled by the National Commission of the Water, they are trasvases in fact, as well as the use or use of transferred national waters of a basin to another for private agents. "This will allow underexploiter the water of the country by means of 30 year-old concessions or extensions of up to 60 years, with that which practically are given the resources hydraulics to market them and to speculate indefinitely with their price", it was plentiful.  
It modernizes the régime of concessions: Beltrones 
The concessions, it pointed out, “they will be granted without caring the alteration in the hydrological and biological cycles of the basins and aquifer, neither the affectation to the ecosystems and the sustainability for the human being, and it only looks after the interests of privates, but it leaves aside the economic, social, and environmental costs". Who seek, to exploit the gas of (stones) shale with the one questioned practice of the fracking, will be able to use it even dilutes of other basins, without caring the damages that will cause so much to the basin of which extract the liquid, in all the orders like in the one that they are applied this technique", it sustained. On the other hand, deputy Alejandro Sanchez Camacho (PRD) it exposed that one cannot give a mercantile use to the water and he announced a series of mobilizations in Morelos, the Federal District and an artificial defense before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. "We won't keep the crossed arms before this new holdup to the nation. The government of the PRI didn't have enough with privatizing the petroleum (electricity and gas); now delivery the water", he complained. 
On the other hand communal authorities and the painting Francisco Toledo, and Aleida Alavez (PRD), they were declared against the Ley Korenfeld to consider that when privatizing the liquid in benefit of the big companies and in detriment of the town of Mexico.  “It will bring serious consequences and immediately all (the companies) in special the companies producers of gassy drinks to want to buy all the water". The painter pointed out that the cost of the water is reduced in Oaxaca, but if a person has necessity to acquire a pipe with the liquid she should pay between 53 and a 67 dollars, since the transfer of the water in trucks cisterns is a business operated by privates, situation that would be increased, for what “it is necessary to make something". The vice-president of the directive table of the federal Chamber of Deputies, Aleida Alavez, called to the defense of the liquid, she sustained that “this model hydraulic is based in how to guide so that of a basin to other megaprojects are made to transfer the water without guaranteeing the sustainability” of people, what would derive in the devastation of the areas of those that it is extracted. They are also violating the human rights of the populations and affected cities, when making be worth this law, because the Mexican State looks for to ignore of its obligation of to operate and to distribute the water and it gives it to the private initiative without mercy to the common citizen.     
"Without with this it is guaranteed that the privates have the notion first of making be worth this right", since even mark that the use of water for each person will be of 50 daily liters, the minimum thing recommended by the World Organization of the Health (100 litres). It is accused that the initiative forces to states and municipalities that want unavoidably to receive public resources and programs from the government to sign an agreement of collaboration in which measures will be imposed, and you tariff, what would create conflicts, since you cannot charge the same quantity from money to the users. "We are speaking of collections that will leave 300 percent of that which at the moment are paying for the water". It is perceived in the federal Congress an authoritarian legislature that they received the verdict of the law the night of last Tuesday and they approved it at noon of Wednesday without discussing this, that which considered white shows that it was not analyzed, but rather it was distributed so that they vote her immediately.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3 - 4, March 9, 2015).

El turbio cambio en México

Se incluye infraestructura, explotación, distribución y cobro de agua potable
La reforma turbia
Por: Carlos Damián                                      6 de Marzo, 2015
Es un robo desvergonzado: Alonso Raya
México.-   El porcentaje en que la iniciativa privada participará en los proyectos de infraestructura, explotación, distribución, facturación y cobro de agua potable al usuario final será decidido por la Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua), como se define en el dictamen de la Ley General de Aguas promovido por el gobierno federal a través del PRI y PAN en la Cámara de Diputados. “La intervención de las empresas en los proyectos hidráulicos se remite a un reglamento interno de la Conagua, que no conocen los legisladores, porque no se nos permite acceder a él”, cuestionó el presidente de la Comisión de Recursos Hidráulicos, Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa (PRD).  El legislador, explicó que si bien él participó por acuerdo de su grupo parlamentario en las negociaciones iniciales para la iniciativa  y esta se dictamino la semana pasada, el gobierno de EPN introdujo adiciones al texto original que van en camino de privatizar el agua en todo México.  “Pudimos lograr algunos acuerdos, como sacar todo un capítulo sobre la fractura hidráulica, pero de último momento cambiaron el dictamen: incluso intervino la Secretaría de Hacienda para modificar la iniciativa y el PRD no puede acompañar ese documento”, dijo.

Hacienda logró  cambiar el proyecto a altas horas de la noche y todavía presentó sus consideraciones. Eliminó, todo lo relacionado con acuacultura e incluso el orden y redacción de los artículos, con lo que se altera el sentido de la iniciativa para abrir el sector del agua a la iniciativa privada. “Se elevan las concesiones de 25 a 35 años y eso no garantiza el derecho humano al agua; por eso no podemos votar esa ley en al sesión de este martes. Es una ley nociva que da entrada a las empresas en asignaciones directas. Si bien logramos la obligación de informar semestralmente el padrón de concesionarios, se nos impidió (realizar) cambios de fondo”.  En las modificaciones al proyecto se puede ver la supresión del capítulo de fracturación hidráulica, pero aún así, PRI y PAN introdujeron la figura para la extracción de hidrocarburos. En el “uso industrial del líquido” se refiere al trasladar volúmenes de agua  de una cuenca abundante a otra con escasez será necesario, pero no por el capital privado; en la ley eso no queda regulado. Por eso dejamos la negociación ya que no vamos a avalar una ley que es nociva para la sociedad y el pueblo.

Uso industrial del agua
En la cámara de diputados el PRD anunció una movilización para mañana martes en defensa del agua y contra el dictamen de la Ley General de Aguas (Ley Korenfeld), que facilita la entrega de este recurso a la iniciativa privada. La propuesta que se discutirá mañana en el pleno, “es un robo desvergonzado a la nación y los mexicanos, pues sin más deja en manos de particulares la explotación, uso, disposición y aprovechamiento de los recursos hídricos del país y anula en los hechos el derecho humano al agua”, dijo el coordinador del sol azteca en San Lázaro, Miguel Alonso Raya (MAR). En contraste, Manlio Fabio Beltrones (MFB), coordinador del PRI, sostuvo  que la ley no entrega el agua a las empresas, sino permite “que el capital privado se sume a las inversiones públicas y actualiza el régimen de concesiones, permisos, tarifas y sanciones”. Para MFB, la ley  “une los esfuerzos de gobierno y sociedad, lo que de ninguna manera significa privatizar el agua”. Sin embargo, MAR expuso que la ley da continuidad a la política de otras reformas, de entregar los bienes nacionales a empresas nacionales y extranjeras.

Este hecho constituye “una transgresión a la misma Constitución nulifica el derecho humano al agua para permitir su acaparamiento por agentes privados, a los que se fortalece la posibilidad de traficar con los títulos de concesión, incluso en zonas de baja disponibilidad del recurso”, cuestionó el legislador del PRD.  Dijo que una de las formas de acaparamiento que permite la ley e impulsada por la Comisión Nacional del Agua, son los trasvases, así como el uso o aprovechamiento de aguas nacionales trasladadas de una cuenca a otra por agentes privados. “Esto permitirá sobreexplotar el agua del país mediante concesiones de 30 años o prórrogas de hasta 60 años, con lo cual prácticamente se les regalan los recursos hídricos para comercializarlos y especular con su precio indefinidamente”, abundó.

Actualiza el régimen de concesiones: Beltrones
Las concesiones, señaló, se otorgarán “sin importar la alteración en los ciclos hidrológicos y biológicos de las cuencas y acuíferos, ni la afectación a los ecosistemas y la sustentabilidad para el ser humano, y vela únicamente por los intereses de particulares, pero deja de lado los costos económicos, sociales, y ambientales”. “Quienes pretendan, explotar el gas de (piedras) lutitas con la cuestionada práctica  del fracking, podrán usar agua incluso de otras cuencas, sin importar los perjuicios que en todos los órdenes ocasionarán tanto a la cuenca de la cual extraen el líquido, como en la que se apliquen esta técnica”, sostuvo. Por su parte, el diputado Alejandro Sánchez Camacho (PRD) expuso que no se puede dar un uso mercantil al agua y anunció una serie de movilizaciones en Morelos, el Distrito Federal y una defensa jurídica ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. “No vamos a quedarnos con los brazos cruzados ante este nuevo atraco a la nación. Al gobierno del PRI no le bastó con privatizar el petróleo (la electricidad y el gas); ahora entrega el agua”, lamentó.

Por otra parte autoridades comunales y el pintor Francisco Toledo, Aleida Alavéz (PRD), se declararon en contra de la Ley Korenfeld por considerar que al privatizar el líquido en beneficio de las grandes empresas y en detrimento del pueblo de México.  “Traerá “consecuencias graves y de inmediato todas las (compañías) refresqueras a querer comprar toda el agua”. El pintor señaló que el costo del agua es reducido en Oaxaca, pero si una persona tiene necesidad de adquirir una pipa con el líquido debe pagar entre 800 y mil pesos, ya que el traslado del agua en camiones cisternas es un negocio operado por particulares, situación que se agravaría, por lo que “hay que hacer algo”. La vicepresidenta de la mesa directiva de la Cámara de Diputados federal, Aleida Alavéz, llamó a la defensa del líquido, Sostuvo que “este modelo hídrico se basa en cómo orientar para que de una cuenca a otra se hagan megaproyectos para trasladar el agua sin garantizar la sustentabilidad” de las personas, lo que derivaría en la devastación de las zonas de las que se extraiga. Además están violando los derechos humanos de las poblaciones y ciudades afectadas, al hacer valer esta ley, pues el Estado mexicano busca desentenderse de su obligación de operar y distribuir el agua y la cede a la iniciativa privada sin misericordia al ciudadano común.

“Sin que con esto se garantice que los particulares tengan primero la noción de hacer valer este derecho”, ya que incluso marca que el uso de agua por cada persona será de 50 litros diarios, lo mínimo recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (100 litros). Se acusa que la iniciativa obliga a estados y municipios que quieran recibir recursos públicos y programas del gobierno a signar forzosamente un convenio de colaboración en el que se impondrán medidas, y tarifas, lo que crearía conflictos, ya que no se puede cobrar la misma cantidad de dinero a los usuarios. “Estamos hablando de cobros que se van a ir de 300 por ciento de lo que actualmente estamos pagando por el agua”. Se percibe en el Congreso federal una legislatura autoritaria que recibieron el dictamen de la ley  la noche del martes pasado y la aprobaron al mediodía del miércoles sin discutirla, lo cual consideró una clara muestra de que no se analizó, sino que se distribuyó para  que la voten de inmediato.  (La Jornada, política, p.p. 3 - 4, Marzo 9, 2015).

Silly reformation

A dirty reformation is included so that for superior order the legislators approve it
Silly reformation
By: Carlos Damian                                                       March 8, 2015
It is a holdup to the town and the nation:: PRD
Mexico.-   According to deputy Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa (PRD), president of the Commission of Hydraulic Resources of the Chamber of Deputies, in the verdict of the reformation to the law of waters promoted by the federal Executive, supported by the PRI - PAN, and it was introduced of last hour a modification that he/she will leave in hands of the National Commission of the Water (Conagua) the definition of the participation percentage deprived in the infrastructure projects, exploitation, distribution, billing and collection of drinkable water to the final user, of agreement with an internal regulation to which the legislators don't have access. Such a maneuver is characteristic in the way in the one that they have come the different regressive reformations implanted being approved in so far in this administration, it is guided to endow to wing Conagua of a discretionary margin the sufficiently wide thing to take the privatization from the vital liquid to their last consequences, like it already happens in the case of the electric industry, gas and oil, soon after the energy reformation of EPN.  
Gotcha with Conagua 
The National Commission of the Water (Conagua, for their initials in Spanish) it has behaved in a cynic way and it has made it with treachery and advantage along 2014 because it was preparing the conditions to rob from their rights to hundreds of farmers' thousands and to leave the road free to particular and transnational companies that they make the great business with the water that belongs to the Mexicans. The administrative organ that directs David Korenfeld called Conagua, fulfilled the project privatize sent by Peña Nieto's cabinet, when hiring companies that spread in local brigades to verify the material and artificial situation of 450 thousand properties to the long and wide of the country where he was taking advantage water by means of granted concessions and renovated without traps neither tricks. The concessionaires behaved with simplicity and they answered in good faith but the verifier’s agents hired by the private companies to the service of Conagua, ruled them negatively, since that era the sense of the verification. For this reason the small proprietors will have to fix with the big companies that will keep the business of the water. 

It is sought that in sum, to eliminate the social sense that deprives in the effective national legislation as regards resources hydraulic to transform their extraction, treatment and distribution into a business and to leave that they are the market logics those that regulate such activities. If even with the laws in their current form apparent inequity exists in the access from people to the water, the reformation under way would make worse, such an inequality and it would be in the facts, nugatory of the constitutional precept in the one that settles down that all person is entitled to the water for personal and domestic consumption in enough, salubrious, acceptable and affordable form" (Article 4º), and against the dispositions of the WHO where it manifests the consumption from the citizen to 100 liters. Besides, the legal adulteration that is sought to impose would leave in the vulnerable to states, municipalities and communities in the handling of the resources hydraulic to favor to national and outsider private consortia, not only dedicated to the handling of waters, but also to oil companies, for example, the extraction of hydrocarbons, with the well-known technique as fracking, has inconveniences as to use and to contaminate enormous quantities of water, and to the industries that make an intensive employment of the water. 
The business of the water dedicated to the fracking    
These verifiers that are not employees of Conagua were been worth of everything to base their negative reports. If a bomb extractor of water had in its proximity little overgrowth because in previous months it had not been used, due to the saw calendars and it harvests, the agent took pictures and she wrote down such a fact like test of abandonment. If the farmer didn't have to the hand the documents that proved his rights to the water, he was invited to not worrying and to present them in another occasion, although the official report would go in sense contrary to reporting that it lacked such documents.  But the farmers and peasants decided to face to the verifier to demand him that he told them what it was their diligences, and the agent verifier told them with all their letters “they want mother fuck you", he underlined their words. We are governed by a cabinet presidential Orwellian, predator and authoritarian, it is logical that “the concessions of waters want them to him to remove with any pretext", to the farmers and peasants to be granted them to the transnational and big companies. The orders that they had received the verifiers were in the sense of finding reasons to cancel the individual concessions in the biggest possible number and to renovate the papers less than one could.  

To deny them the renovation of their current concessions “hold on to concession", it settled a figure artificial precarious, called “constancy of registration of light work" that for effects of litigations it doesn't recognize the rights to the water originals because before they had a more defensible “documents of property". The private and transnational business have seen in Mexico a great potential and the included water is a business that they have snatched to the small proprietors and communal organizations as well as to the big cities they will dry off in spite of the lit opposition of representatives of PRD, Morena, Civic Movement, PT, and all the left- wing organizations to be against the federal Executive's intention and its presidential cabinet that with the Law Korenfeld is rejecting and minimizing the common citizen. And it won't only affect the interest of farmers, and peasants, but that of all the Mexicans that suddenly will be deprived from the human right to the water, consigned in the Great Letter (article 4º), but unfulfilled in the practice.  This maneuver with smell to corruption, and it lacks of social sense, it will be good to maneuver in those that it could legalize draining water of the project Aqueduct Monterrey-VI, where “the companies of the Higa Group participates with almost 60% of the contract for an aqueduct in which a private group participates in a direct way in the use of a basin for the supply of drinkable water" that has a cost of more than 3 thousand million dollars. It will also be used for the fracking all the available water, of other basins without caring the damages that would cause, to the basin of which they extract the liquid as in the one that this dirty practice and human apply.

Finally it is devastating to verify that the group in the power continues without understanding the serious unadjusted that have caused the cloudy recent structural reformations, of which figure among the causes of the political, economic and institutional crisis in which is submerged the country, and it still seeks to take the logics of the privatization like a national chaos to practically all the areas of the Mexican chore. If it is looked for to overcome the crises in those that have sunk us the cabinet of EPN, he would have to begin to revert the reformations privatizes and approved and to abandon those that are in approval course, needing a Mexican president and a legislative that it worries about the nation at this time and for the Mexicans. If the legislative's members undergo the Federal Executive they would be prefixing their particular interests in front of those of the Mexican town, injuring those who trusted you, not being more than to meditate about the servility that was subject, with that that also, it is exposed to the nation that there not being more remedy for those governed, before the cynicism and our rulers' subjection and legislative, take different actions, don't defraud to the Mexican town and don't forget that to this they are. If you doesn't act in such a sense they will continue losing temper the social conflicts, and the lack of governability it is already manifested in diverse areas by the confusion and unadjusted national Mexican.  Now they go for the water. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3 - 4, March 9, 2015).