lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Syrian and their allies

International The warlike scenario in Syrian Syrian and their allies By: Carlos Damian September 14, 2013 Obama’s war México. - The angular stone of the Anglo-Saxon Zionism against Russia, Iran and China, the warlike scenario in Syrian had its test pilot in the first war of Iraq (1991), and in the destruction of Yugoslavia some years later. Syrian counts in less than two years near 100 thousand died, in the one that if we compare with the victims of Calderon, and the first year of EPN is the same quantity, only in Mexico there is not war. Perhaps in Mexico it is used of way euphemistic, “ethnic cleaning", concept used by one of the chatterers of the empire (Samuel Huntington, The crash of civilizations, 1993) who in their reading of Mexico, he found inspiration in the letter of another chatterer of the neoliberal "freedom ", the Zionist Isaiah Berlin (1909-97), he wrote to their hostess of Cuernavaca: "I returned flooded by the most contradictory emotions about Mexico and the Mexicans; I found much darker and more violent of what waited, full with superstition and authentic medieval barbarism, and with intense temperaments and a more secret internal life that the cheerful, smiling, and I suppose frivolous Latin Americans of other countries with those that one is in Washington" (1945). He tells us, Jose Steinsleger in your informative note; "Although countersigned and anything new the reading of these chatterers of the “ethics and the morals" that inspired the “parents founders” of the great nation of the north. Although in our country they have good welcomed by wide neoliberal sectors that they repeat the Fascist speech of it Televisa and TV Azteca, together with the intellectual pseudo of right-wing that justify the “ethnic cleaning", and the process of national destruction under way. We have to recognize that the contexts of Mexico and Syrian are totally different, but the chatterers of the empire explain these former created wars ex profess to silence the Mexican with dissent and with the “sectarian violence” of Syrian. In Mexico we are repeated that the "war" is against the “organized crime", but they don't indicate us that this is bound with a common cause: the petroleum, the electricity, and military notebooks that feed of the neoliberal ideology, robbing to the economy of political sense". From September 11, 2001 Mexico and the other countries live under a notebook of "security" edited in the desks of The States, Israel, and the European Union, that which gives them permission to export the terrorism of State, the looting of the natural resources and the confusion between the "law" and the "right". Obama’s war A series of collective suicides has become common thing in The States, are catalysts for its messianic leaders. Obama in his adventure in the Middle East, in particular in Syrian whose antecedents have been detected in Iraq and Afghanistan with Baby Bush, and don't speak of the operative Libya, concomitant to the disaster of Benghazi that took to the ambassador's death and of the personnel of the embassy of The States. The phone call among the leaders of Russia, Vladimir Putin and David Cameron, of Great Britain. It could be creative, that which ended in the British Parliament's volunteer rejection to accompany in their new adventure of war to The States, where the president of this nation still continues furious for the asylum to Edward Snowden (La Jornada, 8/28/13). In this information we like or not like us the Britons know the bowel of this part of the world better if they don't remember the slaughters of Britons made by the Jews: who they look like each other like he commented in form mordant the vice first minister Russian, Dmitry Rogozin, “a monkey with a grenade in the hand" (The Washington Times, 8/28/13). ‘Bajo la lupa’, of writer Alfredo Jalife, he refers us: "In the Middle East is not necessary to lose of view the posture of China whose official publications have been very critical of the warlike project of The States in Syrian whose president Xi Jigping has begun a strategic tour to Islamic countries of Central Asia in eves of the summits of the G-20 and the Group of Shanghai (in Bishkek, Kirghizstan). A consequence of the bombing of Obama to Syrian would rush to China to the arms of Russia. In the speech of opening of the summit of the G-20 in Vladimir Putin's native city the concretion of an agreement will be announced with China in triplication of its exports of petroleum whose supplementation will be made by means of the Russian pipeline of 5 thousand kilometers that Oriental Siberia links to the Ocean Pacific, that which after the official death of Bush Nabucco's pipeline (exit of petroleum of the Mar Caspian for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey), it will transform the geopolitical of the pipeline from the east of the sea Mediterranean going by the Mar Caspian and the gulf of Persia until the Distant Middle East (Ocean Pacific). Agreement diplomat Perhaps one of the causal ones of the conflict of the war of the Yankee military exercise is in the announcement of a pipeline of Iran going by Iraq until Syrian, that which would isolate Qatar and other countries of the Council of Cooperation of the Gulf of Arab Countries. In this context of war there is an evident uneasiness from some military Yankee when supporting to Al Qaida, to that which adds the European strategic military thought that surmises that behind the war of Obama when supporting their eternal rivals is the renouncement of the boss of the State bigger than the armed forces, Martin Dempsey and of the secretary of the Pentagon, Chuck Hagel. Some newspapers as The Washington Post they exhibit the deep doubts on the impact and the wisdom of a military blow of The States to Syrian" (8/29/13). Perhaps one of the authorized voices that it has impacted against this military invasion it belongs to the Texan general Mark Welsh, boss of the air forces, when saying in Air Forced Magazine, “The States is not prepared for a mission in Syrian" (Haaretz, 9/3/13). Before this panorama the president of the neighboring empire of the North this opening a margin to approach a diplomatic exit to the contentious one Syrian. Secretary of State John Kerry's rhetoric escalade and of the leader of the Republican Party, John Boehner, be maybe the door so that Obama doesn't arrive so alone at the G-20, and reject the support of the French “socialism " and of the “neoliberal Mexico of the ITAM." In this joint in the one that The States all their wars in the Middle East have made theirs the wars of Israel, a diplomatic agreement should be implemented with the support of Russia and China that as great winner against the breakages of Israel and The States in the Middle East, it would have like picture to 'Geneva 2 ', and it could go further on when applying the abolition of all the “weapons of massive destruction” without exception. That when being applied in a first stage it should be applied to Syrian as Israel, and in their case to sign, and to ratify the Convention of Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons that went into effect in 1997, and in the second stage to the 'enucleate of all Middle East'; that includes the program of Iran as well as to put a limit to the quantity of nuclear bombs of Israel (400) that enjoys of all the canonries of United States of America. Iran doesn't still have 90 percent of enrichment of uranium to manufacture a nuclear bomb, although. Noam Chomsky on stupid people (Funny!) (La Jornada, politica, p.p.16 - 19, September 4, 2013).

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