martes, 27 de agosto de 2013
American Stasi
The uncle Sam watches over from a constant way to 10 countries of Latin America
American Stasi
By: Carlos Damian August 2, 2013
The uncle Sam’s interest in Colombia is: energy, military and drug traffic
Mexico. - The newspaper mentions that the programs of the NSA were beyond the military matters, when involving “commercial secrets". From Mexico were data discovered it has more than enough energy and drug traffic. The American espionage covered activities in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, they are nations considered “priorities in the region". The espionage on some countries of the region of Latin America was constant, as: El Salvador, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and Argentina, although not high-priority as it was it in the case of: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Venezuela. Edward Snowden's poured information (ES), it puts in evidence the great activity that carries out in Washington, for the whole orb. To impede the key action of terrorist elements, the government from Washington spies to Middle East countries, and European. Glenn Greenwald (GG), he manifested in Twitter (7/7/13) that worked in the periodic O'Globo, about the information to reveal the reach and intensity of the activities of the uncle Sam’s surveillance.
The president from Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CF), she noticed: "They are spying us to all from the north! of America, in reference to the new reports surrendered for ES and published by Brazilian means, (La Jornada, Stella Calloni). CF sustained: "We are before a new world configuration” that threatens America of the South, “great energy producer, minerals and foods” so that it becomes in supplying of commodities again (raw material) and move the big factories to places and countries where inferior wages are paid". CF promised to promote a regional accusation for the espionage of the Empire of the North on Latin American countries. Here, in Brazil the president's government Dilma Rousseff generated a work group to investigate the American espionage in the country. The Commission of External Relationships of the Brazilian Senate approved an order “to invite” ambassador Thomas Shannon to that it is presented before the high camera to explain the espionage accusations from the NSA to Brazil.
They manifest their opposition to the espionage
The president from Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, assured that a debate should be opened to international scale, because apparently, although the NSA had its priorities, very few American countries survived of the espionage. "This is a debate that it no longer summons only to an or three nations, but it seemed to be summoning to many more countries, so much of Europe and of Latin America, and you didn't miss them that of nations of the other continents". Chinchilla underlined. The governments from Ecuador, Paraguay and Nicaragua, for the time being, they manifested their condemnation to the American espionage acts. There is a world of difference among the expression of Dilma Rousseff's face (DR), in the day of its taking of possession like president from Brazil and the one boos that she received in the inauguration in the Confederations Cup. She grieves it turns four years as executive, Mrs. president waited applause. The eve had given to know a plan of 8.6 thousand million dollars in credit lines so that they equip its houses with refrigerators, stoves and computers. Approximately 19 thousand people registered immediately.
In the last times Brazil, it has faced a deceleration of their economy, but it doesn't erase that 40 million people left the poverty and they incorporated to the middle class. However, the middle class demands to satisfy different to the ‘prole’. It is believed that it is somewhere around where the president should find the problem that is presented. On the other hand DR, met (7/1/13) with its cabinet to analyze the terms of the plebiscite proposal around the political reformation that last Tuesday (7/2/13) it will be given to the Congress, with that which the institutional process will be activated so that the citizens can be called to vote and the changes are effective before the elections of 2014. The government initiative is the answer to the manifestations that they carried out hundred of people's thousands in all Brazil to protest against the political corruption and the faulty public services of health and education during three weeks.
Last Monday (7/1/13), the organizers of the mobilizations gave a truce in the streets, and they still have hanging the definition from a possible convocation to a general strike. Union organizations are separated on last Friday of that call, but days before gave to know plans for the celebration of marches in the whole country, on Thursday 11th of July. The president offered to the press an interpretation of the massive marches of June, and she requested to the public opinion that the facts are “understood correctly". “The fight (of the demonstrators) they are for right and representativeness", DR underlined. Soon after of the mobilizations the popularity of DR, she fell 27 points, when passing from 57 to 30 percent. The repercussions of the protests also damaged the image of Sao Paulo's governor, Geraldo Amckmin, of the opponent Party of the Social Democracy, and of the prefect of the city of the same name, Fernando Haddad, coreligionist of DR in the Party of the Workers.
Some of the proposals, they have left from the bottom sea, by Movimento Passe Livre (MPL): terrible quality in the education, services of health, in transport and other public services. It is as well as this South American nation rushes to organize the biggest sport events from the world when lacking the indispensable infrastructure. A study carried out by Sao Paulo's University estimates that the expense in investments foresaw to the Cup 2014 it will be of approximately 18 trillion dollars, but 14 trillions will come from the pockets of the taxpayers. In spite of the efforts of DR, the town has gorged with the corruption of the politicians, and with the lacks already mentioned. When Lula da Silva arrives to the power with the purpose of rushing to the street to the neoliberalism, an irony of the destination happens and what some have called “conservative developments"; that in fact is the neoliberalism although with regard to the state and to the weight of the industry in the national project, it doesn't seem to have bond some.
Brazil has moved of the typical politicians of the neoliberalism toward a fight between two paths: that of the “conservative developments” and a way of progressive development, supported by the democratic-popular sectors. Although the conservative development is the preponderant one, it is a development that maintains inherited social structures of the old régime. Due to the conflict that has been presented to DR, she has given it goes behind to request to the Congress a plebiscite, and to revive a smaller old initiative, the amendment PEC 37 that enters its demands removes to the Public Ministry the capacity to investigate crimes, in such a way that Civil police's bodies and the Federal police, they could only carry out such functions. The argument that sustains DR and the MPL, is that the impunity of the criminals is favored this way, and in particular the corrupt politicians.
After 10 years of managing the government Lula-DR, it has taken to cross some pragmatic and eclectic actions, but the conservative sectors; with Sao Paulo's bourgeoisie it has been decisive, in the game neoliberalism, conservative developments and progressive development. The conservative bourgeoisie is also concentrator of the national entrance. The challenge of DR in these moments is to take out to the country of this political trap, when falling in the one on the way to the previous ruler to take out to the country of the political-economic pothole having as collateral effect a get weak in the strategic vision of the country, in programs and in organization. The topic is as the Party of the Work in its in route to the power it had to fight with the government's astute pragmatism, and a group of different ideological currents they have taken to the party to the power. Dilma Rousseff has as obligation to find a new development stage for the country. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 6-14, July 10, 2013).
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