martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

The foundations of Morena (1/3)

National In the elections (2012), they were considered basic for the democracy The foundations of Morena (1/3) By: Carlos Damian August 13, 2013 AMLO is the ship badge of Morena México. - The decadence that we suffer has taken place for the lack of employment opportunities, study and other satisfactores like for the loss of cultural, moral and spiritual values. For that reason our proposal to achieve the rebirth of Mexico has the purpose of making reality the progress with justice, and at the same time, to favor a way to live, sustained in the love to the family, to the neighbor, to the nature and the homeland. It is known that the human beings need well-being. It is practically accepted by all that nobody can be happy without having worked, feeding or any other necessity, material or biological. A man thinks in how to survive before being in charge of political, scientific, artistic or spiritual tasks. But it is also unquestionable that the way of the life doesn't only decrease to the obtaining of the material thing, to what we possess or we accumulate. A person without attachment to a doctrine or to a code of values, not necessarily achieves the happiness. Inclusive, in some cases, triumphing to any price, without moral scruples of any nature, it drives to an empty life and dehumanized. With the result that it will always be looked for the balance between the material thing and the spiritual thing: to try that the indispensable thing misses nobody for the survival and to cultivate our best feelings of kindness. When we speak of a loving republic with social dimension and spiritual greatness, we are intending to regenerate the public life of Mexico by means of a new form of making political, applying in wise harmony three devises rectors: honesty and justice to improve the conditions of life and to reach tranquility and public peace; and love to promote good and to achieve happiness. The neoliberal system plans to sell our energy future THE HONESTY is the biggest wealth in the nations, and in our country, this value has been come degrading more and more. Although this concerns to all the social sectors, it is without a doubt, the dishonesty of the gubernators and of those elites of the power, that that more it has deteriorated the public life of Mexico, so much for the bad example as, for the appropriation of goods and wealth of the collective, inclusive it can be affirmed that the immorality is the main cause of the inequality and of the current national tragedy. We said in other words; anything has deteriorated more to Mexico that the political corruption. Nevertheless, being this the main problem of the country, and although it is incredible it is a topic that it doesn't appear in the national notebook. It is spoken of structural reformations of all type, but this serious matter is not considered high-priority. It is more, it is not topic in the political speech, on the contrary, the species of the return of the PRI has extended at the present time, with the belief that “they steal but they allow to steal", and in the context of the maxim, according to the one which “who doesn't negotiate it doesn't advance”. Although one lives in the call world of the globalism, neither it is thought to import examples of countries and governments that have been successful in making of the honesty the principle rector of their public life. In the information more recent about indexes of the perception of the corruption in 182 countries of the world, while New Zealand, Denmark, Finland and Sweden occupy the first places in honesty, Mexico occupies the place 100. How it is obvious, they have better levels of well-being. But the paradoxical thing and absurdity is that in the society we would have to import it. That means, if there is will, to take advantage of the kindness of the honesty, it would be thing of exalting it only, of to cultivate it among all and to make it collective will. In the towns of the deep Mexico it is still conserved the inheritance of the great Meso-American civilization and an important reservation of values exists to regenerate the public life. We are certain that there are communities where ‘trojes’ that are used to keep the corn is in the field, in the "trabajaderos" (working fields), far from the village and nobody thinks of appropriating of the other people's work. In many places, until recently, they were not had notion of the robbery. Mexico has not been projected toward the future We´re tell you here a story that recently a young partner of Morena forgot his wallet in the magazine rack of an airplane commercial days later he received the call of a migrant peasant from a place of California (USA), to inform him that he had found his wallet with its data and money. The migrant peasant, native of a community of Veracruz, asked him about how much it took in the wallet and once clarified the matter sent it to its home. My young partner the one asked to the migrant that you grieve he spoke very Spanish, why you make it? He answered him that their parents had taught him “to make well without looking to who", and that if it acted he would have this way in the life a bigger recompense. We tell you for it previously mentioned that the honesty is a virtue that we still possess and it is only thing of revaluing it, of giving him its place, of putting it in the center of the public debate and of applying it like basic principle for the national regeneration. To elevate the honesty to supreme range would bring us many benefits. The gubernators would have moral authority to demand to all a rectum to proceed, nobody would have privileges. You could apply a plan of republican austerity to reduce the high salaries of the high public officials and to eliminate the superfluous expenses. Also, with this ethical imperative for before they would recover resources that today leaves for the pipe of the corruption and they would be dedicated to the development and the well-being of the town. THE JUSTICE. It is still effective the biblical sentence of (Francisco I.) Madero that the town of Mexico “is hungry of and thirsts of justice". It is the unfulfilled demand, pending, in spite of the Revolution and of the whole rhetoric of the later governments. Neither has it appeared in the notebook of the call political class. Nevertheless, it is the shade that pursues us that prevents us to be well with our consciences and more human being. THE POVERTY IN MEXICO is a bitter reality, it saddens, it leaves the soul and it is for all sides. It is present in the states of the north, where before there was not so much misery. It is notorious in the popular colonies of big urban concentrations and of the border cities: in the field of Zacatecas, Nayarit and Durango; it prevails in the center, in the south and in the southeast of the country, mainly in indigenous communities. Everywhere people don't have employment opportunities and they are forced to emigrate of theirs communities, abandoning to theirs families, customs and traditions. The production of self-consumption, the programs of government support and the help that they receive who have family abroad, it doesn't reach more to survive. There is not for the passage, the medicine to pay the passage, the medicine, to pay the gas, the receipt of the light, by no means to eat well. In Mexico the lack of justice should be embarrassed more because any natural or geographical reason that justifies it doesn't exist. Our country, in spite that they have plundered it per centuries, it is still of those that possess more natural resources in the world. In all their territory there is wealth: in the north, mines of gold, silver and copper: in the south, water, gas, petroleum, and in all sides, the town has culture, vocation of work and with an immense kindness. So that the poverty cannot be attributed to the lack of resources, to the fatality, to the destination or the supposed idleness and indolence of the Mexicans. As we have said, it is due to the prevailing corruption and the elite economy (oligarchy) that only benefits to a small minority (1%). The most lamentable thing is that, even with the suffering that implies this economy (neoliberal), it is insisted on perpetuating it at any cost. There is a deliberate strategy to hide until the evident thing. They don't spread the official figures that demonstrate how the neoliberal political call took us to the ruin and a bigger deterioration of the social coexistence. It is not said that in the past 15 years, it has only been generated annually on the average 500 thousand formal employments, when they are required a million 200 thousand. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 8-9, December 6, 2011).

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