martes, 27 de agosto de 2013
A sale of London
A great sale beyond the sea
A sale of London
By: Carlos Damian June 23, 2013
The banal pretexts to sell Pemex
Mexico. - The president of the directive table, of the Chamber of Deputies, Francisco Arroyo Vieyra (FAV), of the tri-colored one he affirmed that, “it is not in the government's spirit neither of any legislator to privatize Pemex and it pointed out that the federal government spoke of the “modernization” of the State property company it is because the topic is included in the Pact by Mexico “and the possibility to provide outlines with the private initiative". FAV also sustains that to speak of selling the oil company, when what is wanted is to modernize it, ”it is a story of never to end up because the word key privatization doesn't exist in any side; that scenario of selling doesn't exist, because neither legislators neither society would allow it". Also, the vice-coordinator of Civic Movement, Ricardo Mejia Berdeja (RMB), he explained that if one attempts a privatization, but with "euphemisms like to be modernized, to transform, to lose weight or to renovate". He also informed that its legislative group will abide in the posture that Pemex continues as public company and it will reject “an energy reformation that it tries to put in hands of private companies what belongs to the nation."
As for the polemic generated by the declarations of the leader in London, the Department of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, sustained that nobody, included the president, they coincide that the Mexican State, abandon the character of proprietor of the natural wealth, for what called to not having mistaken interpretations, as he gave to know the dependence by means of an official statement. During a private meeting with rural organizations, the internal politics' boss assured: "That that yes one has to make it is a transformation of Pemex so that instead of being a load, now or in the future it generates bigger wealth, and that this is distributed to other sectors, among them to the field". Until today the privatization’s concepts managed by the officials don't approach six “nodal” points, like they are: technology transfer, protection to the environmental, the national security, the geopolitical of the energy ones, and pipelines, the creation of a national banking ex professo to impel the oil industry neither about the financing capacity that has the country to impel to its national company.
The pretexts for the great national sale
In this vision of the history of the petroleum, it is an infamous historical irony that perhaps the Mr. President doesn't see with her myopic eyeglasses, since he had to go to London to already proclaim the recovery of the former oil companies bounced in 1938 by the General Lazaro Cardenas del Rio, because they proceeded as if the petroleum was his and the Mexican government was a bastard in his own earth. The viceroy Videogaray moves the threads of its marionettes in the contract commercial Pact for Mexico and he offers honeys to the reformism in vogue focused the select nobility buyer contained in the economic and political cartel of G-8. The explanations of the great salesperson of Pemex, it had their variety with, it orchestrates, focuses and confetti, where the clown that livened up the party gave guarantees of respect to the investors, explanations with detail of the cake that will be given of good equitable portion for each one of the invited barons for the oil cake to distribute. The salesperson perhaps has not found out that he is closing the expropriation circle returning to the foreign companies the Mexican petroleum, with excuses for proceeding savage of the tata Lazaro.
According to Carlos Montemayor in July, 2008, Julio Hernandez points out us, in his note informative ‘Astillero’: this event was outlined as: "The arguments and the boycott managed by the transnational companies in 1938 during the time of the oil expropriation, they are very similar to the pretexts used by the federal government to privatize Pemex, as the supposition of not having technical consultant, machine’ replacements, tip technology neither capitals". “In 1938 the petroleum that was of Mexico, historical argument for a movie", book published by ‘La Jornada Ediciones’ and the ‘Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas’. The topic of the petroleum could give to the left the unification that has not had, although it is only for the circumstances. The two icons of the movement of the PRD, with Marcelo Ebrard, Angel Mancera, and Alejandro Encinas, they could be the motors of a resistance plan, in petit committee with the leaders and militant of the political currents and tribes of the PRD, Civic Movement, and the Party of the Work.
The political currents in the PRD that Hector Baptist heads well-known as National Democratic Alternative, that like members Rene Bejarano and Dolores Padierna, with National Democratic Left are considered as the tribes that can organize the united front against the great national sale. In this confrontation of the town of Mexico and the left-wing, against EPN-Videgaray-Pedro Aspe, the activism opponent's three objectives are: the focalization of the bigger litigation than the national salesperson, the demand in appropriate definitions of the united left, and that it is what the PRD really wants. Perhaps in these moments the ‘blue sun’ one of their worst definition moments lives with a “crisis of trust” that seems to breathe for all the pores of the skin, for what one of their purposes is to take to the current leaders to compare the basic documents, with the agreements of collegiate organs of authority, until they define that they don't have any foundation to authenticate the Pact for Mexico. Therefore all this tells us that the national salesperson will be successful in his purposes if Jesus Zambrano continues with the German illness of Alzheimer.
In this outline fact, of the rebelliousness of the Mexican town against the energy reformation can guess search lines a priori, to articulate an axis opponent against the federal government's politicians, in direct confrontation of the political movement of the PRD, ‘Los Chuchos’ –political line- to which Jesus Zambrano, leader of the ‘Aztec sun’ it belongs, that gives his political capital to the Pact for Mexico, belongs as long as it is indispensable the creation of a political advice, or in his case of a National Congress, with a purification and inclusion project, together with the construction of a political project for the elections of 2018.
Economic contraction
According to the analysis presented by Financial Group Banorte-Ixe, between January and March, 2013 the public expense experienced a fall of 10.4 percent regarding the previous trimester. It is observed that this contraction is related with the deceleration in the growth of the GDP that the first trimester of this year was hardly increased 0.8 percent. In contrast the explanation of EPN that qualified of natural that there are some treasury under-exercise spaces", it attributed to that phenomenon to the outburst of the new administration and it detached it of the “economic deceleration that has been observed". The reality is that the contraction referred in the public expense is marked and inexplicable, even if one gives for good one the argument of the temporality announced by EPN: the collapse of 10.4 percent in the exercise budgetary practically duplicates the one observed during the outburst of the Calderon’s six years (5.5 percent among January-March, 2007), and it is biggest to those registered during Vicente Fox so much administration (2.8 percent), as that of Ernesto Zedillo (4.2 percent).
On the other hand, it must compare the statement that there is not bond between the referred reduction and the current economic deceleration with the fact that, to three decades of application of neoliberal model and in spite of the consequent reduction and loss of emporiums of the State, the public expense continues being the main motor of the national economy. Realize of the correlation between the increase of the treasury under- exercises and the deceleration of the economic growth, like it could be observed in 2009, when the orthodox budgetary cuttings in answer to the crisis economic World derived in a historical fall of the national GDP, of 6.2 percent. In front of such considerations, it is unavoidable to conclude that the reduction in the government expense doesn't only impact negatively in the public services, the social programs and the administrative activities developed by the State. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 2-10, June 20, 2013)
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