sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

The SHF generates oligopoly in 7 Sofoles

National The families that fight for their housings, are where they are the irregularities The SHF generates oligopoly in 7 Sofoles By: Carlos Damián March 18, 2013 The war of the casinos, and of the lies of Esqueda México. - The Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF, in Spanish) it detected that up to December 31, 2011 the Federal Mortgagee Society (SHF, in Spanish), in charge of the rescue of the Sofoles, it had a balance in credit wallet for 4 thousand 97 million dollars, derived of lines that it has granted to the Sofoles, of which 56.6 percent not corresponds the seven main financial middlemen bank. When making an analysis of the report of the public bill that presented the ASF two weeks ago to the Chamber of Deputies the front of Mexico State in defense of the Housing - organization that represents to some 500 families affected by the excessive-valuation until by 40 percent of their housings -, it specified that the report of the audit demonstrates that the SHF has given preferential treatment to seven Sofoles, when granting it credit lines for the quantity of 2 thousand 319.4 million dollars. This generated that a market oligopoly was created in the mortgagee sector with public resources. Humbertus Perez Espinoza, president of that grouping, indicated that in the years 2009 and 2010, the ASF solved and it concluded, have more than enough audits practiced to the mortgagee society that the directive advice of the Banking of Development carried out serious omissions, preferential treatments, rescue of financial middlemen mainly Sofoles-Sofomes. "They grant credits to the Sofoles-Sofomes, even when their financial situation didn't guarantee a reasonable security of recovery and the administration autonomy was conditioned from the mortgagee society when becoming in administrating of wallet and company of properties, neglecting its social object and constitutional command that all family enjoyment of worthy and decorous housing." The litigant also referred that the audit practiced to the society for the fiscal exercise of 2011, determined that “the serious irregularities didn't finish, on the contrary they became worse and the directive council of the development banking, mainly Javier Gavito Mohar, general director of the society and Luis Ignacio Joaquin Torcida Amero, juridical enclosed general director and trustee of the society, they continued protecting the Sofoles-Sofomes, among them: Patrimonio, Hipotecarias Su Casita, Ing Hipotecaria, Hipotecaria Nacional Bancomer, Ge Money, Credito, y Casa, Metrofinanciera y Credito Inmobiliario". The past February 20, 2013, the ASF gave to know the results from the audits to the Mortgagee society for the fiscal exercise of 2011. The organism inspector concluded, in the page 2 of the presented report that “it was observed that the directive council of SHF uses discretionary approaches in the authorization and grant of credit lines, to approve contractual dispensations, normative exceptions, dispensations to the Sofoles-Sofomes, of the obligation of obtaining every year of an examining agency of international prestige (Standard & Poor's Moodys) a qualification minimum AA and with these practices it didn't complete the articles 19, first paragraph of the organic law of the mortgagee society, last 42 paragraph and 106 fraction 5 of the Law of Institutions of Credit". In a word they were defrauding to the State and deceiving to the Federation when using the resources in its benefit, what would ask is when they will be put to the jail these scamps. Accused of sustaining case with Emex The main shareholder of the company Exciting Games (EG), Alfredo Moreno Quijano (AMQ), it was stopped last Friday (Marzo1, 13), product of a penal demand for fraud interposed by Entertainment of Mexico (EMex). Both companies belong to the industry of the game in Mexico and they maintain a legal case for the possession of permits that they would allow them to operate and to continue their expansion in the sector. The order of apprehension against AMQ, it was made October 18, and executed March 1, according to Emex that presented the demand. In accordance with this version, the judge found enough elements to justify the fraud crime, then that it was demonstrated that AMQ for conduit of EG, “schemed a plan to appropriate of the federal permission of Emex, to operate casinos in the country without paying bonuses that today would ascend to millions of dollars." There are accusations that the company EG was benefitted by the Department of the Interior (SG), and some days ago SG suspended for a judge's order, the permits for the operation of the casinos granted during the last tract of F. Calderon's six years. The respective observance was published in the electronic page of the Electronic Address of the General Address of Games and Raffles of Government, but this doesn't exempt to the dependence that Miguel Angel heads under the responsibility of Marcel Gonzalez Salas, of continuing the investigation to determine if it was legal the process for the one which the permits August 15, 2012 were granted. EG operates casinos under the commercial signature Kash in Naucalpan and San Jeronimo, in the DF; Villahermosa, Tabasco; Cuernavaca, Live them; and Huixquilucan in Mexico State. Talía Vazquez Alatorre (TVA) who denounced a presumed net of corruption for the opening and operation of casinos during F. Calderon's six years, it rejected Jorge Homar Esqueda Cano's version (JEC) who assured that the lawyer is owner of business type casino that plans to marry Carlos Slim and that the imputations to her former husband, Ivan Pena Neder (IPN) -for violation - they are false. Lawyer TVA pointed out that JEC has right of making the accusations that he believes pertinent provided it sustains them with documents, not only in the topic of the establishments of games and raffles, but in the bribe’s accusation against the senator Roberto Gil PAN-man. According to TVA, “it is very sad that somebody as me that it denounces with papers in hand cases of corruption be victim of a discredit’s campaign so serious of who doesn't offer tests of their statements. I know that they are serious the accusations that I made (for violation and of a net of corruption in casinos), but I have sustained it with tests. I am not a lying woman. I have stood up of front before the means, to show documents", she said. In passed days, JEC accused TVA of having sold information to the siblings Rojas Cardona, managers of the sector, and he/she asserted that it has been object of threats. (La Jornada, 3/3/13). In this respect the lawyer she replied: “the arguments of JEC are false. He affirms that I have casinos in three states of the Republic without presenting a single test". TVA highlighted that all that has denounced, with documental tests, it is being corroborated in the reality: the net of corruption in which they are involved companies that they obtained permits for the operation of casinos in August, 2012. "They already stopped AMQ, (main shareholder of EG); the Department of the Interior already suspended the permits granted in August to that company and Mobile Productions, while the PAN-men admit that there was illegality in this sector and they formed a commission to determine who was the responsible for among their old public officials", she said. She also added that have not lied, and my former husband (IPN) it is confined by a penal process, violation accused, and it is serious that a former employee dares to lie, it is admitted without test some all his accusations, and that he worked in an office dedicated to the construction of casinos. (La Jornada, politica, p. 20, March 14, 2013).

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