miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

The Mexican democracy

National It is between the survival and the death The Mexican democracy By: Carlos Damian March 10, 2013 An official investigation should approach the torture México. - We don't think a lot about the Mexican democracy, we already know that it is a misery and that it has not still been able to materialize our more hidden and more immediate dreams that are a fruit from 1977, we cannot have a dark dream of caverns of official authoritarianism, because if there are not conditions in this long one to walk, we have the risk that there are not conditions and the future is being, more and more difficult of facing, and possibly much more distant and more impossible of reaching. In this context the parties are those that assume the risk of being accused by the deviations that the democratic process experiences; they are the responsible ones that the citizenship is losing the faith in the institutions, and certainly in the elections, and the political scenario in a repugnant swamp, stinking to rotten, and possibly with a humid nostalgia, a return to the past of the sharp dinosaur. Much of this blame is the parties, and they cannot deny it, they are already known their characters opportunists, kleptomaniacs, corrupt and the impunity among them is all. Worse it is their responsibility in the acting of the power when they win and their approaches are imposed, ineptitude, phobias, their hate of hard-working class and their capacity of hate toward the citizen. In this line of information it is enough to see the twelve years of national disaster, like dreams have been destroyed, destroying development perspectives, it has filled with mud the politics, it has corrupted to the society and given the power of the state to the factics powers, and to the Catholic religion. A special characteristic is its power for counterfeith and to corrupt the civic participation in the elections. One of their icons was Vicente Fox (VF), when generating a terrible damage to the democracy to make even with the powers of the private initiative to impede the democracy it worked with the climax that should make it and perhaps to impel to other political options that had the open road. God willing my mother rots if we vote for the PAN again All these stupidities and occurrences didn't belong to a cultured fool that they drove to a power that they exercised with a prepotente abuse of power. At certain distance the time impels us to observe to this enormous plot among the petit committe of the right-wing, and the conservative sectors of the society that it took to the power to Calderon. Until before the 2000, the Mexicans had a thirst of dreams, with a trust in the democracy, however, the facts of sad reality woke up us brutally, when VF prescribed us a series of impelled measures all them to destroy our trust, our faith in the lay State, appearing the confusion, the water began to stink to piece of crap, the organized crime became a great one corporate, it appeared of it anything it a corrupt family given birth to by a divorced one, Martha Sahagun that came to muddle even more the relationship, between the single President and the common citizen. In Mexico, the culture of the polls has more than enough credibility, analysis of opinion tendencies they are not still known, and the surveys, the statistics don't show great thing, since only it is to manage the citizens in age of voting. Perhaps to deceive the Mexican citizen extremely, manipulable and Mexican citizen to become perverted that it seems to be willing to confirm a market tendency. In the Mexico State, it has a very high index of abstentionism and the distrust arises with easiness because the citizens don't have the legal and institutional instruments that convert that distrust toward the institutions. Much of the lost credibility has it the same representatives of the State, and one of the components is the experience of 2006, the memory of a IFE that doesn't operate appropriately, subjected to the president and the factics powers, of an electoral tribunal that arrived to it doesn't have shame of solving that the managers and VF had violated the legality, but that “it didn't lose temper" the results of the elections, among other stuffs that remain there, all them ominous for the future of the weak democracy, and later the collapse with Felipe Calderon in the 2006 that a great mallet that destroyed the few dreams that were still was. However 2012, it destroyed us completely being reduced our desires, dreams, illusions, totally completed, and resigned, with that fatalistic feature of the Mexican. . Everybody observed the abuses of the power of the State of the PAN, as the trial of outrage against Andres M. Lopez Obrador, we didn't still wait the dirty behavior of institutions like the IFE and the TEPJF. What redounded in our misery trust in these official institutions. The parties have ended up being a heavy load, some horrible parasites to the citizen with political culture, being evident in the case of the Chamber of Deputies dominated by the PRI, like asshole is making in the case of the matter of the election of the IFE’s consultants, alleging that to its majority they correspond it to propose two of the three candidates to the position. Another aspect intimidate is the use that they are giving to the media. It is evident to all the eyes of the world like the televisión chains, the broadcastings, and the press they have supported an annoying publicity, with lack of equality that amazes us and we full with fear that will be able to happen in 2013, with the ridiculous admonishments made by the institutions of the State against the dinosaur, no longer know like they will continue making the things in the future, for the confusion created by the State. As the common citizen he observes, the instances of the State don't worry about our democratic process, they think of the suspicious robbery, to pen who is outside of the sphere of the power, andi t far from its perverse handlings. The broken-hearted citizen observes as they leave it outside of the participation possibilities in politics, annulling the obtaining of a good work and the respective ascent of social class, forcing him to remain all his life in a socioeconomic corner. Certainly the fatalistic citizen is annulled his possibilities of social and political participation, seeing his tied hands, isolated, with an impotence caused by the groups of power. The oligarchy has the power of to buy and to squash the opponents, and by means of the media to pervert to the weak citizenship without any political, joined culture all this to the behavior of the parties that clearly they traffic in the thin line of the crime and the monetary gain, although the Mexicans hope the institutions are corrected on time. It is projected a fatal polarization that will cause scenarios of bitter violence, and unexpected difficulties that nobody will control. The great majority of citizens doesn't care it that the rebellious power of the State, the null institucionalidad, the limitless weight that has the oligarchy, and the factic power, they group. Anything is give up all hope forever for the future of the democracy like the one that the great power of the transnational ones and the petit committee, be against the citizenship and direct all their forces against they. (La Jornada, política, p. 10, July 13, 2011).

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