miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

The Mexican national unit

The hoax of the dialogue is outstanding
The Mexican national unit
By: Carlos Damián August 24, 2010
Perspectives of the Mexican change
México. - In the democratic regime the critical exchange between the oppositions and the government is continuous, sometimes rough and not always constructive, but in spite of the distancing and the breaks between the political forces and their representative, exists a general framework, a set of premises that above the differences compel them to maintain the stability and the operation of the institutions.

The calls of Calderon and its spokesmen to the national unit make no sense, if sometime it had; they are a hoax. In this sense each time the dominant class has problems to exercise their dominance and to cause that the people is added with approbation to its political also dominant, call him to the national unit. It is a so old resource as dividing to defeat, that obviously has other meaning.

If we are in the same ship, we must straighten the course, even to substitute to the lacking compass standard, but nobody believes in the virtues save them of the storm, unless the objectors be prepared to pay a price non- imaginable for accepting the freedom force of their winds. Though in the daily life, in the policy scrawny of the political men, it will not be so common that the “general interest" is recognized under the whirlwind of the interest in struggle.

Enough of lies and we land, the war of the government against the organized crime is not equivalent, in any sense, to a war of a country with other one, unless we are speaking of the World War II, and with their flat. In this world conflagration it was used the formulation of the national unit in Germany, Hitler capitalized it for the recruitment of the population and to defend to the country; in Mexico, Manuel Avila Camacho it was converted in symbol of national unit ("united after an alone candidate", it was the slogan).

The national unit is a hoax, and more when is outlined in wheel to the governing. It is a great lie because the society is not united, as either the political class. This old trick consists of inventing an enemy to wide sectors of the population and to the same government: the drug traffic and the independent syndicalism. Or in its case to seek some country as the case of Colombia, found large two enemies: Venezuela and Ecuador. In the particular case of the Mr. Calderon seeks legitimacy that doubtfully obtained in the electoral urns and in his personal crusade decided to combat to the organized crime, untruthful hopes and confusing and foggy goal.

Revelations and wear in Los Pinos residence
From a most general point of view, results unavoidable be asked with what perspectives and on what bases can operate a cabinet that in the last four years has experimented 17 relief in their strings: what is certain is that the lack of course that it has exhibited this federal administration in the different areas of the governmental occupation seems a colophon logical for a federal administration that it has been re-configured with such frequency and that accuses, as can be appreciated with the appointments: of the economy Secretariat, Bruno Ferrari Garcia de Alba instead of Gerardo Ruiz Mateos, ex directing of Pro Mexico, and the resignation of the Governance Secretary Fernando Gomez Mont by José Francisco Blake Mora, who was as general secretary of government of Baja California State. A notable staff and replaces shortage.

In the concrete case of the Governance Secretariat - already go four officials of the current cycle of government -, the situation is returned painful by the strategic importance of the functions of that dependency: to procure the governability of the country, to articulate political of State, to preserve the social peace and to seek conciliations and mediations with the different political forces, social and economic. This situation has been erected in symptom and factor of non-governability.

Mention apart deserves the revelation made by Mr. President of the fact that the now ex boss of the office of the Presidency, Patricia Flores, it was to cargo of "the operative and administrative execution of the Light and Force liquidation of the Center (LFC)", one of the most criticized measures -unless impounds it war statement to the organized delinquency - of his government. The mention not only discovers the degree of protagonist of the own Calderon in the destruction of that public property entity and in the offensive parallel against the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), but lets us to see, once again, a furtive attitude and little transparent in the information presentation to the public opinion, all time that the official speech had come identifying to the Work secretary, Javier Lozano, and of Energy secretary, Georgina Kessel, as the principal superintendents of operating the blow at the estate entity and at its working.

The national unit does not exist, unless in specific conjunctures and when the nationalistic ideologies and patriotic they are used to cheat, and achieve their assignment thanks to the propaganda and to the fear that is inserted to the population of thousand ways, but we recall the campaign of flue A/H1N1. (La Jornada, opinion, p. 6-19, July 15, 2010).

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