martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

The insensibility and nearsightedness

Security and poverty
The insensibility and nearsightedness
By: Carlos Damián September 24, 2010
There will be money if the federal government is decided to encumber with imposed to large corporative and personal fortunes
México. - In the struggle against the organized crime "no government has the right of be made to a side. It is responsibility of power cut with the force of the State to who intend to frustrate our living together and it does not admit fissure some", asserted the Vice-secretary of government of the Governance Secretariat, Roberto Gil Zuarth, upon participating in the International Congress: Use of the Public Force in a Democratic Law state.

The official recognized, that to two years of the company of the National Agreement by the Security, the Justice and the Legality, the results are not the waited, because are not tangible for the citizens, Indicated he, even so have made a balance of the fact that it has been fulfilled and what lack all over the signers, and with independence to seek the strengthening of the commitments and to accomplish new actions.

For the official, "maybe the level of the threat is equivalent to a long importance conflict –Colombia has 40 years-, because the criminals do not have moral compass. They are well armed and are disputed territories, because are organizations with an important disciplinary structure, have recruitment capacity, financial and of abrogation in institutions". Also considered necessary to increase the fire capacity that use the police corporations to repulse criminal groups, also they should be "to reorder the police models and to reduce the fire capacity of the adversaries, because if is not made such thing we would have a spiral of ever to finish “.

Insensibility and nearsightedness of the federal executive
The federal executive formulated a warning, in the sense of the fact that it should be re-assigner to the tasks of combat to the delinquency the governmental programs expense "that they have not given the waited results", it has been object of critiques and rejection because is presented as a unwarranted attempt of pressing to the legislators and a demonstration of the incomplete and biased comprehension of the criminal phenomena.

Since the current administration undertook, three years ago and middle. "The war of the drug-trafficker” accomplished it with spectacular operative and soldiers and policeman displacement all over the national territory in order to re-establish the state to right and safety in regions controlled by the cartels of the drug traffic. Great quantity of voices were listened within the society, and the political class indicating that the methods and technical were equivocal, since the violence is not answered only with violence.

In that theoretical framework, more than to combat to the delinquency through the police – soldier route, what is necessary would be eradicated the determinant social and economic that geste that phenomenon: misery, inequality, lack of education, lowest standards of living of the population large sector, insalubrities and break of the social fabric provoked by the privatizations, the wild openings of the national markets, and the liquidation of the social policies.

In the context of the federal public administration would have had to be produced, certainly for a long time, drastic clippings to the exasperated governmental expenses and to the exceeded remunerations and presentations of the fact that enjoy high panels the bureaucracy. In the current circumstance would be stupid, however to support that the resulting resource should be used in the combat to the crime: the own commissioned dependencies with that task have incurred in budget sub practices and unwarranted wastes of the budgets that them are assigned and given them more resources would imply, feed the bloody and confusing violence that travels the national territory.

To the contrary, that money should be destined to strengthen the combat to the poverty and to improve the health and the education of the population, actions that must be observed as the better route to achieve a forceful victory and in the long run on the delinquency. But we suppose that are needed resources to deepen their strategy anti-cartel, it is clear that the federal government would obtain them without need from increasing the fiscal load to the majority sectors, but if is decided to collect the taxes to the large national corporations, transnational and furthermore to the personal fortunes that result benefitted by special fiscal treatments (evasion, elusion, and return of imposed by be the richest of the orb).

Attended to the old demand of encumbering with taxes the stock exchange operations and the speculative activities, ceasing practice of underselling complete chunks of the public property (LFC, Aeromexico, Mining, CMA, Satmex, and other companies of the State that escape to we memory). Concerning the sale of the optical fiber of the Light Company and Force of the Center (LFC), that installed it in all the Mexican Republic with expense of the public Treasure. Result illustrative the purchase from 30 mega-hertz of spectrum radio-electric on the part of Televisa and Nextel: according to the legislating Javier Corral (PAN), the operation represents embezzlement to the Treasure of 446 million of dollars. Unfortunately to judge of the points out referred, they do not seem to have good mentality neither will-power in the governing group to advance in that sense. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 4-13, August 21, 2010).

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