domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

An integrating nation

Confirm strategy at highest level
An integrating nation
By: Carlos Damián September 9, 2010
Accuse the media of criminalize the social movement
México.- Is possible that the current offensive neoliberal (government - companies) against the indigenous towns of Mexico and Latin America will be one of the most aggressive in the history. Nevertheless the escalade happens in a brilliant moment of these peoples, when they have reached knowledge levels very accurate of their condition, and they are in lucid possession of their civilization baggage. Take in their hands the destination of it, and in occasions of the nations that contain them.

They organized are formidable enemies for the neoliberal power. Against them do not suffice the old doctrines contra-insurgents. It is a "against -wisdom" what is undertaken for stop them. A "hip hip the death", where any brutality is permitted. Under the sign of the revolt, in less than two decades the indigenous changed the political map of Bolivia and Ecuador, and with deep influence in the release struggles in the south of Mexico. The process inspired the wake ups historical of their brothers in Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, and now Argentina.

We should not forget that Mexico advances literally when their towns are determinant only. When they quiet the life is stop, is putrefied, and is saddened. The century of the Conquest, the liberal wars of the century XIX against them and the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz (ex president of México) were this class of sad periods. Maximum expression of the capitalistic premise wash & wear is the tragic assessment of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, direct responsibility of British Petroleum, Deepwater Horizons and Halliburton, typical specimens of the criminal commercialism in control of the world. While it is empty in the ocean the greater second deposit of oil of the planet, and threatens the environmental future of all a hemisphere without the originators solve their poured, these conceal, cheat, they are prepared to run away by the door from back. Reveal it little that them we import.

They are in the watches Amazonia and “Lacandonia”, the coasts of the Pacific, the immense mountain chains where the capitalism is glimpsed its last “El Dorado” in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Other nations as Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru seem obligated by the social movements of the indigenous to understand that without their indigenous there will not be integrated Nation. The clearest message of the fact that yes can be in the prowess of the Bolivian towns, which advance in their autonomy and put to test the ethical dimension of a national government governed by indigenous.

The resistance “Zapatista”, building good government and caring their territories, as well as the environmental mobilizations about great range. As against summit - climatic of Cochabamba, they indicate that the threatened planet has in the indigenous America towns to their better allies. The America indigenous is our last free frontier. As opposed to the societies "modern", the indigenous always they have known to protect, to live and to inherit the land.

Resistance to the capitalism indigenous type
The brigade never makes up it’s looked committed and its social commitment. "Resigning to hegemonic and homogenizer the societies, the “Zapatistas” have known to convert the resistance to the capitalism into the school of their freedom, through the construction of their autonomy, that is declined in: political organization, health, education, agro - ecology, communication, struggle by the land, territory, and by the rights of the women". Words of the European Solidarity Brigade, upon concluding it’s traveled by the five snails. Therefore same "by and large these face identical aggressions that it does not remain more than confirm the existence of a global strategy, elaborated in the highest level of the political power, narrowly bound to the interest of the international capitalistic economy" to destroy the resistance.

Add the visit, "the construction of an autonomous health system has permitted to reduce the infantile and motherly mortality; it is given much importance to the recovery of the traditional medicine and to the prevention and vaccination". In the snail of the reality operates a general hospital equipped to make surgeries, ultrasonic and laboratory analysis. The clinic of the woman “Comandanta Ramona”, in La Garrucha, it is from 2008 "all a referring concerning the rights of the women".

Most of the media, add the brigade men in their final report, "contribute to the isolation attempt of the movement “Zapatista" upon attributing to them “criminal behaviors", and to criminalize "is sought to isolate it of the popular support. Adding the maneuvers of clients’ kind of the political parties, "we have complete table an agreed company destabilization". Joins us the will and the need of building through our rebels yell that world that already grows in practice, as have made known us the worthiest of the land". More information (La Jornada, cultura, p. 9a, June 14, 2010).

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