martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

he producers of private electrical energy

The CFE: contracts administrator by lack of leadership
The producers of private electrical energy
By: Carlos Damián September 24, 2010
Grow presence of transnational
México. - The installed capacity of electrical energy generation on the part of private sector, through the various self-supply figures, cogeneration, import, independent production, small production and continuous own uses, reaches already 27 thousand 431 megavatios (MV), that represent 46 percent, that represents 46 percent of the current capacity of 59 mil 431 Mv, with which counts Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), according to reveal reports of Regulatory Energy Commission (CRE).

From 1992, when were accomplished the modifications to the Law of the Electrical Energy public service by means of those which was permitted private sector to generate electrical energy, until today, they have been granted 776 permits that mean a total investment by 28 thousand 910 dollars. Little by little the CFE loses market and passes to be converted into a company contracts administrator before the greater presence of the international companies.

The Spanish companies are those which continue advancing, furthermore they are those which continue advancing, in addition to that also they are most active in renewable energy projects mainly in eolic energy generation with plans than surpass investments by more than 5 billion.

Transnational that they produce electricity are Spanish
The last reports of the CRE detail that of 776 permits that they have been granted, 600 belong to the self-supply modality, 60 to cogeneration, 37 to import, 24 to independent production, seven to export, three to small production and 45 to continuous own uses, these last granted before 1992. With almost 5 thousand MV of installed power, the Spanish Iberdrola is the first electrical private producer and the generating second of Mexico, after the State Company CFE. The installed capacity of Iberdrola is distributed in Enertek with 120 MV; Monterrey with thousand 40 MV; Altamira, thousand 36 MV; La Laguna II, 498 MV; Gulfo, thousand 121 MV, and Tamazunchale, with thousand 135 MV.

The production of Iberdrola in Mexico during 2009 has been of 35 thousand gigavatios - hour (GVh), what supposes an ascent of 3.29 percent of the same period of 2008. Digits spread by Energy Secretariat (Sener) specify that in the last year energy generation in Mexico ascended to 207 thousand 859 GVh, in so much the private international licensees count on a total capacity of authorized generation of 171 thousand 224 GVh, what means 82 percent of the total. These companies do not generate their total capacity by the little economic dynamism that Mexico has had in the last 10 years.

Bidding of federal optical fiber
In the entry of a participant to the obscure fiber bidding - optical - of the CFE evidence the disability of the government to elaborate the bidding conditions and to make them unattractive for more interested above all international, he said the ex Telecommunications commissioner (Cofetel) Eduardo Ruiz Vega (ERV) . He criticized that the Communications and Transportation Secretariat (SCT) "is boasted" of the progress of the bidding and may not have fulfilled the objective of having more competitors.

Separately academic indicated that would be lamentable and "cynical" that it continued the bidding process of the threads par of obscure fiber with an alone participating, that in this case it is the consortium integrated by Televisa, Telefonica and Megacable. According to the own SCT (Juan Molinar Horcasitas), to the meeting attended representative of seven companies interested in the bidding. Only they have admitted to an alone participating in spite of the fact that presume have been approached many foreign companies.

In this regard ERV said, that with independence of the reasons that may have had the SCT to disqualify to Iusatel, the fact that there is on an alone participating evidence that the government "does not be able to do well the biddings" and it was incapable to attracting attention of international companies. The specialist said that with that bidding, the same as the sale of the State Company Satmex, is demonstrated that the Mexican government patents rapid money obtainment and to the instant, sacrificing the strategic development of the communications sector in the country. (La Jornada, economía, p. 23, 21 de mayo, 2010).

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