viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Mexico on the road

It should be created institute of wages and productivity
Mexico on the road
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 26, 2014
The Mexican doesn't give the guarantee to the presidential reformations
México. -  The disappearance of the “obsolete” National Commission of Minimum Wages to be substituted by a national institute of the wages and productivity, and the establishment of “a different salary politics” in the country, outlined yesterday (08/20/14) the National Union of Workers (UNT, for their initial in Spanish), after giving its back to the of the capital government's proposal, Miguel Angel Mancera, to elevate the perceptions of the workers immediately. In their weekly meeting, the UNT ratified that it will impel the process of recovery of the wages. The leaders of the collegiate presidency of this Union Bureau, Francisco Hernandez Juarez (FHJ), Agustin Rodriguez Fuentes (ARF) and Carlos Diaz Chavez pointed out that for political strategy they signed the combined document with the federal government and corporate labor power stations about minimum wages, to be inserted and not to be isolated of the discussion of this topic. "No, they aren´t deceived us like to children", also ARF sustained leader of the Union of Workers of the UNAM and he argued that in the discussion it has more than enough minimum wages, the independent Union Bureau “they should be inside the court and not to see it from the tiers", for that they accepted it to sign jointly with the government and other organizations the positioning it has more than enough wages.  
As long as FHJ, the hard-working operators' leader (Telmex), it clarified that the collegiate presidency of the UNT doesn't endorse the structural reformations. He insisted that in the original document that gave them to sign the federal government the support it was not edited to this reformations and for they accepted it to sign it.  During yesterday's session regarding the support for the government document about minimum wages which settles down that they can only improve these according to the productivity, but so far there is not any document that endorses the norms it has more than enough productivity in the trade and the formal industry (20% of the total), and it is not necessary to have it fear to the supposed productivity. When signing it with the representation of the UNT it was “so that they take us into account in the spaces of discussion of the wages", and with it to achieve that they are not excluded of the table where they will be defined the future of the labor revenues.  

It is not constitutional the current minimum wage 
On the other hand in the depression of the social security and the well-being, we demand (UNT) the constitution of a new structure that it substitutes to the current institutions of social protection and labor regulation, those that will be able to give a real certainty to the workers along their labor lives, starting from the work and worthy retirement, just as it outlines IOW, through their agreements and of the Organization of the United Nations (UN), in the Universal declaration of the human rights. Another national priority consists on dismantling the system of corporate control on the social organizations for effect of eliminating the interference of patterns and governments in the internal life of the unions, to foment the autonomy of the same ones, to strengthen the authentic collective recruiting and to impel the unionize freedom. These are crucial elements to build the authentic interlocutions that demand this process.  For the previously exposed thing it is summoned to a national debate to sum up a wide social agreement about the inevitable restitution of the purchasing power of the wages in which should be present the federal government, the state governments, to be able to legislative and the productive sectors. 
Finally the firm opposition is ratified from the UNT to the sense and orientation of the structural reformations in course, because they have made us travel to the past and in short to the New Spain, where the peninsular Spaniards became rich and today they are the outsider owners of big oil transnational, since it is a deceit that Mexican capitalists will take the control of this national wealth, and we suppose that it will pass the same false situation and pharisaic, when the banks became private and today the owners are strangers sending their earnings beyond the sea their earnings. It is also considered that the president's reformer structural changes are little stabilizer employments, fundamental social and labor rights are eliminated, besides giving the resources and strategic industries from the Mexican nation to the big national capitals and outsiders. The right the popular consultation is affirmed (referendum) and don't go out with a political and silly declaration. Then they apologize because to the PRI their consultation (article 35 fraction octave) is not taken into bearing in mind because it is electoral matter but the energy (fiscal matter)  is not electoral matter  so that it is rejected, this because one shows off it will reject the consultation of the PRI and it will say The “I am sorry but to they also deny him its referendum", the popular consultation of the PRD vanishes.  Although you continues with the impulse to the consultation about the energy reformation, in the pictures of the strategy traced by the Unitary Wide Front. A legitimate social dialogue is needed to build a social alternative to overcome of the economic stagnation. In this context it is possible a social Pact sustained in the right, the democracy, the freedom and the autonomy of the organizations will allow that our nation traffics for the development path with social justice and economic justness. 
Wage of misery receives the Mexican  
The PAN like an act of contrition of the clique that it has taken possession of the initials of the white-blue one, not of all the PAN’s men and simply they want votes for the election of the 2015, the leader of this commercial party Gustavo Madero is carrying out a consultation; contagious illness as the ebola that has also loosened in the PRI (it consults on reducing to the plurinominal in the senate and federal deputies). This consultation white-blue about the minimum wages that it seeks to be national. Trickily hidden of how much the increment would be, but in some means it  has mentioned the quantity of 33 dollars monthly, one dollar to the day, and 14 cents the hour. With this salary they hardly will reach to buy two instantaneous soups 'cup soup', each one costs 6.5 cents. The politics outlined by the right politicians is long and full with turns, to entangle people: “What the Federal Law of the Work a new wage that covers all the necessities of a family to guarantee the certain line of well-being at least for the Coneval does settle down? Do you agree? Clearly he makes a social sense - economic the content of the text in the Constitution, article 123: "The general minimum wages will should enough to satisfy the necessities of a family boss, in the material, social and cultural order, and to provide to the obligatory education of the children."  Obviously they are giving them soup with the finger to these fools that gave their consent by means of their signatures in a sanitarium paper, since this wage of justice should be established by the legislative, and to manage an Alternative Commission of the worthy and enough minimum wages.
This article 123 has one century written in the Constitution waiting them to rescue it that has never accepted the government neither the productive sectors the articulate one constitutional it is another ticket, and now they want to deviate the sense with a survey.  The worst thing is that the PRD also has an initiative to improve the wages and it accuses the plagiarism PAN. This situation from any perspective that is seen is bad thing, and more when the parties are disputed the title of benefactors of the town. They have forgotten when they signed the Pact for Mexico, those commitments have forced them now in thinking of being won to the town, we doubt it. This thought is to comment when Alejandro Encinas expressed it, when he said that EPN can affirm, as Luis XIV: "The state is me", the above-mentioned because he decides everything and the senators and deputies of most they agree and they approve its statement. Another sentence that he/she goes to the inkwell is: "Après moi le déluge". It happened after some years of their death, and one came to France above the revolution with Là Marseillais and everything changed.  (La Jornada, política, p.p. 20-46, August 21, 2014).

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