viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Ecocidy of Mining Mexico

The Secretary of Economy forced to retire the concession to Buenavista del Cobre
Ecocidy of Mining Mexico
By: Carlos Damian                                           August 30, 2014
In spite of the graveness of the caused damage, Buenavista del Cobre isn’t closed: Semarnat
México. -   The Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers are dead, the company in its thirst of earnings, like in multiple occasions, it has omitted measures it basic security to avoid dangerous conditions and disasters that attempt against the human life and the nature. It is not the first time neither it will be the last one and perhaps it is the only one mining in the country that affects the natural balance and the life of people that surround to the mining one seriously.  We have that the event in Sonora State that is to the north of Mexico and it is opposite with The States it is a tragedy of enormous dimensions. Breaking the regulations of the Semarnat in particular the article 159 from 2011, the mining Buenavista from Cananea, Sonora, and other transformation industries like the massive production of pigs, the petrochemical one, the industries that produce insecticides, have caused similar disasters and they are a common danger for the population's life and their health. 
We have that the Federal Government's politics in the last governments has been permissive to let that the transnational companies plunder our resources favoring the accumulation for spoil as today it is happening in the one it finishes off of garage of strategic resources of gas, petroleum and electricity. That which is reflected when opening our doors to the fracking and the mining to open sky that they are very polluting to the environmental and the population's health. We stagger us it is observed that the sanitary authorities stay quiet and to the margin their obligation of looking after the life of the Mexicans.  From the perspective of the fourth Forum of the social construction of the right to the health, we should force to the state to stop the delivery and liberal finish off of the nature, because the health and the life of thousands of Mexicans are in danger. By virtue of the existence of sanitary norms we should force to the state that it takes the necessary measures to avoid that mining Mexico continues killing and poisoning the population.  
Official Juan Jose Guerra Abud (JGA) it classified the spill that affects to 24 thousand people like a “negligence” of the company, and he said that only the Secretary of Economy (SE, for their initials in Spanish) it can retire the concession. Although they have chatted with the executive of SE, Ildefonso Guajardo, they have not thought about the possibility to cancel the operations of the mining one. In the presentation of the report of the federal government's actions in attention to the spill of copper sulfate in the rivers Bacanuchi and Sonora, happened August 6 in facilities of the company Buenavista del Cobre in Cananea, Sonora. The executive of Semarnat admits that the law is lax and he doesn't force to close to the company. The executive JGA mentioned that the company has insisted in that the accident happened up for rains of the stocking, but the reports of the National Meteorological Service indicate that this is false and the spill was due to the flaw of a tube for a wrong design that was made in the facilities of the mining one. He explained that the spill happened August 6 on the stream Tinajas, the day 7 inhabitants of the area warned to the Unit of Civil Protection of Sonora, and August 8 the company notified to the federal authority, but formally it made it later four days.  

The officials enumerated the measures that they have taken since they had knowledge of the dangerous spill. The executive of Conagua, David Korenfeld has carried out a thousand 20 samples carried out in certified laboratories, and the arsenic presence, cadmium, chromium was detected, lead, copper, aluminum and iron with levels “outside of ecological norms and of health, as well as of the state of the quality of the previous river to the spill". He explained that the symptoms that it causes the contamination for that type of substances are damage to the mucous ones, and if there is ingest damages they would be presented to the digestive system, nauseas, diarrheas, and weakness. It could also have damages to the liver and kidneys. In spite of the above-mentioned, the executive of Profepa, Guillermo Haro, asserted that the company cannot be closed totally and you can only close the area in which they overflowed the toxic residuals. He explained that they are in revision nine decisive points of study of environmental impact to detect bigger irregularities. "The mine is one of the biggest of the world, the biggest in Mexico."  
The industry milkmaid has thrown the milky one to the street; "nobody buys it" 
He added that of the measures of urgent application that the Profepa requested to the company. This has only fulfilled one. During the visit that was made last Friday (08/22/14) to the area, it was detected that in the riverbanks of the rivers there are waste that should be retired, and that in a contention border that was requested to the company there are filtrations that can take more polluting toward the rivers of Sonora. It was already integrated a previous verification for the responsible consignment of the presumed ones before a judge, in the one that the company would be fined with millions of dollars, and the Profepa it has closed the only serious irregularity in the mine, the spill of toxic of the swimming pool of having leached that it caused the population's poisoning, of flora and the fauna of Sonora.  
Inhabitants of the municipality of Banamichi took the governorship of that town in protest for the insufficient supply of water, because of the restriction for the contamination of the Sonora river, with more than 40 thousand cubic meters of toxic acid, in damage of around 4 thousand inhabitants that fear to lose their crops and livestock. Those producing of milk of that region have had to throw the milky one of you milk them because you cannot market for the emergency that one lives in the area, where the desperation and dissent of those around 22 thousand affected villagers of seven municipalities, grow day with day. From August 8 they were closed the wells located to 500 meters of both riverbanks of the river to avoid that the contamination caused by the mine Buenavista del Cobre, branch of Grupo Mexico, to arrive to the underground, where it would generate bigger damages to the ecosystem and it would expose the population to severe intoxications in case it wasted away the water. 
Impunity to mining companies 
 The governor had information of the dissent that there are among residents of Banamichi, and “there are protests, people wanting answers; it is necessary to give a prompt answer to all the inhabitants". Inhabitants of the municipality of Aconchi, Ures and Baviacora also showed their dissent in the social nets, where they complained that they have not been able to market cheeses and other products. "We are in a true emergency, there are people that already has days without eating or he/she has eaten waste; the inhabitants of these towns live a day and if they don't work they don't eat; the help is insufficient", Irma Barron Espinoza, inhabitant of Ures exposed. Elías Padres's government (PAN), they will relocate 300 wells in the seven affected municipalities, and with it is looked for it that 22 thousand people have access to the liquid of life. Although Rodrigo Olvera says that: in Mexico a lot of precarious work is generating, what resembles each other to modern forms of slavery, and the constant violations to all the rights of the workers, included the rights to the life.  
"We are living a stage of labor violence of State, because the government institutions, legislatives and judicial they are not to impose the right state, but to take care of the employer interests", she said. In this context, the sector of the mining of coal is the paradigm of this labor violence of the State. The companies dominate the economy of the regions, the social life and they are untouchable for the federal government, it concluded.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-5, August 27, 2014).

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