viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Danger imminent

To Grupo México  is demanded to cover damages for spill of having leached
Danger imminent
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 24, 2014
Group Mexico is a cynic and liar company
Mexico. -  The senators of PAN and PRD considered that Grupo Mexico and their brand Buenavista del Cobre should recoup the provoked damages to the population for spilling of 40 thousand cubic meters of sulfate of copper acidic in the Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers, in Cananea, Sonora, and they should also cover affectations caused in the Durango State. In interviews for separate senators Francisco Burquez and Octavio Pedroza (OP), both of the PAN, and Fernando Mayans (FM) of the PRD, they coincided in that that “managerial group should cover the payment for the livestock died heads, for the contaminated cultivation lands, for the damage caused to the fishing, the atmosphere, and if there were them, they should also cover the affectations to peasants' goods and ejido’s men damages". FM highlighted: "It is a permanent affectation, it won't solve in a couple of years, it is a severe damage and the mining company should become responsible. It is spoken that they could sanction it until with 2 million 667 thousand 67 dollars, but that money won't reach to recoup the environmental damages, it is completely insufficient, and it won't reach to carry out the works that should be made."  
FM added, that multinational company has a great business, "and they only gives crumbs to the town, it should cover the damages to the peasants, to their properties and their animals". In turn OP stood out that it is lamentable that the sanctions that are applied to the company should play bottom. Independently of the sanction that is applied, the company should recoup the damages to the population, and here it shows the little attention that they put to the supervision the respective authorities, because “there was not an appropriate supervision, since of having had them this type of accidents it had been prevented", for what is inferred that the federal authority in turn a blind eye with this company. 
Danger to the Mexican ecosystem 
The inhabitants of Cananea, Sonora and the former workers are not the only ones affected by German Larrea's practical sick person and their army of former government officials, because soon after that Grupo Mexico happily threw its poison of copper liquid, to kill in its feeble and criminal hate to the flora and fauna from Sonora, not less than six municipalities they left affected: Banamichi, Ures, Baviacara, Aconchi, San Felipe, Arizpe and the rural area of Hermosillo. All they without exception have been poisoned and they cannot take the water, and much less to play. A curse to Sonora has fallen dawn them of the Grupo Mexico, and more even Sonora is semi deserted, the water is scare. And how previously it has denounced the mining union of the section 65 of Sonora (SNMMSRM), the company didn't make anything to warn to the population of Cananea, the nearest of all, neither to the other municipality, neither to the capital of the State, and according to the own authorities of the National Commission of the Water (Conagua, for theirs initials in Spanish), the consortium hid it deliberately with deceit and bad faith. 

Of the above-mentioned that the union of miners qualifies the fact as “a new industrial homicide" that adds to the one made in 2006 in Pasta de Conchos mine, which remains unpunished and the miners still continue buried in the mine that they worked, with cruelty and scorn to the humanity these feudal gentlemen of the mining they are managed. Timidly the authority came with painful necessity from recognizing that the culprit was their protected, what they don't avoid that as much the federal government as the state one tried to minimize the caused damage, and mainly, the pecuniary punishment that notes the law. But the damage was of such proportions that they could no longer avoid it: Semarnat, Conagua and Profepa should act in consequence, while governor Guillermo Padres (PAN), it hid the line among the paws. The authority announced in a first instance a ticket of 20 thousand minimum wages, this is around 93 thousand 333 dollars, that which represents 0.003 percent of the net utilities obtained by the Grupo Mexico at a last year, a corporate one with total assets for 21 million dollars, (La Jornada, Carlos Fernandez) 
Industrial homicide 
In fact the federal and state authorities, neither Grupo Mexico is assisting in time and it forms the environmental emergency, since only they look for palliatives and they look for to maintain unpunished to German Larrea together with its corporate one. In spite of the imminent danger they have not gone up the tone neither a little one, on the contrary they minimize the danger and they say that at a short time soon it will lower the intoxication of the environmental in all the levels, this because the Profepa already demanded the intervention of the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR), all time that environmental crimes exist visible. What they should make is to consign them and to take it to the federal court so that they take the responsibility from the deaths and the damage to Mexico that has made for long time that has been in charge of their companies that like weapons depredate to the environmental without responsibility neither commitment. On Monday an accusation was presented by environmental damage before the Federal Attorney's office of Protection to the Atmosphere and before the Federal Public Ministry against the companies Grupo Mexico and its branch Buenavista del Cobre, for its responsibility in the one mentioned spill of 40 thousand cubic meters of poison, (La Jornada, Angelic Enciso). 

"To these companies they could be sent trial, with what the economic sanction would be until of 2 million 667 thousand 67 dollars besides that they should be taken charge of the repair of the damages caused by the emergency. It is already under way an administrative process and an inspection will be made in the whole operation of the plant". In this lattice juridical lack that the PGR acts in consequence, although it would not be anything strange that in fact it is devoted to cover the case so that in some more weeks nobody remembers the environmental emergency and of the imminent danger to the humanity.  

Institutional inquest 
The president of the Regional Cattle Union of Sonora (UGRS, for theirs in Spanish), Luis Sierra Maldonado, informed (08/20/14) yesterday that is considered that he enters 4 thousand and 5 thousand cattle heads could have had contact with the poisoned water of the Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers, in those that 13 days ago spilled leached copper poisons coming from the mine of Cananea. He explained that they were sacrificed nine animals that consumed liquid of these beds, with the purpose of taking liver samples, kidney and muscle that will be analyzed in a laboratory located in the capital of the country. He referred that in the seven municipalities affected by the spill of toxic of the mine property of Grupo Mexico that German Larrea heads, they almost exist 100 thousand livestock heads. It estimated that the damages to the producers will be considerable only considering the expenses that they have carried out to take out the heads of the area.  He said that according to the information of the Secretary of State Agriculture -when the census was elaborated -, between 4 thousand and 5 thousand livestock heads they were those that had contact with the poisoned water. Of which most was retired of the water troughs. It pointed out Jose Gonzalez Lopez that the Profepa works of way interinstitutional with technicians of different federal dependences to make the corresponding investigations on the ecological damages caused in the place. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-5, August 21, 2014).

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