viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Mexico on the road

It should be created institute of wages and productivity
Mexico on the road
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 26, 2014
The Mexican doesn't give the guarantee to the presidential reformations
México. -  The disappearance of the “obsolete” National Commission of Minimum Wages to be substituted by a national institute of the wages and productivity, and the establishment of “a different salary politics” in the country, outlined yesterday (08/20/14) the National Union of Workers (UNT, for their initial in Spanish), after giving its back to the of the capital government's proposal, Miguel Angel Mancera, to elevate the perceptions of the workers immediately. In their weekly meeting, the UNT ratified that it will impel the process of recovery of the wages. The leaders of the collegiate presidency of this Union Bureau, Francisco Hernandez Juarez (FHJ), Agustin Rodriguez Fuentes (ARF) and Carlos Diaz Chavez pointed out that for political strategy they signed the combined document with the federal government and corporate labor power stations about minimum wages, to be inserted and not to be isolated of the discussion of this topic. "No, they aren´t deceived us like to children", also ARF sustained leader of the Union of Workers of the UNAM and he argued that in the discussion it has more than enough minimum wages, the independent Union Bureau “they should be inside the court and not to see it from the tiers", for that they accepted it to sign jointly with the government and other organizations the positioning it has more than enough wages.  
As long as FHJ, the hard-working operators' leader (Telmex), it clarified that the collegiate presidency of the UNT doesn't endorse the structural reformations. He insisted that in the original document that gave them to sign the federal government the support it was not edited to this reformations and for they accepted it to sign it.  During yesterday's session regarding the support for the government document about minimum wages which settles down that they can only improve these according to the productivity, but so far there is not any document that endorses the norms it has more than enough productivity in the trade and the formal industry (20% of the total), and it is not necessary to have it fear to the supposed productivity. When signing it with the representation of the UNT it was “so that they take us into account in the spaces of discussion of the wages", and with it to achieve that they are not excluded of the table where they will be defined the future of the labor revenues.  

It is not constitutional the current minimum wage 
On the other hand in the depression of the social security and the well-being, we demand (UNT) the constitution of a new structure that it substitutes to the current institutions of social protection and labor regulation, those that will be able to give a real certainty to the workers along their labor lives, starting from the work and worthy retirement, just as it outlines IOW, through their agreements and of the Organization of the United Nations (UN), in the Universal declaration of the human rights. Another national priority consists on dismantling the system of corporate control on the social organizations for effect of eliminating the interference of patterns and governments in the internal life of the unions, to foment the autonomy of the same ones, to strengthen the authentic collective recruiting and to impel the unionize freedom. These are crucial elements to build the authentic interlocutions that demand this process.  For the previously exposed thing it is summoned to a national debate to sum up a wide social agreement about the inevitable restitution of the purchasing power of the wages in which should be present the federal government, the state governments, to be able to legislative and the productive sectors. 
Finally the firm opposition is ratified from the UNT to the sense and orientation of the structural reformations in course, because they have made us travel to the past and in short to the New Spain, where the peninsular Spaniards became rich and today they are the outsider owners of big oil transnational, since it is a deceit that Mexican capitalists will take the control of this national wealth, and we suppose that it will pass the same false situation and pharisaic, when the banks became private and today the owners are strangers sending their earnings beyond the sea their earnings. It is also considered that the president's reformer structural changes are little stabilizer employments, fundamental social and labor rights are eliminated, besides giving the resources and strategic industries from the Mexican nation to the big national capitals and outsiders. The right the popular consultation is affirmed (referendum) and don't go out with a political and silly declaration. Then they apologize because to the PRI their consultation (article 35 fraction octave) is not taken into bearing in mind because it is electoral matter but the energy (fiscal matter)  is not electoral matter  so that it is rejected, this because one shows off it will reject the consultation of the PRI and it will say The “I am sorry but to they also deny him its referendum", the popular consultation of the PRD vanishes.  Although you continues with the impulse to the consultation about the energy reformation, in the pictures of the strategy traced by the Unitary Wide Front. A legitimate social dialogue is needed to build a social alternative to overcome of the economic stagnation. In this context it is possible a social Pact sustained in the right, the democracy, the freedom and the autonomy of the organizations will allow that our nation traffics for the development path with social justice and economic justness. 
Wage of misery receives the Mexican  
The PAN like an act of contrition of the clique that it has taken possession of the initials of the white-blue one, not of all the PAN’s men and simply they want votes for the election of the 2015, the leader of this commercial party Gustavo Madero is carrying out a consultation; contagious illness as the ebola that has also loosened in the PRI (it consults on reducing to the plurinominal in the senate and federal deputies). This consultation white-blue about the minimum wages that it seeks to be national. Trickily hidden of how much the increment would be, but in some means it  has mentioned the quantity of 33 dollars monthly, one dollar to the day, and 14 cents the hour. With this salary they hardly will reach to buy two instantaneous soups 'cup soup', each one costs 6.5 cents. The politics outlined by the right politicians is long and full with turns, to entangle people: “What the Federal Law of the Work a new wage that covers all the necessities of a family to guarantee the certain line of well-being at least for the Coneval does settle down? Do you agree? Clearly he makes a social sense - economic the content of the text in the Constitution, article 123: "The general minimum wages will should enough to satisfy the necessities of a family boss, in the material, social and cultural order, and to provide to the obligatory education of the children."  Obviously they are giving them soup with the finger to these fools that gave their consent by means of their signatures in a sanitarium paper, since this wage of justice should be established by the legislative, and to manage an Alternative Commission of the worthy and enough minimum wages.
This article 123 has one century written in the Constitution waiting them to rescue it that has never accepted the government neither the productive sectors the articulate one constitutional it is another ticket, and now they want to deviate the sense with a survey.  The worst thing is that the PRD also has an initiative to improve the wages and it accuses the plagiarism PAN. This situation from any perspective that is seen is bad thing, and more when the parties are disputed the title of benefactors of the town. They have forgotten when they signed the Pact for Mexico, those commitments have forced them now in thinking of being won to the town, we doubt it. This thought is to comment when Alejandro Encinas expressed it, when he said that EPN can affirm, as Luis XIV: "The state is me", the above-mentioned because he decides everything and the senators and deputies of most they agree and they approve its statement. Another sentence that he/she goes to the inkwell is: "Après moi le déluge". It happened after some years of their death, and one came to France above the revolution with Là Marseillais and everything changed.  (La Jornada, política, p.p. 20-46, August 21, 2014).

México en el camino

Se debe de crear instituto de salarios y productividad
México en el camino
Por: Carlos Damián                                        26 de Agosto, 2014
El mexicano no da el aval a las reformas presidenciales
México. -  La desaparición de la “obsoleta” Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos para ser sustituida por un instituto nacional de los salarios y productividad, y el establecimiento de “una política salarial distinta” en el país, planteó ayer (20/08/14) la Unión Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT), luego de dar su respaldo a la propuesta del gobierno capitalino, Miguel Ángel Mancera, para elevar de inmediato las percepciones de los trabajadores. En su reunión semanal, la UNT ratificó que impulsará el proceso de recuperación de los salarios. Los dirigentes de la presidencia colegiada de esta Central, Francisco Hernández Juárez (FHJ), Agustín Rodríguez Fuentes (ARF) y Carlos Díaz Chávez señalaron que “por estrategia política” firmaron el documento conjunto con el gobierno federal y centrales obreras corporativas sobre salarios mínimos, para “insertarse y no aislarse de la discusión” de este tema. “No, nos chamaquearon”, sostuvo ARF también dirigente del Sindicato de Trabajadores de la UNAM y argumentó que en la discusión sobre salarios mínimos, las centrales independientes “deben estar dentro de la cancha y no verla desde las gradas”, por ello aceptaron firmar conjuntamente con el gobierno y otras organizaciones el posicionamiento sobre salarios.

En tanto FHJ, líder de los trabajadores telefonistas (Telmex), aclaró que la presidencia colegiada de la UNT no avala las reformas estructurales. Insistió que en el documento original que les dio a firmar el gobierno federal no estaba redactado el apoyo a dichas reformas y por ello aceptaron firmarlo.  Durante la sesión de ayer respecto del apoyo para el documento gubernamental sobre salarios mínimos el cual establece que sólo pueden mejorar éstos conforme a la productividad, pero hasta la fecha no hay ningún documento que avale las normas sobre productividad en el comercio y la industria formal (20% del total), y no hay que tenerle miedo a la supuesta productividad. Al firmarlo con la representación de la UNT fue “para que nos tomen en cuenta en los espacios de discusión de los salarios”, y con ello lograr que no se les margine de la mesa donde se definirá el futuro de los ingresos obreros.

No es constitucional el salario mínimo actual
Por otra parte en el abatimiento de la seguridad social y el bienestar, demandamos (UNT) la constitución de una nueva estructura  que sustituya a las actuales instituciones de protección social y regulación laboral, las que deberán ser capaces de dar una real certidumbre a los trabajadores a lo largo de sus vidas laborales, a partir del trabajo y retiro dignos, tal como lo plantea la OIT, a través de sus convenios y de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), en la declaración  Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Otra prioridad nacional consiste en desmantelar el sistema de control corporativo sobre las organizaciones sociales para efecto de eliminar la injerencia de patrones y gobiernos en la vida interna de los sindicatos, fomentar la autonomía de los mismos, fortalecer la contratación colectiva auténtica e impulsar la libertad de sindicalización. Estos son elementos cruciales para construir las interlocuciones auténticas que demanda este proceso.  Por lo anteriormente expuesto se convoca a un debate nacional para concretar un amplio acuerdo social acerca de la impostergable restitución del poder adquisitivo de los salarios en el que deben participar el gobierno federal, los gobiernos estatales, Poder legislativo y los sectores productivos.

Finalmente se ratifica la firme oposición de la UNT al sentido y orientación de las reformas estructurales en curso, debido a que nos han hecho viajar al pasado y en concreto a la Nueva España, donde los españoles peninsulares se hacían ricos y hoy son los extranjeros dueños de grandes petroleras trasnacionales, ya que es un engaño que  capitalistas mexicanos van a tomar el control de esta riqueza nacional, y suponemos que va a pasar la misma situación falsa y farisea, cuando los bancos se volvieron privados y hoy los dueños son foráneos enviando sus ganancias al extranjero. También se considera que los cambios estructurales del presidente reformador precarizan los empleos, se eliminan los derechos sociales y laborales fundamentales, además de entregar los recursos e industrias estratégicas de la nación mexicana a los grandes capitales  nacionales y extranjeros. Se afirma el derecho la consulta popular (referéndum) y no salgan con un aserto político y tonto. Luego se disculpan porque al PRI su consulta (artículo 35 fracción octava) no se le toma en cuenta debido a que es materia electoral pero la energía no es materia electoral (materia fiscal) para que se rechace, esto debido a que se presume se va a rechazar la consulta del PRI y va a decir “Lo siento pero a ustedes también le niegan su referéndum”, la consulta popular del PRD se esfuma.  Aunque se continúa con el impulso a la consulta sobre la reforma energética, en los marcos de la estrategia trazada por el Frente Amplio Unitario. Se necesita un diálogo social legítimo para construir una alternativa social para la superación del estancamiento económico. En este contexto es posible un Pacto social sustentado en el derecho, la democracia, la libertad y la autonomía de las organizaciones permitirá que nuestra nación transite por la senda de desarrollo con justicia social y equidad económica.

Salario de miseria recibe el mexicano
El PAN como un acto de contrición de la camarilla que se ha apoderado de las siglas del blanco-azul, más no de todos los panistas y sencillamente quieren votos para la elección del 2015, el líder de este partido comercial Gustavo Madero está llevando a cabo una consulta; enfermedad contagiosa como el ébola que se ha desatado también en el PRI (consulta sobre reducir a los plurinominales en el senado y diputados federales). Esta consulta sobre los salarios mínimos que pretende ser nacional. Tramposamente oculta de cuánto sería el incremento, pero en algunos medios ha mencionado la cantidad de 500 pesos mensuales, 16.67 al día, y 2.08 pesos la hora. Con este sueldo apenas alcanza para comprar dos sopas instantáneas ‘Maruchan’, cada una cuesta 6.55 pesos. La política planteada por los políticos de derecha es larga y llena de recovecos, para enredar a la gente: “estás de acuerdo en que la Ley Federal del Trabajo establezca un nuevo salario que cubra todas las necesidades de una familia para garantizar al menos la línea de bienestar determinada por el Coneval? Claramente tiene un sentido social - económico el contenido del texto en la Constitución, artículo 123: “Los salarios mínimos generales deberán suficientes para satisfacer las necesidades de un jefe de familia, en el orden material, social y cultural, y para proveer a la educación obligatoria de los hijos”. Obviamente están dándole atole con el dedo a estos tontos que dieron su consentimiento mediante sus firmas en un papel de sanitario, ya que este salario de justicia debe ser establecido por el legislativo, y manejar una comisión alternativa de los salarios mínimos dignos y suficientes.

Este artículo 123 tiene un siglo escrito en la Constitución esperando que lo rescaten, que nunca haya acatado el gobierno ni los sectores productivos el articulado constitucional es otro boleto, y ahora quieren desviar el sentido con una encuesta.  Lo peor es que también el PRD tiene una iniciativa para mejorar los salarios y acusa el PAN de plagio. Esta situación desde cualquier perspectiva que se vea es mala, y más cuando los partidos se disputan el título de benefactores del pueblo. Han olvidado cuando firmaron el Pacto por México, esos compromisos los han obligado ahora en pensar en ganarse al pueblo, lo dudo. Este pensamiento es para comentar cuando lo expresó Alejandro Encinas, cuando dijo que EPN puede afirmar, como Luis XIV: “el estado soy yo”, lo anterior debido a que él decide todo  y los senadores y diputados de la mayoría asienten y aprueban su dicho. Otra frase que acude al tintero es: “Après moi le déluge”. Ocurrió después de algunos años de su muerte, y se vino encima a Francia la revolución con La Marsellesa y todo cambió. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 20-46, 21 de Agosto, 2014).

Mexico is moving

Minimum wage should be applied the president of the Republic
Mexico is moving
By: Carlos Damian                                         August 26, 2014
The wage “the Mexican worker's small soup”
México. -  With the elevation to constitutional range of the structural reformations and the approval of the secondary laws in energy matter is to culminate the long process by means of the one which, the structures that sustained the pattern of development stabilizer, effective until the decade of the seventies of the XX century, they have been disassembled to give place to an excluding economic and social régime characterized by a deep subordination to the Consent of Washington and Mexico surrenders in all the environments to the transnational corporations and the transnational financial centers. The myths have collapsed like: The earth is for who works their, vote effective non reelection, the petroleum is property of the Mexican town. These urban and rural myths have been taken as booty by the current Mexican political class. To the president they ask him their commercial political accomplices, the financiers and the transnational ones that it continues after this gift to the foreigner. However in spite of the government triumphalism that supposes they will be increased the flows of foreign investment significantly thanks to the approved reformations, the estimates carried out by the main investigation centers and analysis indicate that it will stay the mediocre acting of the national economy whose index of growth for the present year will be inferior to 3 percent.  
In this context, the independent and democratic union power stations require to build alliances with the widest and diverse social sectors to revert the structural contra-reforms, by means of a group of instruments like the consultation popular linking the social mobilization, the proposal and the social interlocution, among other, with the purpose of recovering the rights and the well-being lost by the Mexicans after several decades of neoliberal politicians. The formulation of projects of alternative politicians of socioeconomic development is required. To reactivate the internal market is a great national priority, for it is necessary to settle down political of agricultural and industrial development concerted with the different factors of the production to generate employment with full rights and the construction of a recovery politics and it improves of the wages. It is in this sense that the National Union of Workers (UNT, for their initials in Spanish) it supports the initiative of diverse political and social actors, around the urgent necessity of restoring the loss accumulated by the purchasing power of the workers, particularly those that perceive the minimum wage.  

After Haiti we have the worst America’s wage
Our country requires of a wide national agreement with the purpose of improving in a gradual, sustained and progressive way, the revenues of the workers, fomenting the formal employment of conformity with the limits of the International Organization of the Work (IOW) regarding the worthy work. According to the figures of the Banco de Mexico, the minimum wages have accumulated a delay regarding the inflation of around 74.5 percent from 1977, of 93 percent from 1982 in the case of the contractual wages. It is since it consequence of the neoliberal politicians that have transformed to the minimum wage into the only factor of the production subject to control, the other variables they depend on the market conditions. The main problem to solve is to define a viable and responsible strategy to correct statement we leave behind. Until this moment we have an inertia that highlights always the objections prevails to improve the revenues of the workers, without looking for alternatives to solve the falling participation of the work in the allotment of the GDP.
We should combat the dogma that increases of salary are necessarily inflationary, for that that the only way to assist the loss of the purchasing power of the same one in subordinating them to the increment of the productivity of the companies and the economic growth of the country. According to this position, first it is necessary to generate wealth it stops then to distribute the benefits. For the UNT, the sustained economic growth and sustainable with base in the innovation and technological development, the competitiveness of the companies, the productivity of the work, the increment of the real wages, as well as a more equal distribution of the wealth is ingredients that are built simultaneously. Inside this dynamics the salary improvement is not inflationary and it becomes a lever of the economic reactivation. As it points out the document foundational from the relative UNT to the Social and Democratic reformation of the State, it is necessary to propitiate a virtuous circle that, with the generation of stable and well remunerated employments, direct consequence of the actions to foment the agricultural and industrial development, conform to a more and more wide population of taxpayers and consumers that strengthen the economic activity in turn and that they can become, also, in the support of the systems of social security of solidarity court, thanks to the contributions worker - employer. 
In the way the unions, the unions of peasants and the organizations of the civil society manifest for several years that we are for the conformation of political economic that detonate the creation of well remunerated employments that they recover the purchasing power of our wages and that they settle down sure of unemployment financed with public resources. The gradual, sustained and progressive restitution of the purchasing power of the workers implies the articulation of several actions that they include sustained increments of the wages above the inflation, the free negotiation of the union organizations with the companies, as well as other politicians concerted among the factors of the production to obtain additional revenues through instruments like the programs of productivity, packages of benefits total or partially disencumbered, the direct fiscal supports, the coalitions between categories and the wages tabulate them again. We need a different salary politics based on a new officialism of the work world. Among other measures, the obsolete National Commission of minimum wages should disappear to be substituted by a National Institute of the minimum wages, the Productivity and Allotment of Utilities from autonomous and independent character.  
Besides enlarging the priorities of the Banco de Mexico to include the protection of the employment and the wage; to not integrate organs like the Economic and Social Bureau no corporate to concert with the diverse productive sectors the development politicians to the agricultural and industrial development; a minimum wage national and new norms that they favor the development and the training of the work force to settle down; and mainly, to impel a process of recovery of the purchasing power of the wages that to safeguard the entrance of the salary earners in front of the inflation, through conventional mechanisms bilaterally, with the purpose of participating equally of the increase of the productivity. This program will have as objective to guarantee the constitutional precept of the enough and remunerative wage. The improvement of the purchase capacity, will allow stopping the little stabilization and on-exploitation to build a new fair and democratic Mexico, with an economic model that integrates the productive chains and the markets that it promotes the biggest linking in the education with the productive apparatus and strengthen the employment. The sustained improvement of the wages would allow tracing a horizon of economic growth with inclusion and social participation inside a new Social Pact. (La Jornada, politica, p. 46, August 21, 2014).

México se mueve

Se debe de aplicar salario mínimo al presidente de la República
México se mueve
Por: Carlos Damián                                        26 de Agosto, 2014
El salario ‘Maruchan’ del trabajador mexicano
México. -  Con la elevación a rango constitucional de las reformas estructurales y la aprobación de las leyes secundarias en materia energética está por culminar el largo proceso mediante el cual, las estructuras que sustentaban el modelo de desarrollo estabilizador, vigente hasta la década de los setentas del siglo XX, han sido desmontados para dar lugar a un régimen económico y social excluyente caracterizado por una profunda subordinación al Consenso de Washington y México se rinde en todos los ámbitos a las corporaciones trasnacionales y los centros financieros trasnacionales. Se han derrumbado los mitos como: La tierra es para quien la trabaja, sufragio efectivo no reelección, el petróleo es propiedad del pueblo mexicano. Estos mitos urbanos y rurales han sido tomados como botín por la actual clase política mexicana. Al presidente le preguntan sus cómplices políticos comerciales, los financieros y las trasnacionales que sigue después de este regalo al extranjero. Sin embargo a pesar del triunfalismo gubernamental que supone se incrementarán significativamente los flujos de inversión extranjera gracias a las reformas aprobadas, las estimaciones realizadas por los principales centros de investigación y análisis indican que se mantendrá el mediocre desempeño de la economía nacional, cuyo índice de crecimiento para el presente año será inferior a 3 por ciento.

En este contexto, las centrales sindicales independientes y democráticas requieren construir alianzas con los más amplios y diversos sectores sociales para revertir las contrarreformas estructurales, mediante un conjunto de instrumentos como la consulta popular vinculante, la movilización social, la propuesta y la interlocución social, entre otros, con la finalidad de recuperar los derechos y el bienestar perdidos por los mexicanos tras varios décadas de políticas neoliberales. Se requiere la formulación de proyectos de políticas alternativas de desarrollo socioeconómico. Reactivar el mercado interno es l gran prioridad nacional, para ello es necesario establecer políticas de fomento agropecuario e industrial concertadas con los distintos factores de la producción  para generar empleo con plenos derechos y la construcción de una política de recuperación y mejora de los salarios. Es en este sentido que la Unión Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT) respalda la iniciativa de diversos actores políticos y sociales, en torno a la urgente necesidad de revertir la pérdida acumulada por el poder adquisitivo de los trabajadores, particularmente los que perciben el salario mínimo.

Después de Haití tenemos el peor salario de América
Nuestro país requiere de un amplio acuerdo nacional con el propósito de mejorar de manera gradual, sostenida y progresiva, los ingresos de los trabajadores, fomentando el empleo formal de conformidad con los lineamientos de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) respecto del trabajo digno. De acuerdo a las cifras del Banco de México, los salarios mínimos han acumulado un rezago respecto a la inflación de alrededor del 74.5 por ciento desde 1977, del 93 por ciento desde 1982 en el caso de los salarios contractuales. Ello es consecuencia de las políticas neoliberales que han convertido al salario mínimo  en el único factor de la producción sujeto a control, ya que los demás variables dependen de las condiciones de mercado. El principal problema a resolver es definir una estrategia viable y responsable para corregir dicho rezago. Hasta este momento predomina una inercia que siempre destaca las objeciones para mejorar los ingresos de los trabajadores, sin buscar alternativas para resolver la decreciente participación del trabajo en el reparto del PIB.

Debemos combatir el dogma de que los aumentos son necesariamente inflacionarios, por lo que la única manera de atender la pérdida del poder adquisitivo de los mismo en supeditarlos al incremento de la productividad de las empresas y al crecimiento económico del país. De acuerdo a esta posición, primero es necesario generar riqueza para luego repartir los beneficios. Para la UNT, el crecimiento económico sostenido y sustentable con base en la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, la competitividad de las empresas, la productividad del trabajo, el incremento de los salarios reales, así como una distribución más equitativa de la riqueza son ingredientes que se construyen simultáneamente. Dentro de esta dinámica la mejora salarial no es inflacionaria y se convierte en una palanca de la reactivación económica. Como señala el documento fundacional de la UNT relativo a la reforma Social y Democrática del Estado, es necesario propiciar un círculo virtuoso que, con la generación de empleos estables y bien remunerados, consecuencia directa de las acciones para fomentar el desarrollo agropecuario e industrial, se conforme una población cada vez más amplia de contribuyentes y consumidores que fortalezcan a su vez la actividad económica y que pueden convertirse, además, en el soporte de los sistemas de seguridad social de corte solidario, gracias a las aportaciones obrero - patronales.

Asimismo los sindicatos, las uniones de campesinos y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil manifestamos desde hace varios años que estamos por la conformación de políticas económicas que detonen la creación de empleos bien remunerados, que recuperen el poder adquisitivo de nuestros salarios y que establezcan seguros de desempleo financiados con recursos públicos. La restitución gradual, sostenida y progresiva del poder adquisitivo de los trabajadores implica la articulación de varias acciones que incluyen incrementos sostenidos de los salarios por encima de la inflación, la libre negociación de las organizaciones sindicales con las empresas, así como otras políticas concertadas entre los factores de la producción para obtener ingresos adicionales a través de instrumentos como los programas de productividad, paquetes de prestaciones total o parcialmente desgravadas, los apoyos fiscales directos, las fusiones entre categorías y las retabulaciones salariales. Necesitamos una política salarial distinta basada en una nueva institucionalidad del mundo de trabajo. Entre otras medidas, debe desaparecer la obsoleta Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos para ser sustituida por un Instituto Nacional de los Salarios Mínimos, la Productividad y Reparto de Utilidades de carácter autónomo e independiente.

Además de ampliar las prioridades del Banco de México para incluir la protección del empleo y el salario; integrar órganos como el Consejo Económico y Social no corporativo para concertar con los diversos sectores productivos las políticas de fomento al desarrollo agropecuario e industrial; establecer un salario mínimo nacional y nuevas normas que auspicien el desarrollo y la capacitación de la fuerza de trabajo; y sobre todo, impulsar un proceso de recuperación del poder adquisitivo de los salarios que salvaguardar el ingreso de los asalariados frente a la inflación, a través de mecanismos pactados bilateralmente, con el fin de participar equitativamente del aumento de la productividad. Dicho programa tendrá  como objetivo garantizar el precepto constitucional del salario suficiente y remunerador. El mejoramiento de la capacidad de compra, permitirá frenar la precarización y sobre-explotación para construir un nuevo México justo y democrático, con un modelo económico que integre las cadenas productivas y los mercados, que promueva la mayor vinculación de la educación con el aparato productivo y fortalezca el empleo. La mejora sostenida de los salarios permitiría  trazar un horizonte de crecimiento económico con inclusión y participación social dentro de un nuevo Pacto Social. (La Jornada, política, p. 46, 21 de Agosto, 2014).

Ecocidy of Mining Mexico

The Secretary of Economy forced to retire the concession to Buenavista del Cobre
Ecocidy of Mining Mexico
By: Carlos Damian                                           August 30, 2014
In spite of the graveness of the caused damage, Buenavista del Cobre isn’t closed: Semarnat
México. -   The Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers are dead, the company in its thirst of earnings, like in multiple occasions, it has omitted measures it basic security to avoid dangerous conditions and disasters that attempt against the human life and the nature. It is not the first time neither it will be the last one and perhaps it is the only one mining in the country that affects the natural balance and the life of people that surround to the mining one seriously.  We have that the event in Sonora State that is to the north of Mexico and it is opposite with The States it is a tragedy of enormous dimensions. Breaking the regulations of the Semarnat in particular the article 159 from 2011, the mining Buenavista from Cananea, Sonora, and other transformation industries like the massive production of pigs, the petrochemical one, the industries that produce insecticides, have caused similar disasters and they are a common danger for the population's life and their health. 
We have that the Federal Government's politics in the last governments has been permissive to let that the transnational companies plunder our resources favoring the accumulation for spoil as today it is happening in the one it finishes off of garage of strategic resources of gas, petroleum and electricity. That which is reflected when opening our doors to the fracking and the mining to open sky that they are very polluting to the environmental and the population's health. We stagger us it is observed that the sanitary authorities stay quiet and to the margin their obligation of looking after the life of the Mexicans.  From the perspective of the fourth Forum of the social construction of the right to the health, we should force to the state to stop the delivery and liberal finish off of the nature, because the health and the life of thousands of Mexicans are in danger. By virtue of the existence of sanitary norms we should force to the state that it takes the necessary measures to avoid that mining Mexico continues killing and poisoning the population.  
Official Juan Jose Guerra Abud (JGA) it classified the spill that affects to 24 thousand people like a “negligence” of the company, and he said that only the Secretary of Economy (SE, for their initials in Spanish) it can retire the concession. Although they have chatted with the executive of SE, Ildefonso Guajardo, they have not thought about the possibility to cancel the operations of the mining one. In the presentation of the report of the federal government's actions in attention to the spill of copper sulfate in the rivers Bacanuchi and Sonora, happened August 6 in facilities of the company Buenavista del Cobre in Cananea, Sonora. The executive of Semarnat admits that the law is lax and he doesn't force to close to the company. The executive JGA mentioned that the company has insisted in that the accident happened up for rains of the stocking, but the reports of the National Meteorological Service indicate that this is false and the spill was due to the flaw of a tube for a wrong design that was made in the facilities of the mining one. He explained that the spill happened August 6 on the stream Tinajas, the day 7 inhabitants of the area warned to the Unit of Civil Protection of Sonora, and August 8 the company notified to the federal authority, but formally it made it later four days.  

The officials enumerated the measures that they have taken since they had knowledge of the dangerous spill. The executive of Conagua, David Korenfeld has carried out a thousand 20 samples carried out in certified laboratories, and the arsenic presence, cadmium, chromium was detected, lead, copper, aluminum and iron with levels “outside of ecological norms and of health, as well as of the state of the quality of the previous river to the spill". He explained that the symptoms that it causes the contamination for that type of substances are damage to the mucous ones, and if there is ingest damages they would be presented to the digestive system, nauseas, diarrheas, and weakness. It could also have damages to the liver and kidneys. In spite of the above-mentioned, the executive of Profepa, Guillermo Haro, asserted that the company cannot be closed totally and you can only close the area in which they overflowed the toxic residuals. He explained that they are in revision nine decisive points of study of environmental impact to detect bigger irregularities. "The mine is one of the biggest of the world, the biggest in Mexico."  
The industry milkmaid has thrown the milky one to the street; "nobody buys it" 
He added that of the measures of urgent application that the Profepa requested to the company. This has only fulfilled one. During the visit that was made last Friday (08/22/14) to the area, it was detected that in the riverbanks of the rivers there are waste that should be retired, and that in a contention border that was requested to the company there are filtrations that can take more polluting toward the rivers of Sonora. It was already integrated a previous verification for the responsible consignment of the presumed ones before a judge, in the one that the company would be fined with millions of dollars, and the Profepa it has closed the only serious irregularity in the mine, the spill of toxic of the swimming pool of having leached that it caused the population's poisoning, of flora and the fauna of Sonora.  
Inhabitants of the municipality of Banamichi took the governorship of that town in protest for the insufficient supply of water, because of the restriction for the contamination of the Sonora river, with more than 40 thousand cubic meters of toxic acid, in damage of around 4 thousand inhabitants that fear to lose their crops and livestock. Those producing of milk of that region have had to throw the milky one of you milk them because you cannot market for the emergency that one lives in the area, where the desperation and dissent of those around 22 thousand affected villagers of seven municipalities, grow day with day. From August 8 they were closed the wells located to 500 meters of both riverbanks of the river to avoid that the contamination caused by the mine Buenavista del Cobre, branch of Grupo Mexico, to arrive to the underground, where it would generate bigger damages to the ecosystem and it would expose the population to severe intoxications in case it wasted away the water. 
Impunity to mining companies 
 The governor had information of the dissent that there are among residents of Banamichi, and “there are protests, people wanting answers; it is necessary to give a prompt answer to all the inhabitants". Inhabitants of the municipality of Aconchi, Ures and Baviacora also showed their dissent in the social nets, where they complained that they have not been able to market cheeses and other products. "We are in a true emergency, there are people that already has days without eating or he/she has eaten waste; the inhabitants of these towns live a day and if they don't work they don't eat; the help is insufficient", Irma Barron Espinoza, inhabitant of Ures exposed. Elías Padres's government (PAN), they will relocate 300 wells in the seven affected municipalities, and with it is looked for it that 22 thousand people have access to the liquid of life. Although Rodrigo Olvera says that: in Mexico a lot of precarious work is generating, what resembles each other to modern forms of slavery, and the constant violations to all the rights of the workers, included the rights to the life.  
"We are living a stage of labor violence of State, because the government institutions, legislatives and judicial they are not to impose the right state, but to take care of the employer interests", she said. In this context, the sector of the mining of coal is the paradigm of this labor violence of the State. The companies dominate the economy of the regions, the social life and they are untouchable for the federal government, it concluded.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-5, August 27, 2014).

Ecocidio de MInera México

La Secretaría de Economía obligada a retirar la concesión a Buenavista del Cobre
Ecocidio de Minera México
Por: Carlos Damián                                         30 de Agosto, 2014
A pesar de la gravedad del daño causado, Buenavista del Cobre no se clausura: Semarnat
México. -   El río Sonora, y el río Bacanuchi están muertos, la empresa en su sed de ganancias, como en múltiples ocasiones, ha omitido medidas se seguridad básicas para evitar condiciones peligrosas y desastres que atentan contra la vida humana y la naturaleza. No es la primera vez ni será la última y tal vez es la única minera en el país que afecta seriamente el equilibrio natural y la vida de las personas que rodean a la minera.  Tenemos que el suceso en Sonora, estado que se encuentra al norte de México y es frontera con Estados Unidos es una tragedia de dimensiones enormes. Viola los reglamentos de la Semarnat en particular el artículo 159 de 2011, la minera Buenavista de Cananea, Sonora, y otras industrias de trasformación  como la producción masiva de cerdos, la petroquímica, las industrias que producen insecticidas, han causado desastres semejantes y son un peligro común para la vida de la población y su salud.

Tenemos que la política del Gobierno federal en los últimos gobiernos ha sido permisivo para dejar que las empresas trasnacionales saqueen nuestros recursos favoreciendo la acumulación por despojo como hoy está ocurriendo en el remate de cochera de recursos estratégicos de gas, petróleo y electricidad. Lo cual se refleja al abrir nuestras puertas al fracking y la minería a cielo abierto, que son muy contaminantes al medioambiente y a la salud de la población. Con azoro se observa que las autoridades sanitarias se mantienen calladas y al margen su obligación de velar por la vida de los mexicanos.  Desde la perspectiva del cuarto Foro de la construcción social del derecho a la salud, debemos obligar al estado a detener la entrega y remate liberal de la naturaleza, pues la salud y la vida de miles de mexicanos están en peligro. En virtud de la existencia de normas sanitarias debemos obligar al estado que tome las medidas necesarias para evitar que minera México siga matando y envenenando a la población.

El funcionario Juan José Guerra Abud (JGA) catalogó el derrame que afecta a 24 mil personas como un “descuido” de la empresa, y dijo que sólo la Secretaría de Economía (SE) puede retirar la concesión. Aunque han platicado con el titular de la SE, Ildefonso Guajardo, no se han planteado la posibilidad de cancelar las operaciones de la minera. En la presentación del informe de acciones del gobierno federal en atención al derrame de sulfato de cobre en los ríos Bacanuchi y Sonora, ocurrido el 6 de agosto en instalaciones de la empresa Buenavista del Cobre en Cananea, Sonora. El ejecutivo de Semarnat admite que la ley es laxa y no obliga a cerrar a la empresa. El ejecutivo JGA mencionó que la empresa ha insistido en que el percance ocurrió por lluvias arriba de la media, pero los reportes del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional indican que esto es falso y el derrame se debió a al falla de un tubo “por un mal diseño que se hizo” en las instalaciones de la minera. Explicó que el derrame ocurrió el 6 de agosto sobre el arroyo Tinajas, el día 7 habitantes de la zona avisaron a la Unidad de Protección Civil de Sonora, y el 8 de agosto la empresa notificó a la autoridad federal, pero formalmente lo hizo cuatro días después.

Los funcionarios enumeraron las medidas que han tomado desde que tuvieron conocimiento del derrame peligroso. El ejecutivo de Conagua, David Korenfeld ha realizado un mil 20 muestras realizadas en laboratorios certificados, y se detectó la presencia de arsénico, cadmio, cromo, plomo, cobre, aluminio y fierro con niveles “fuera de normas ecológicas y de salud, así como del estado de la calidad del río previo al derrame”. Explicó que los síntomas que ocasiona la contaminación por ese tipo de sustancias son daño  a las mucosas, y si hay ingesta se presentarían daños al sistema digestivo, náuseas, diarreas, debilidad. También podría haber daños al hígado y riñones. Pese a lo anterior, el titular de Profepa, Guillermo Haro, aseveró que la empresa no puede ser cerrada totalmente y sólo se puede clausurar el área en la que se desbordaron los residuos tóxicos. Explicó que están en revisión nueve resolutivos de estudio de impacto ambiental para detectar mayores irregularidades. “La mina es una de las más grandes del mundo, la más grande de México”.

La industria lechera ha tirado el lácteo a la calle; “nadie lo compra”
Añadió que de las medidas de urgente aplicación que la Profepa pidió a la empresa. Ésta únicamente ha cumplido con una. Durante la visita que se hizo el viernes pasado (22/08/14) a la zona, se detectó que en las márgenes de los ríos hay desechos que se deben retirar, y que en un bordo de contención que se pidió a la empresa hay filtraciones que pueden llevar más contaminantes hacia los ríos de Sonora. Ya se integró una averiguación previa para la consignación de los presuntos responsables ante un juez, en la que la empresa sería multada con millones de pesos, y la Profepa ha clausurado la única irregularidad grave en la mina, el derrame de tóxicos del patio de lixiviados que causó el envenenamiento de la población, de flora y la fauna de Sonora.

Habitantes del municipio de Banámichi tomaron la alcaldía de esa localidad en protesta por el insuficiente abasto de agua, a causa de la restricción por la contaminación del río Sonora, con más de 40 mil metros cúbicos de tóxicos, en perjuicio de alrededor de 4 mil habitantes que temen perder sus cosechas y ganado. Los productores de leche de esa región han tenido que tirar el lácteo de las ordeñas debido a que no se puede comercializar por la emergencia que se vive en la zona, donde la desesperación e inconformidad de los alrededor de 22 mil lugareños afectados de siete municipios, crece día con día. Desde el 8 de agosto fueron cerrados los pozos ubicados a 500 metros de ambas márgenes del río para evitar que la contaminación causada por la mina Buenavista del Cobre, filial de Grupo México, llegar al subsuelo, donde generaría mayores daños al ecosistema y expondría a la población a intoxicaciones severas en caso de que se consumiera el agua.

Impunidad a empresas mineras
 El gobernador tenía información de la inconformidad que hay entre pobladores de Banámichi, y “hay protestas, la gente quiere respuestas; hay que darle una pronta respuesta a todos los habitantes”. Habitantes de los municipio de Aconchi, Ures y Baviácora también mostraron su inconformidad en las redes sociales, donde se quejaron de que no han podido comercializar quesos y otros productos. “Estamos en una verdadera emergencia, hay gente que ya tiene días sin comer o ha comido desperdicios; los habitantes de estos pueblos viven al día y si no trabajan no comen; la ayuda es insuficiente”, expuso Irma Barrón Espinoza, habitante de Ures. El gobierno de Padrés Elías (PAN), van a reubicar 300 pozos en los siete municipios afectados, y con ello se busca que 22 mil personas tengan acceso al líquido de vida. Aunque Rodrigo Olvera opina que: en México se está generando mucho trabajo precario, lo que se asemeja a formas modernas de esclavitud, y las constantes violaciones a todos los derechos de los trabajadores, incluido los derechos a la vida.

“Estamos viviendo una etapa de violencia laboral de Estado, porque las instituciones gubernamentales, legislativas y judiciales no están para imponer el estado de derecho, sino para cuidar los intereses patronales”, dijo. En este contexto, el sector de la minería de carbón es el paradigma de esta violencia laboral del Estado. Las empresas dominan la economía de las regiones, la vida social y son intocables para el gobierno federal, concluyó. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 2-5, 27 de Agosto, 2014).

Grupo Mexico, noxious company

The government falsifies, the decision of the Congress to close the company
Grupo Mexico, noxious company
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 26, 2014
We face another industrial homicide and the government tries to minimize the effects
Mexico. -    The permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union emitted last Wednesday (20/08/14), a I exhort directed to the government of Sonora, and to all the federal secretaries so that the activities of the mine Buenavista of the Copper is suspended, Cananea, operated by Grupo Mexico, as long as the damages are evaluated by the spill of 40 thousand cubic meters of sulfuric acid, in the Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers. Also, the organ legislative urged before SE that it cancels the concession by means of which the referred company operates in this place, demanded that it presents the corresponding penal accusations and it requested to the federal Executive that investigates if the filial company of the Grupo Mexico, it is operating without completing the law, and that it is reimbursed the inhabitants of Sonora for the suffering damages as a consequence of the serious contamination that for 30 years you will anticipate the dangers to attenuate in the area, caused by the spill. The avarice, the corruption and utilities of the company that German Feliciano Larrea Velasco presides over, in this industrial homicide. It is inferred that the control lack, the negligence and supervision caused that it spilled poisons like: cyanide, cadmium, arsenic and several minerals that are dangerous to the human being. Although it is accused to external companies that were giving maintenance service to the filial company, to the spontaneous rain, and to the wrong line of the pool of having leached (since it only has one). 
Up to now they have not been investigated neither thoroughly evaluated the effects of this enormous negligence, neither the consequence that unfortunately will have it doesn't only for the fish, the livestock the cultivation lands and the ecology of the area, but in the children, people and families that they live off the agriculture, the fishing or the cattle raising that are also highly dependent in their daily life of the scarce and very valuable water that it runs for the rivers, canals and lagoons. As it is habit of Grupo Mexico, by the way it considered for international diverse organism as one of the ten less ethical companies of the world, it tried to hide the tragedy, it didn't warn but until some days later and that is a cowardice act and of criminal irresponsibility, since many people that use that water for their life found out the disaster later several days. The consequences therefore are unimaginable, since all those chemists are generating of cancer and highly harmful for the health. Mexico and the whole world saw the pictures of fish and dead animals, millions of people have been witness of the environmental tragedy. 
Until today, nobody has mentioned at least the health of the human beings that they inhabit that whole region. This serious ecocidy cannot be in the impunity, since Larrea, the shareholders and directive of that company tried to hide it to the public opinion, the same as it happened in February 19 2006 when it exploited the mine of coal of Pasta of Conchos due to the lack of evicting the gas griseous, in the municipality of San Juan de Sabinas, Coahuila, in which 65 workers died and to the fifth day of the disaster the company escaped then with the complicity of the Work’s Ministry of Vicente Fox government, Francisco Javier Salazar, both accomplices of the Grupo Mexico. In accordance with the available information was caused by the reluctant company to observe the regulation measures of labor security and for the authorities’ docility of the Work’s Ministry and Social Forecast (STPS, for their initial in Spanish). In this situation they should be considered guilty of this human and social tragedy to all those that had in their hands the decision of abandoning them to their luck. Cruelly they left abandoned 63 bodies that continue without being rescued by the negligence, the impunity and the cowardice of Larrea Velasco and accomplices until today, but also for the lack of the government's decision to force those to give the face in front of the families and to complete the law.  
The government of Sonora State has not taken serious actions to investigate and to punish with the whole weight from the law to this company that everywhere that it operates it takes destruction and death, be in our country, in Peru by means of the signatures Southern Peru Copper Corporation and of the exploitation possible of the mine Tia Mara, as well as in Chile, and still in the own The States, where it exploits the mines Arizona and Texas by means of the subsidiary company, formerly brand it, American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO). Up to now the federal government has neither gone to the bottom of this very delicate matter. The Attorney's office of Protection to the environment, for example, among other measures, seemingly it has determined that to prevent another tragedy of this nature, Grupo Mexico should commit to watching the discharges of chemical elements in the rivers during next five years. If this you confirms, it would be as putting to the Church in hands of Luther. The other decision that seems truly unreal and incredible, is to impose a ticket to the Company responsible for this environmental tragedy of a maximum of 20 thousand minimum wages, equivalent to 92 thousand dollars, in contrast with a figure of utilities of this company during the first semester of 2014 of more than 1 million 33 thousand dollars, that is to say you grieve 0.0001 percent of the earnings in the mentioned period.   
This company only takes destruction and death 
The town of Sonora rejects since to this company when changing name from mining Cananea to Mining Buenavista del Cobre it was able to remove the strike rights and social benefits to the previous inhabitant of this region with the help of the federal force and he had to bring to people unavoidably of outside of Sonora to work in the mine, and now he is forcing people of Sonora and neighboring municipalities to run of this new industrial homicide and Mexican ecocidy.  This ticket is ridiculous, absurd and a jeer for those affected, for that reason surely Grupo Mexico will continue causing contamination. As it has pointed out it the National Union of Miners in different occasions, this new industrial homicide should not be in the impunity and to leave it as an example for the future one and don't happen again. Neither the government from Mexico, neither the Mexicans should remain indifferent because of all the mining groups of the country, Grupo Mexico has in their hands, with the help of concessions of the State the bigger than extension of lands that are property of the nation, under limitless conditions for the use and abuse of their contents. Therefore, this company has become a national threat against the patrimony of the Mexican town. In fact it is a parasitic group formed with the national goods and based on the merciless and shameless exploitation of the workers and their families.  

A humanitarian, intelligent decision and attached to the application of the justice it would be to retire the concession to Grupo Mexico of the exploitation of the mine of Buenavista del Cobre, Cananea, or in their case to stop their operations until it is investigated by national organisms and competent and independent outsiders, the reach of this serious criminal negligence. Although our politicians and the federal government you refuse will be prohibited to this company to repeat, as it has always made it, cowardly acts of attacking to the mining union to distract to the opinion publish, national and international this new industrial homicide, like it happened after the tragedy of Pasta de Conchos and as they attempted it last week with the yellow scandal of the supposed red record of the national leader of this national union (NGU).  
For years the corporate miner's contempt has been documented for the life of the workers, the population's security and the laws. The provoked environmental disaster is the sample of the managerial irresponsibility. The personal, labor, social and environmental accidents would not be also possible without indolent and accomplices authorities. The case of this company is illustrative of the legal impunity with the one that operate the companies of all gender and the necessity of undertaking juridical modifications guided to correct an aberration, moral people are not since attributable in the law. It would owe the state to disarticulate companies that are for if same dangerous for their workers and consumers, for the society, the economy and the environment. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2- 46, August 21, 2014).