lunes, 14 de enero de 2013
The strategy of national security
It is included to create a national police
The strategy of national security
By: Carlos Damian December 24, 2012
The nation is divided in five operative regions
Mexico. - After pointing out that there “won't be improvisation” in the fight against the delinquency, president Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), it delineated in six big action lines what would be “the new politics of State” as regards security and justice. In them the creation of the national gendarmerie is included and of the commission inter-secretarial of prevention of the crime, the purification re-structuring of the National Institute of Migration (INM, in Spanish), and the division of the national territory in five big operative regions to achieve bigger efficiency and to assist specific problems.
In the second extraordinary session of the National Council of Public Security, first session that heads as president, EPN noticed that this task that demands co-responsibility between powers and the government's orders should be unaware to interests of parties. In the session, where previously the Department of Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MOC), and the leadership of the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR, in Spanish), Jesus Murillo Karam (JMK), practically they discredited the work carried out in this matter during the previous six years of federal administration, EPN informed that the armed forces will continue in the streets, in support works to the civic security, as long as it concludes the consolidation process and the state policemen's restructuring.
When meeting, the governors and members of the cabinet of EPN agreed the mechanics of the encounter and the proposed division of the territory in five operative regions. The six lines of action of the “new line presented of State” are: a) planning; b) prevention; c) promotion and defense of the human rights; d) coordination; e) institutional transformation; and f) evaluation and feedback. The first line has as “high-priority objectives” to reduce the violence and to recover the peace and the tranquility of the Mexican families; in particular, to diminish the indicators related with homicides, kidnappings and extortions.
There is not any improvisation in the implemented measures
It aimed that the prevention of the crime and the civic participation are essential instruments of this new politics of State. It will settle the commission inter-secretarial of prevention of the crime, where the federal government's dependence and each one of them will have a precise responsibility to reach objectives. Inside the third line, they will also start a national program of human rights to strengthen the government's areas in this matter and to create the federal instance that will give pursuit to the instrumentation of the recent reformation in this environment. In this paragraph, it was mentioning cases of violation to the human rights of Central American migrants, when he announced the purification and restructuring of the INM.
In the fourth point, he announced the establishment of a coordination system and cooperation that it will be driven by the Department of the Interior, for that which the country will be divided in five operative regions. The objective will be to achieve bigger efficiency in the fight against the delinquency. On the institutional transformation he announced that the Federal Police will be reorganized, with the purpose of assuring the internal control of the corporation, and it ordered the Department of the Interior’s executive to begin the works that allow to the brevity the creation of the national gendarmerie.
The state politics will be evaluated in a permanent way
The new institution will be created initially with 10 thousand elements and it will be responsible for strengthening the territorial control in the municipalities with more institutional weakness, and in strategic facilities as ports, airports and frontiers, it expressed. With regard to the sixth action line, the Federal leader said that this state politics requires to be evaluated in a permanent way, with clear, appraisable and transparent indicators that are good to the citizenship to qualify the acting of the authorities democratically. The evaluation will also be useful for nourish again, and in its case, to adjust this politics of State, he affirmed.
When making a diagnosis of the situation that lives the country, MOC and JMK, they asserted that the depression of big leaders of the drug traffic “it caused a process of fragmentation of groups" whose bosses are “more violent and more dangerous", and that due to the violence related with the organized crime the “executions with the second death cause in Mexico". They added that the first task of the government of EPN will be to recover the trust of the citizens in their authorities and “to move the government and the society, for the reestablishment of the order and the peace". MOC, when meditating it says: "it exists among the society the perception of corruption and impunity, that who hurt to the society they are not punished". Adding that the population perceives the crime rate like the most important problem that it should be combated.
It also sustained that the PGR, “crawls through the years a structure that doesn't correspond to the current reality, because it was being conditioned in way disordered to respond to the joint", that which affected its capacity to fulfill its obligations. The “absence of general, permanent and systematic objectives between the institutions of security and impartation of justice derived in coordination lack and investigation of the crimes, what paid “to the impunity and lack of results", he affirmed. In allusion to the controversial legal figure of the “not to leave the fixed area” , he commented that “the extraordinary measures", they produced a perverse effect, when becoming almost in the only consignment mechanism, “frequently forcing fundamental rights, situation that shows us clearly the dramatic statistics on the topic". He mentioned that the constitutional reformation of 2008, to implement the accusatory penal system and the oral trials, takes in the environment federal “tiny advances", before the lack of laws that they regulate. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-3, December 18, 2012).
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