viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The shortage of foods

National The government's unfounded measures The shortage of foods By: Carlos Damián August 25, 2012 The government's project is to care any food class to the country México. – In the face of the persistence in the high costs of the egg -whose price in the country has been increased until by hundred percent in some places -, and to the perspective that that phenomenon is translated in a new inflationary hairspring -as it recognized the Bank of Mexico -, the Minister of Economy’s executive (SE), Ferrari Ferrari (BF), he noticed last Tuesday (8/21/12) that the federal government is willing to liberalize the imports of that product, because “we cannot allow that for some there are 115 million Mexicans that they are paying egg to those prices." In front of the affectations that these increments generate in the pockets of the families and in the macroeconomics, the federal government has the responsibility of adopting the pertinent measures to diminish the cost of this food and to guarantee, in that way, their supply. Nevertheless, an increase in the egg imports, as the one outlined by Ferrari, it would move much away from representing an effective solution, before well it would end up favoring the foreign exporters and the companies that imports this products, as well as to the big distributors and private middlemen, not to the population's group. The foods don't rise in price they are managed artificially In the recent years, mainly soon after the entrance of the agricultural chapter of the Treaty of Free Trade of America of the North (Nafta), the warnings formulated in their moment by the critics of that agreement of trilateral economic exchange have been demonstrated: the cheap and limitless imports of alimentary products, although they spread to stop the short term prices, they are disastrous to the long one, because they are translated in loss of alimentary sovereignty and imbalances in the commercial scales; they bear the destruction and the abandonment of the rural environments of the country; they extend the poverty among the small peasants and producing, and they place the necessities of the population's consumption at the mercy of the fluctuations of the international prices. To make matters worse, in this case the indiscriminate opening of the frontiers to the strange egg would not attack the causes their would originate of the current escalade in the prices of that product: indeed, like they have recognized for separate the National Union of Poultry keepers and the own one SE, the present rise in the price is not due to a deficit in the offer, but to speculative pressures originated in the distribution chains. In such a circumstance, the increment in the imports of the egg propitiates that, far from reducing the prices, these are controlled earlier than it not only takes for the national speculators, but also for the foreigners. Instead of presenting like solutions the same measures that have taken to the country to the marked loss of alimentary self-sufficiency that today suffers, the reasonable and necessary would be to rehearse a spin in the effective politicians in that environment, and in general in the current economic guidelines that are designed by foreign governments and international financial organisms. The egg shortage is a lie achieved by middlemen The National Union of Poultry keepers (A) whose regular Jaime Crivelli, said that such a high price doesn't exist, and the shortage is in all sides. Supposedly the middlemen have managed the shortage starting from an influenza bud to prepare in the municipality s of Tepatitlan, and Acatic, Jalisco. One also has the increase in the prices of the corn, and the soya dough that uses the poultry industry to feed the birds. However the Bank of Mexico, has the version that like there is a lot of money circulating in the market, for what the demand increases and the phenomenon presses the inflation of this and other products. Supposedly they are caring it of The States. We don't know if it is another vengeance because people whisk denied him the vote, but people of the PAN, it has let that the ‘bolillo’ and the ‘telera’ Mexican bread that were sold now in 1.20 pesos by piece are sold at 1.50, what represents an increase of 25 percent. The piece of sweet bread cost 5 pesos went up 50 cents. And it is that 70 percent of the flour is of import. In the days that have lapsed of August they have increased of price, besides the bread, the fuels, the tortilla, and the restaurants service. In some snooty ones a compound breakfast for coffee, fruit, or juice and eggs country cost, near 200 pesos more! Until the last day of their administration Calderon is making an effort to honor the title of “president of the employment." Now it is the Africa where it is taking well-being, giving occupation to farmers' thousands that sawed corn transgenic thanks to that Mexico became its main importer of corn, of agreement with the information given by the Service of Information South African of Grains. In the first week of this month we care 93 thousand metric tons of white corn, but in the previous months, in the season that concluded in April we already had bought a million 160 thousand tons. Africa comes now to displace The States, due to the drought that has desolated the American fields. In this context the duty of the State is that it can be reinserted in the fundamental links of the chain of alimentary production -beginning with the support to the small agricultural producers -, to contain, its capacity to fix guarantee prices and to strengthen the chains of popular supply. To leave to their luck the population's alimentary necessities for the sake of a fundamentalism of free market, it finishes being much more expensive, mainly in poor countries as ours, not only in economic terms, but also as for governability, political stability and social peace. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6–15, 15 de August de 2012).

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