viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The reformation labor Mexican

National It is demanded to discard this reformation for prejudicial to the workers The reformation labor Mexican By: Carlos Damian September 15, 2012 The Lozano initiative increases more the inequality and poverty of the Mexican Mexico. – The federal executive makes be worth his ability of “preferable initiative", seeking at the end of his six years time to impose his notebook legislative to the Congress, with which forces to the Chamber of Deputies to rule in 30 natural days, on this contra-reform of neoliberal character; once out this term the initiative should pass to the full one for its approval or rejection. The workers consider that to legislate for the road of the 'fast track', is an authoritarian and Fascist action that runs over the rights of all the Mexicans, all time that is required of a wide analysis by the magnitude and the reaches of this labor initiative, it debates, reflection and construction of consents, in the first place of the workers to which it is sought to exclude to the most representative organizations in the productive sectors. It is a fallacy to think that the current normative mark is a shirt of force that doesn't allow us to grow, neither to create new employees, and it is insisted on affirming that with the reformation them “the productivity, the generation of wealth will increase and there will be bigger labor justice", more the reality promotes false expectations to the workers, saying that these “they are the main beneficiaries of the proposal". Its arguments of mud are false; all time that they are and they will be the managers the directly favored ones with this reformations, also, the normative elements are the spring for the generation of the demand of products and of goods and services, as well as the equal payment of taxes, they are the measures that would impel the creation of new well remunerated work positions. In the same way Felipe Calderon Hinojosa initiative (FCH) it seeks flexibility the recruiting and dismissal norms, settling down the periods for training, of test or of temporary work; as well as they form of more flexible payment, as the payment of hours, it facilitates the dismissal, when limiting the payment of fallen wages to a single year, they are added causal of dismissal without responsibility of notifying to the ceased worker personally, and without responsibility for the pattern with minimum costs and bigger simplicity; this way it would be attacked the stability of the employment directly. With these precepts they give a total and absolute power to the bosses to foment the unjustified dismissal and to leave in the total defenseless to the workers. It also proposes changes in the picture regulatory of the labor conflicts, establishing abilities to the government to put an end to the strikes by means of the obligatory arbitration for the unions and their workers; it reinforces the government interference in the union organizations, it looks for to limit the strike right, with the purpose that the labor unemployment don't extend beyond one year and that the productivity and not the experience is the element fundamental to obtain a labor place of base or the promotion of to classify them of agreement according to their degree or antiquity. In sum it is attempted against the freedom and the union autonomy. The superficial legalization of the outsourcing it violates the principle of to work equally, same wage and it is not another thing more than a vile lease of people, to all this adds them that the mentioned initiative will bet to the precariousness of the work, to the wage per hour, to the flexibility of the use of the manpower and the dismissals, to the uncertainty in the employment, and to the elimination of facto of the collective recruiting. This initiative defenseless not only labor rights, but also attentive against the human rights. They are measured that smash the spirit of the article 123 of the Constitution. This initiative will affect since from a more serious way to the women they imply bigger labor precariousness and uncertainty, joined to the days that carry out, in the productive and reproductive work. It is reiterated that our country needs to generate wealth and not to continue administering misery; if the workers don't have security in our employments and a worthy wage will never recover the internal market, today desolated by the neoliberal politicians that have been applied for thirty years, and we refer to the government of Miguel de la Madrid of the PRI. Before this grievous scenario for all the Mexican workers, to the workers from Mexico they are made exhort to unite our resources, our force, our influence, and our convocation capacity to prevent that the neoliberal pretense is summed up of annulling the conquests and the workers' historical rights. In the current moment there is not current space there is not space for the marginal or the immobility and for that reason it is summoned to fight to all the salary earners organized in independent and not independent unions together. The workers in no way authenticate since those that are seeking to bury our demands and historical rights, of being approved that initiative he will go them bad to all the Mexicans, and on all the new generations. You can impel in a second moment the construction of a consent proposal with the main union forces a consent proposal with the main union forces and with the participation of the workers to promote an authentic reformation of the world of the work that democratizes and the productive systems that it recovers the centrality of the gender perspective that stimulates the training and qualification along the labor life, be modernized and for that path, jointly with innovation and the technological development, their productivity and their competitiveness in the global world. A competitive economy should not be sustained in precarious wages, but in competitive productive systems that articulate the capacities of companies, workers and government efficiently, in a democracy climate and union freedom. (La Jornada, economia, p. 16, September 10, 2012).

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