lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

The IMSS in the gully of the financing

Infested by bad managing
The IMSS in the gully of the financing
By: Carlos Damián March 3, 2011
The line is to disappear to the national social security system
México. - The Audit superior of the federation (ASF, in Spanish) proven that the innovations introduced by the Mexican Institute of Security Social (IMSS, in Spanish) for the purchase of medicines generates to you savings, though part of that "profit" is lost by administrative deficiencies, that go from lack of effective mechanisms of control to avoid thefts, exits of medicine - drugs without the sustenance of a medical recipe and even, in some instances, by product procurements whose prices are superior to the paid additionally institutions of the health sector. On December of 2010 were tried to 3 million to pensioned people: 43 percent they are women with average age of 62 years and 56 percent they are men with average age of 65.1 years.

The pressure that will exercise on the institutional expenses, insists the report: "It will be significance” for the increase in the life hope and because they present frequently chronic diseases -degenerative high-cost and intense use of the medical services. Include a paragraph on the pensioned to the those which considers that "survive to the withdrawal 20 years in average and will grow at a constant rate of 2.5 percent annual in real terms during 100 projection years. In 2010, the cost obtained general average was of 982.4 dollars annual ". (p. p. 261-262).

The economic destruction of the IMSS
The official vision total with out of to finance to the IMSS is completed with the high-cost diseases and the RJP (in Spanish). In this follow-up of the report indicates that there are diseases to those which consider of "high cost": "in 2050 the medical expense that must be destined for treatment diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and renal insufficiency would be greater to wait for 2011 in 439, 502, and 1.224 percent respectively. The derivative from the cancer cervique - uterine would be increased between 2011 and 205 in 372 percent, while the corresponding to VIH and cancer of sucks would increase in 316 and 347 percent". (p. 38).

In the officials context nominate by Fox (Vicente) and after in the administration of Calderon (Felipe), by more than 10 years have reiterated that, as lending of services and managing, the IMSS "faces as principal problem" the passive occupational of the pensions and pensions regime of its working. That passive has increased in the last 11 years in annual average 9.7 percent of the GIP. (P. 170). Such is as the federal administrations have built of form mediatic, in the two last six years of administrations federal a "crisis "institutional as screen of the scandalous fraud of the Zedillo’s reform that it has been destroying step by step to the IMSS from 1995. In the current administration of the PAN, the wages of the high officials of the IMSS are the highest of the history, however the services that grants the IMSS to its successors are the worse granted to the clients.
The IMSS loses saves in purchase of drugs
The Audit Superior of the Federation (ASF) found that by the exit of 38 thousand 56 medicine pieces with value of 1.33 million of dollars was not the support in the individual and collective recipes to prove that they were delivered to working or to some of the services of the hospitals. Of the analysis of the data base of the medicines that the IMSS awarded in the exercise 2010, the ASF determined that bought 78 code- key of medicines with the same characteristic that other health institution, but with a difference of price against the IMSS by almost 9.53 million of dollars.

Also it detected that the IMSS omitted to apply administrative sanctions by 25.13 thousand dollars to the suppliers that incurred in no fulfillments of the contract and arrears in the medicines delivery, by reasons of this type, the General Hospital of the CMN "La Raza" must have applied fines to providing four by 30.87 thousand dollars and not made it. In this context we have worst administrations with high wages in dollars and the IMSS is presented harassed by obligations millionaires and without exit, unfinanced for the ' Zedillo’s reform’, and now the current general director wants to liquidate to 319 thousand working, the question is, also it is included Valdemar Gutierrez Fregoso.

Is worth the trouble to give follow-up to the destination of the IMSS, to participate in the discussion of refinancing to the national health institute, to wait that the legislators act of agreement to the constitutional first article and favor supporting to the Mexicans and the candidates to president that they are so hurried by: to recapture foreign companies as the CAF-railroad; to recapture to the corporative of Coppel; to the cement company national CEMEX; for selling Pemex to foreign investors; the black fiber that was sold in a trinket to TELEVISA; and, the system of health and national hygiene, where it is? It is asks, to which of the candidates to president? Who is interested in recapturing to the IMSS?

The candidates to president of the PRI and PAN They don’t let of repeating worn-out and known formulations from thirty years ago, they outlined to favor to the oligarchy, to the system factice national and to foreign investors. To who interests to them the hundreds in Mexicans’ dead by the flue due A/H1N1, the VIH, cancer cervique - uterine, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and renal insufficiency, and other degenerative chronic diseases in the national area? No candidate is interested in the Health and Assistance Secretariat (SSA, in Spanish) that manufactures vaccines for the national health system. In this direction the candidates that all dream offers and all hope talk in its conferences could intervene on matters that actually interest to the citizens in this country, as the health and the hygiene in the citizens and their families. (La Jornada, opinion, p.p. 14 - 22, February 18, 2012).

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